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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout faction overhaul project
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For an overview of raiders in the Fallout universe, see raiders.
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This page is about the raider faction appearing in Fallout 3. For the raider character, see Raider (Fallout 3).
Capital Wasteland Raiders
Notable MembersLag-Bolt Broken SteelGametitle-FO3 BS
Ryan Brigg
Smiling Jack
HeadquartersEvergreen Mills
Notable LocationsBethesda ruins
Charnel house
Chaste Acres Dairy Farm
Cliffside cavern
Fairfax ruins
Kaelyn's Bed & Breakfast
MDPL mass relay station
Montgomery County Reservoir
SatCom Array NN-03d
Springvale School
The raid shack
Wheaton Armory
Relations and associations
Related EntitiesSlavers

Raiders take whatever they want, whenever they want, and their favorite pastimes are torture and murder.

Fallout 3 loading screen

Raiders are groups of hostile, roving, gangs in the Capital Wasteland in 2277.


The raiders of the Capital Wasteland are mostly hostile, lawless, chem-addled ruffians who roam the wastes of the Washington, D.C. area. They are encountered in small groups and are armed with a fairly wide range of weaponry. They often carry low caliber pistols, .32 hunting rifles, sawed-off shotguns as well as melee weapons and grenades. At higher levels, they begin to carry 10mm submachine guns, R91 assault rifles, combat shotguns, and even some big guns, like the missile launcher and flamer. Very rarely, one may even be found carrying a gatling laser, likely taken off dead Brotherhood Outcasts. They can occasionally be found hunting with guard dogs as well. All raiders wear some form of raider armor.[1]


Raider territory tends to be marked with spray-painted symbols and mutilated bodies hung up with meat hooks on chains. These symbols include a green-blue circle with the number 21 in the middle, a "FUCK YOU" written in blood and a colorful mushroom cloud.


Raiders have no alliances with other factions and will attack everyone but other raiders or slavers. They appear to be quite cruel, as places they inhabit are usually filled with the mutilated bodies of other raiders and wastelanders, implying that they torture captured enemies and occasionally their own. The raider sadist armor is equipped with several dismembered hands that the raider has kept as trophies. Raiders appear to show no mercy even toward each other; one raider mentions killing one of his own just to make him shut up. Raiders also show very little respect for new recruits, as shown by conversations with one another.

Behind the scenes[]

Icon cut contentThe following is based on Fallout 3 cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

Raiders may have been intended to become friendly towards players based on their Karma at some point during development. Raiders are set as Allied with another, mostly unused faction, RaiderFriendFaction. The description for this faction is "Used for Very Evil players".

Icon cut contentEnd of information based on Fallout 3 cut content.

See also[]


Raiders appear in Fallout 3


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.42: "Raiders
    Chaos and anarchy. Or if you prefer, anarchy and chaos. Raiders revel in both. Numerous Raider groups dot the wasteland. Most are no more than a handful of people scraping out a living by preying on anything weaker than them. They have no driving purpose or goal, other than to live to see tomorrow and raise as much hell as possible today.
    The largest known band of Raiders has set up a crude city in Evergreen Mills. This well-defended canyon gives them a base of operations. Rumor has it they trade with Slavers, selling their captives for cash."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)