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Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Ranger station Bravo
FNV Ranger Station Bravo
Icon military
Ranger Station Bravo loc
Map MarkerRanger Station Bravo
FactionsNew California Republic
New California Republic Rangers
QuestsReturn to Sender
Cell NameRSBravo
ref id000ddca7

Ranger station Bravo is a location in the Mojave Wasteland, located northeast of the Bitter Springs Recreation Area.


The station is located on the highlands northeast of Bitter Springs Recreation Area. This frontier NCR Ranger station forms its first line of defense,[1] placed to monitor Legion activity on the strip of the Colorado River known as "The Narrows." Ensuring that any attempt to circle around Lake Mead[2] and attack the exposed northern flanks of the Republic is intercepted and reported. Although the fortifications itself – a collection of reinforced metal and wood walls, truck containers, and cargo pods arranged in a defensive pattern – is designed to keep the nearby feral ghouls out.[3]

Due to interference, the station constantly receives ammunition shipments, rather than a steady supply of water. If Ranger Ericsen clears the player, Tilden will give them 30 .357 magnum rounds and a good amount of 5.56mm rounds, as long as they have a positive reputation.

The forces of this station are completely unaware of the loss of Camp Guardian. Believing it to be simple radio trouble.[1]


The station is built around a radio mast, out of scrap and ruined vehicles. Overturned dump trucks serve as makeshift buildings housing the necessary amenities, while old truck trailers provide storage space and living quarters. Ranger Ericsen is in command here, with Ranger Tilden handling communications.


All Rangers detect disguises.

Notable loot[]



  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 A gap in collision markers west of the camp allows a patient player to glitch beyond them and explore the landscape beyond, including reaching Fortification Hill and even the Legate's Camp before they are unlocked.


Ranger station Bravo appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Courier: "What do you do out here?"
    Tilden: "This is the frontier of NCR territory, and we're the first line of defense. You won't find much in the way of civilization east of here. South of here is Camp Guardian, but they've been having radio trouble so they've been silent for awhile now."
    (Tilden's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What do you do out here?"
    Ericsen: "We're here to make sure the Legion doesn't try to sneak around Lake Mead and come at NCR from another direction."
    (Ericsen's dialogue)
  3. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.360-361: "[3.09] Ranger Station Bravo
    In the highlands northeast of Bitter Springs [3.08] is a collection of reinforced metal and wood walls, truck containers, and cargo pods arranged in a defensive pattern, designed to keep the nearby Ghouls out. Run by Ranger Ericsen and Comm Officer Tilden, the NCR are watching Legion activity on the strip of the Colorado River known as "The Narrows." You can take Purified Water here, but the Ammunition won't be hauled away without a fight!"
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
NCR Ranger stations