The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
This page is about the location that appears in the Capital Wasteland. For the pre-War company, see Radiation King (company).
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
This article is within the scope of the Fallout 3 locations project. This project is dedicated to standardizing Fallout 3 location articles. If you want to participate, please check the project page.
Radiation King
Fo3 RK Ext
Fo3 RK Int
Icon unmarked
Radiation King (location) loc
Map MarkerNone (nearest: Georgetown West, local: Radiation King)
Part ofGeorgetown
Cell NamezGeorgetownRadiationKing
ref id00061f8d

Radiation King is a location in Fallout 3.


Residing in Georgetown located next to A Cuppa Joe and Cornucopia Fresh Groceries, there can be super mutants as well as Talon Company mercs in the nearby area. Upon entering all that can be seen of the store is a small one room area with a bathroom. It is inhabited by a scavenger with a ham radio and a jukebox.

The scavenger buys/sells items and can repair your gear, although his repair skill is only 12. He can be killed with a negative effect on karma and his wares looted, however, stealing the food is considered theft and will also result in karma loss. Everything else is not owned and can be taken freely.



The Radiation King appears only in Fallout 3.
