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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki

This page lists all Railroad HQ terminals.

Tinker Tom's Terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on Tinker Tom's desk.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Property of Tinker Tom - Ultra Violet Security

Decoding Institute Tech[]

Note: This entry is only available if xxxxx.


If you're reading this, the telemetry off my biological implant went night-night. So to my hopefully worthy successor, you got to know about the Circuit Analyzer.

It's my life's work on reverse engineering Institute tech. The Circuit Analyzer's got built in all the tricks I picked up on scanning their chips and circuit boards. So plug her in and let Tinker Tom's patented decryption algorithms hold your hand from there.

Assuming it's not booby-trapped and blows up in your face, it'll download the data into a holotape. Their tech is constantly evolving so in time you'll have to make updates to my baby.

Keep my brothers and sisters safe. Tinker Tom out.

Active hypotheses[]


1. Nano-Blood
2. Atmosphere/Baxter
3. Aliens are REAL!
4. Our own Bessy
5. Deacon / Time Travel Conjecture*
6. Mutating Water Theory

If I really were a time traveler would I let a timeline exist where you knew I knew? -D

Disproved theories[]


(for now, at least)

1. Center of Earth Black Hole
2. 90% Synth Infiltration
3. Nuka Cola Strawberry
4. Monty's Theory

Field test log[]


Spikes delivering enough kinetic energy to be well into the lethal range. But cooling unit keeps failing. Melted three times. Treated Terry for 1st degree burns. Got the reload time down with liquid nitrogen. Delayed for Terry's hypothermia treatment. Upped velocity - can't find the spike. Getting close, I can feel it.

PAM Mainframe Terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located in the room with P.A.M.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
PAM Maintenance Interface

Access records[]


Access restricted to entity designated Railroad-Alpha.
End token: I'm sorry, have a nice day!

Note: These entries are only accessible if the player progresses far enough in the quest line or has the override card.

Wyatt (66-73)[]

Creation Kit ID

2266 Nov[]


Gathered surviving runners, held an election. I lost, or won, depending on how you look at it. After the HQ massacre, most people simply left the Railroad. Only one person survived HQ, a runner named John D. He called out for volunteers to get some of the old files. No one stepped forward.

My job is to rebuild the Railroad from scratch. I think where Agamemnon went wrong, is that HQ was known by too many people. I'm theorizing here, but once the Institute hit a safehouse and leaned on anyone the HQ would be easy to find. But how could Agamemnon know just how deadly those damned Coursers are?

Current count: 13. 0 synths.

How the hell do we rebuild from here?

2267 Feb[]


Got our first synth out of the Commonwealth last month. Threw one Hell of a party.

What people don't know is another runaway was recaptured by the Coursers before we even got to them.

John D has been finding tourists at a pretty good clip. But he keeps their identities to himself. Operational security he calls it. It makes me grind my teeth, but he's probably right. I think our whole organization needs to be more like a pyramid. A broad base of tourists that help out, mainly with information. Then the runners and safehouse owners in the middle. Then agents. Then HQ on top of that.

2273 Mar[]


A whole work crew of synths escaped together. Five synths at once. We're scrambling to keep them hidden. Coursers have been spotted looking for them. They found one of our safehouses, but no one there knew where our HQ is. John developed a dead drop system we've been using.

Some vocal elements (Toby) say we should shut down. But that's a year and half worth of synths.

Pinky (73-77)[]

Creation Kit ID

2273 Dec[]


I just found Wyatt's journal. For whoever runs this outfit in the future, I figure you should know how we messed up.

We were running the Workgroup Five out of the CW when Coursers found our HQ. Total shitstorm. Deacon (that's what he's calling himself now) had an escape route planned, and most of the survivors owe him their life. Wyatt didn't make it past the first hail of bullets.

Something everyone should know: if one safehouse goes down assume that all Hell's coming for your ass, because it probably is. Always, always, ALWAYS assume the Institute has resources beyond what we can imagine.

