The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon info
This is a lore summary, presenting intradiegetic or in-universe information about the subject. For game characteristics and similar data, consult the table on the right.
Game-specific articles
Fallout 2RadAway
Fallout 3RadAway
FO: New VegasRadAway
Fallout 4RadAway
Fallout 76RadAway, RadAway: diluted
Fallout ShelterRadAway
FO TacticsRadAway
Gametitle-FO1Gametitle-FO2Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FO4Gametitle-F76Game tile Fallouit ShelterGametitle-FOT

RadAway is a consumable item in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout Shelter, and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel.


F76 RadAway Wrapper

RadAway pre-War wrapper

One of the marvels of pre-War medical science, RadAway is a biomedical solution designed to bond with radioactive particles and remove them from the user's system.[1] It effectively purges the body of radiation, but has nasty side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, stomach pains, and headaches.[2][3][4] It has to be applied intravenously to work, making it a scary prospect for those afraid of needles.[5][6]



Chem RadAway

The standardized variant of RadAway, available in a variety of packagings throughout the wasteland.

RadAway: diluted[]

Gameplay article:

A diluted version of RadAway.


  1. Fallout demo, Fallout, and Fallout 2 item description: "{4800}{}{RadAway}"
    "{4801}{}{A chemical solution that bonds with radiation particles and passes them throughyour system. Takes time to work.}"
    (PRO ITEM.MSG (demo), PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout), PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2))
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "I'll take Rad-Away."
    Henry Casdin: "Can't stand this stuff, myself. Goes through me like a rampaging Brahmin."
    (Henry Casdin's dialogue)
  3. Charlie: "{128}{}{Damn Rad-Away gives me the runs...}"
  4. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.5-18: "If you have been exposed to large amounts of radiation, then use RadAway to remove the radiation from your system. It won’t feel good, but better a headache and some stomach problems for a couple of days than the long term effects of nuclear radiation! RadAway takes a little while to work."
  5. RadAway addiction image.
  6. Fallout Official Survival Guide p.124: "RadAway: Used after you have taken radiation damage, this drug will remove some of the contamination from your system. It takes time for the effects to work. There is a chance of developing an addiction to this drug."