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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Raid shack
Fo3 Raid Shack
Icon unmarked
The Raid Shack loc
Map MarkerNone (nearest: Bethesda ruins)
Cell NameFFRaiderCamp19 (exterior)
zFFRaiderCamp19House (interior)
ref id00001822 (exterior)
000c90e4 (interior)

The raid shack is an unmarked location, which is seen to be a pre-War house that has been taken over by a group of raiders, now used as their base of operations in the local area. The raid house can be found due east of the Bethesda ruins, north of the Chryslus building, and south of the Wheaton armory.



There are two raiders outside, patrolling the front of the house. There is also a small worn trailer with two ammunition boxes and Buffout just to the right, beyond the entrance. On the opposite side of the yard there is a table with various items and one ammunition box. Another ammunition box is further under the table, and hard to spot.


Inside, there are three to four raiders (level dependent), one of which carries a flamer, and another raider who wields the unique combat knife, Stabhappy.

Upon entering, heading downstairs is where the kitchen and living room are, while heading upstairs, is where the master bedroom, kids' bedroom, and a bathroom can be found.

Notable loot[]


  • The mailbox in front of the shack, just southwest of the front door, is rigged with explosives.
  • As Yao guais spawn in the area, there is a chance that the raiders will be found fighting one, or dead, by the time that the Lone Wanderer stumbles upon the shack.


The raid shack appears only in Fallout 3.