From now on only the heavies leave HQ. And we got to move our packages fast. This slow crap hurts more than it helps.

2275 Jun[]


Damn it. We got two synths, or packages as we're calling them now, out of the CW. Running the 3rd and a Raider gang caught them. Total blood bath.

P.K. almost lost his package near Danvers, too. I kicked Deacon out of HQ, got sick of the lying, face-changing son of a bitch. That month he spent as a Ghoul freaked a lot of people out.

Going to keep running hard.

2276 Jan[]


Lesson: move all packages outside the Commonwealth.

Lamda 8 homesteaded off Parsons. She got married to a farmer. Coursers found her and it got bloody. Lost Lamda 8. Her wife almost bit the bucket, too.

Courser spotted heading south (with company). Watts volunteered to track them.

2276 Sep[]


Desdemona is a real pain in the ass. Keeps harping on every little damned thing. Worse than Deacon and Carrington combined.

We lost a safehouse and went to ground. SOP. Desdemona says I'm being sloppy. I'm getting sick and tired of leading these misfits.

Desdemona (77-)[]

Creation Kit ID

2277 Dec[]


After we lost Trinity, Pinky Thompson stepped down. It took some persuasion. We held a vote on who should run the Railroad. It came down to me and Carrington. Might be a problem there.

The doctor, Deacon, and I have been analyzing the many, many mistakes of Pinky. Our "batting average" is roughly 50/50. Only a few synths a year make it out. It's hard to keep motivated when failure is so epidemic.

We're going to hit the fundamentals: operational security. Look outs, counter-intelligence, and compartmentalization. We need to reduce the response time to find a new synth runner.



2 escapees. 1 loss. 2 reclaimed before interception.

Added a new member to core HQ. Thomas Weatherby. An Institute grenade did a number on his family farm. He's rattled but very, very smart. Hoping he can arm us with something better than pipe pistols.

Organization grown. Devised rail signs and improvements to dead drops. No Coursers spotted all year. Merry Christmas.



One of our rescues, G7-81, took a strange turn. Most synths are traumatized and go through the procedure with Doc A. G7 opted out. Begged to join. Did some crazy stunts with High Rise at Ticon.

Called her into the HQ. Promoted "Glory" to heavy. She's well suited for the role (perhaps too much so).

Been working with Tom. Brilliant, but he's getting increasingly eccentric. Carrington says the stress is causing severe psychological problems. But he's too damned essential. God help me, I'm keeping him on.

2 escapes. No losses. 1 reclaimed. Quiet year. Less chrome domes in the field than the last two years. No idea why.



Where to begin?

Year started like shit. Coursers came out of nowhere. They found the Farm, lookouts only gave us 30 seconds of warning. Torched what we could, casualties light.

Relocated to the Beast. Then one of the B team scouts, Tommy Whispers, made the find of the century. An old DIA facility, "Switchboard." Called him up to HQ (overdue), Glory's taken him under his wing (God help him). Tom relocated to the Switchboard or Facility X as he calls it. Then he sent an urgent message.

My first meeting with P.A.M... Can't describe. She made some predictions, frighteningly accurate. Asked for data. Started feeding it to her. Very reluctant to help the cause. But after a long talk with Glory she's on board. No one knows what Glory said to PAM. Deacon jokes that PAM has a crush on Glory. Certainly PAM acts different when she's around. But there's nothing emotional about PAM.

With PAM's prediction managed to anticipate a run-away.

Year ended badly. We had a synth infiltrator at Mercer. Deacon caught her before P.A.M. But damage done. Blew the Beast and moved to Bolthole. Only an hour to spare before the Coursers came.

2 escapees, 1 loss, 0 reclaims.



Promoted Tommy to be our second heavy. Tom made him a custom pistol, the kid's frightening with it. P.A.M. has us running strange ops for data. She's not always right, but right enough to be a trap. Too tempting to rely on her predictions. One day Deacon recommended moth-balling her. Took an hour to talk him down.

2 escapees. Not many runners this year.



One word: PATRIOT.

