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The REPCONN headquarters terminals are a collection of terminal entries from REPCONN headquarters in Fallout: New Vegas.
Note: This wall terminal is located next to the door to the Robot Recharge and Security Office in the Entrance Foyer. It is locked Average.
SoftLock Solutions, Inc
"Your Security is Our Security"
>\ Welcome, USER
Disengage Lock[]
Note: Accessing this command unlocks the door to the Robot Recharge and Security Office.
> Clearance granted, Unlocking...
Note: This desk terminal is located on the cornered desk in the Robot Recharge and Security Office. It is locked Average.
REPCONN Security Terminal
Add user Facial Data To Database[]
Note: Accessing this command ... .
> Facial data added for first floor access.
Inter-office Correspondence #345759[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3457593
To: All REPCONN Employees
From: Piers Isley, General Manager
Hello again everyone,
Those of you in the main building may be curious about the men doing all the work in your offices and hallways. They are installing some enhanced security measures. These measures are in place for your safety as well as the safety and privacy of your REPCONN family. Along with the hardware and software security changes, each of you will also receive a personnel packet with a identification badge. It is very important that you wear your badge at all times. Again this is for everyone's protection.
Oh and everyone feel free to take a long weekend as soon as you have received your personnel packet.
Have a great holiday!
> Opening Message...
Inter-office Correspondence #345776[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3457762
To: All REPCONN Corporate Employees
From: Carl Rook, Vice President
Hello Everyone,
My name is Carl Rook, as I'm sure you can tell. I'm your new Vice President. Until recently I was at RobCo, working in their security division, but now that your family and my family are one big family, we thought it would be nice if they sent an older sibling over. Now I'm going to do as much as I can not to interfere with your daily operations here, my principal concern is going to be security.
I hear that you all have been adapting well to some new security procedures. Well we've got some new kids to join your little family here. You'll see some friendly androids patrolling around the main building. As long as everyone remembers to wear their badges at all times and make sure they are properly registered with security, these friendly androids will stay out of your way. So as long as you all keep on as you have been, everything will be just fine.
Thanks for your time,
PS: Please remember that third floor access is for executives only. If you need assistance from me or Piers, feel free to give us a buzz on the phone and we'll send you down the daily password. Thanks!
> Opening Message...
Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the Northeast Server Control. It is locked Very Easy.
Good day Ms. Wang
Add User Facial Data To Database[]
Note: Accessing this command ... .
> Facial data added for second floor access.
Inter-office Correspondence #3457785[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3458648
To: Carl Rook, Vice President
From: Sara Wang, Information Systems
I've made some progress decrypting the packets. From what I can tell someone is sending progress messages to a secure offsite server somewhere. Were I to venture a guess, I would say that the messages are going to Poseidon, but I don't have enough proof to make a serious claim.
> Opening Message...
Inter-office Correspondence #3458631[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3458631
To: Carl Rook, Vice President
From: Sara Wang, Information Systems
Mr. Rook,
For the last couple weeks I have seen a higher than usual rate of encrypted messages leaving the facility here. These messages use an unusual encryption protocol that I haven't seen before, I'm fairly certain that it isn't a DoD approved method. I fear that these messages may be a sign of someone sending insider information.
Sara Wang
> Opening Message...
Inter-office Correspondence #3458642[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3458642
To: Sara Wang, Information Systems
From: Carl Rook, Vice President
Mrs. Wang,
Please continue your investigation into the messages, and keep me appraised on any progress you make. In the meantime please keep this information private. I will make sure the appropriate parties are informed.
And please, call me Carl.
> Opening Message...
Inter-office Correspondence #3458648[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3457785
To: IT Services
From: Carl Rook, Vice President
I will need someone to come over, as soon as possible, and clear the old Vice President's data off of this terminal, as well as reformat it with my personal information.
Thank you,
Carl Rook
> Opening Message...
Note: This terminal is located on a desk in the East Office. It is locked Hard.
REPCONN Badge Processing
Print Executive Security Badge[]
Note: Accessing this command adds the REPCONN Third Floor Security Card to the Couriers inventory keyring.
> Executive Security Badge Printed
Inter-office Correspondence #3262725[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3262725
To: All REPCONN Staff
From: Piers Isley, General Manager
I am sad to inform you that, after many years of loyal service, Leonard Steeple has stepped down from his position at REPCONN. We wish him the best of luck in all of his future endeavors.
For the time being, Julia Masters will be overseeing Leonard's departments. Department heads will be meeting with her later today.
Thank you all for your time.
Piers Isley, General Manager REPCONN
> Opening Message...
Note: This terminal is located on the cornered desk in the Hacker's Office. It is locked Easy.
Good day Ms. Masters
Encrypted Message[]
Note: Accessing this entry adds Encrypted message to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
To: *@%!@#--!
From: @#%@!%
I've managed to get the password to Isley's computer. I'll forward it to you with the release notes to the Q-35. The prototype is going to be stopping here on its way to the Department of Defense. You should be able to intercept it on the road.
> Decoding Message...
