The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Radio studio
FOS Radio 1-1
FOS Radio 1-2
FOS Radio 1-3
EffectAttracts new dwellers from the wasteland.
Requires20 dwellers
Game tile Fallouit Shelter
Game tile Fallouit Shelter

The radio studio is a room that can be constructed in Fallout Shelter.


Radio stations attract new dwellers from the wasteland, and can increase population happiness within the vaults. Vault dwellers that operate a radio station, will want a heightened Charisma score, in order to make the best use of these rooms.

Mbox stub
Section needed
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Room building and upgrading info
Image Room Name Cost Description Number of occupants


Each time the vault door is opened, at a certain stage in the game, will result in a high chance of attack by deathclaw. Because of this, attracting vault dwellers through the use of a radio studio, can be a very dangerous prospect, should the overseer not be prepared.