Our second package of the year was different from the start. Didn't behave lost. Ran in a straight line to Diamond City. Old Man Stockton caught her before she caused too many waves. She wasn't supposed to be on the work detail and had a care package: a map, instructions, and a coded holotape. Tom's been useless all year trying to decode the damned thing.

Third package went straight to Diamond City again. Set up Old Man Stockton as the gatekeeper. Then a fourth came in after a week. All with care packages. All with more codes. Someone on the inside is helping us. Code-name PATRIOT.

All told 5 escapees this year.



An incredible year. Everything's coming together. Tom broke PATRIOT's code, said it was designed to be broken (whatever that means). Just two words, "Mass Fusion." Sent some recon there and found nothing. Found out later why.

PAM's been trying to find the location of the Institute in earnest. Failing. Deacon's convinced the solution lies in the past, not future. Deacon already knows the big secret - we know nothing about the Railroad before Wyatt was in charge (or is Deacon Johnny D???).

Deacon's been digging into Institute sightings from years, even decades before. Or at least, that's what he says. Getting really tired of all his lies.

Coursers caught Package 7. Almost nailed Old Man Stockton, too. One of our scouts found Package 8 heading to Mass Fusion. The coded message he carried was another location, Prospect Hill.

8 escapees this year, 1 loss, 1 reclaimed.



Busy. We're in Switchboard now. Bolthole went down on fire. Coursers getting very active. But, by God, we're rescuing synths. 9-2-1. Both of those 2 were from goddamned lynch mobs.



A dry year. Coursers, work crews, and synths vanished for three months. No idea why. Worked on fortifying Switchboard. Deacon was barely here all year. Chasing ghosts.




PAM's errored out on trying to find the Institute. Took a good month to get her to run without crashing. Her being down hurt the numbers.

We now have 12 safehouses and I don't even know how many people. Carrington worries we're getting too big. But in order to move all the synths PATRIOT's sending us we need places to hide them.

Deacon working on secret project. Code name Wanderer. Deacon has a wild theory and an even wilder plan (Tea Party). I agree there's something strange there, but I'm withholding judgement.


Latest prediction models[]


Access restricted to entity designated Railroad-Alpha.
End token: I'm sorry, have a nice day!

Enter Institute Report[]

Note: This is only accessible if you meet PATRIOT and start preparing the uprising.


Institute Report - 01

Though it wasn't a certainty, thankfully the Signal Interceptor worked. When I materialized I found myself in an empty room.

...Z1-14 can get the thirteen synths in place, but in order for them to make it to the teleporter PATRIOT needs the username and password for v1 of CIT's Code Defender.

End of report.

Preliminary analysis of new data commencing...
Analysis complete.
Booting H/M interace.
"Please consult with P.A.M. immediately, agent. Thank you!"

Ticonderoga terminal[]

Note: This xxxxx terminal is located xxxxx.

Tourist reports[]


The Gentleman: Maintaining loose surveillance. Nothing new.

Big Cheese: Being very careful. Interactions with Red are suspicious. Strange hours being kept. Definitely abnormal behavior. Separate report will be filed.

Snowbird: Bread crumbs in place. Need Snowbird's code name from HQ. Would make it easier to track movements. I got a theory.

Tangerine: Want to call it quits here. Relapse of chem addiction. All abnormalities explained. Almost certainly not an infiltrator.

Jukebox: Well-positioned. Plays it close to the vest. Confirmed 2 Switchboard agents were there before lights out. May be dangerous to dig deeper. Suggest we avoid.

Camper: Going to back up D. Camper's daughter is gone. All the signs point to an enemy job. Spoiling for revenge. Possible suicide risk, need to move fast. We need new agents.

Saved message[]



Don't get me wrong, G gets results. But this close to origin we don't always need things shot to pieces. D's too busy and besides with all the nearby activity I need a real heavy. What about TW? Someone new? That last job attracted half of Cambridge to our location. Advise.

- HR

Courser Chip Data[]

Creation Kit ID