Q-35 Release Notes[]
Note: Accessing this entry adds Matter modulator project to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
Project: Quantum Plasma Modulation Matter Injection Rifle
Version: 32
Status: Failure
Notes: While v.32 didn't have the power yield of the v.31 or v.30, we managed to increase the stabilization threshold by approximately 27.35%. This is promising, however we still have yet to come up with a solution for the matter inversion issues.
Version: 33
Status: Failure
Notes: Lab destroyed. Data Lost.
Version: 34
Status: Failure
Notes: Interesting. I'm not sure where we got this data from, it is a completely different direction from what we've been working on. We managed to cycle the matter inversion using a polarized quantum spin. I think that we solved the issue with the Compensation field, I have high hopes for the next weapon.
Version: 35
Status: Success
Notes: That data we received from Xuan did the trick. We managed to get a stable build model. I don't think this weapon is ready for mass production yet, but it should show that we have a working prototype. We should be able to get these issues resolved in a later build.
As you requested, here are the improvements when compared to a standard plasma rifle.
* Prototype materials not suitable for extended field use.
* On average the Q-35 has a higher refire rate, but the time between shots is more consistent.
* Increase in active bolt charge time, accurate at longer ranges.
* Plasma charge has a 30% increase in energy.
> Accessing Records...
Inter-office Correspondence #3262173[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3262173
To: Julia Masters, CFO
From: Leonard Steeple, Vice President
I am sure you have heard by now about RobCo's intentions to buy out our company. In the past you and I have been of like mind when it comes to the moral and financial future of this company. When Poseidon showed interest those years ago, you helped me rally the board in order to keep REPCONN autonomous. I'd like your help again with RobCo.
Piers claims that RobCo is buying shares in the company to force a hostile take-over if we won't sell willingly. I don't believe that they will be able to pull together enough shares without some approval of the board. I think that you and I will be able to sway enough votes to keep the company safe. I hope you will stand with me for this.
> Opening Message...
Inter-office Correspondence #3262178[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3262178
To: Leonard Stteple, Vice President
From: Julia Masters, CFO
I'd stand with you Leo. Give me a few days to try and gather some support from my allies on the board. I've run the numbers, and I'm pretty sure you are right. We can fight this.
> Opening Message...
Inter-office Correspondence #3262719[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3262719
To: Piers Isley, General Manager
From: Julia Masters, CFO
You were right. Leo sent me a message last night. I've made the call to the board. I think with the numbers we are looking at pocketing from the RobCo deal we will have no trouble getting the board to vote no confidence on him.
> Opening Message...
Note: This terminal is located on the counter desk in Leonard Steeple's Office. It is locked Very Hard.
Good day Mr. Steeple
Inter-office Correspondence #3262091[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3262091
To: Leonard Steeple, Vice President
From: Piers Isley, General Manager
It is good to have you back in the office, I hope Lisa is feeling better as well. That was a nasty bug going around, hopefully the kids didn't catch it. Either way it is good to have you back in the office.
While you were out of the office I met with some executives at RobCo. They are very interested in the potential that our organization has been showing, and are making an excellent offer to buy out. I'll have one of my assistants run over with the draft they gave me. Take a look at it and let me know what you think.
> Opening Message...
Inter-office Correspondence #3262099[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3262099
To: Piers Isley, General Manager
From: Leonard Steeple, Vice President
I have no interest in selling my portion of the company to RobCo. We went over this with Poseidon. These companies deal in defense contracts. That isn't what we are about, and isn't something that I'm willing to support.
I'm sending back the package. I'm sure you have a fairly solid idea where I think that you can put it.
Yours Truly,
Leonard Steeple
> Opening Message...
Inter-office Correspondence #3262105[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3262105
To: Leonard Steeple, Vice President
From: Piers Isley, General Manager
I've heard more from my contacts over at RobCo, and it sounds like they've already started buying up some of our public shares. With just a little bit of support from our stockholders and board members, it is not inconceivable that this amicable relationship could turn very hostile.
It is in everyone's best interest if we take this deal while it is still sweet. I don't think that it will stay this way for long.
> Opening Message...
Inter-office Correspondence #3458503[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3458503
To: Xuan Duong, Senior Staff Engineer
From: Carl Rook, Vice President
One of my contacts at Poseidon energy found the specs for the canceled SEMELE plasma rifle. I'm sending them over to your team. From what I can tell they've managed to resolve the matter conversion issue you've been having with the Heisenberg Compensation field. Combined with the data from the sabotaged launch, I think you should have everything you need to complete the Q-35. Colonel Moretti is expecting results with this project, I don't need to tell you what a favorable evaluation from his desk will do for all of our stock portfolios.
> Opening Message...
Disable Robots[]
Note: Accessing this command ... .
> Disabling Security Robots
Note: This terminal is located on the curved counter desk in Piers Isley's Office.
Good day Mr. Isley
Unlock Safe[]
Note: Accessing this command ... .
> Clearance granted, Unlocking...
RE: RobCo[]
To: Piers.Isley_REPCONN
From: Carl Rook
Hello Piers,
Now that things have been set in motion, I am going to be your liaison and point of contact with RobCo. I'll be handling anything that arises during your transition to the RobCo family. My first priority is going to be tightening up your security. As you well know, RobCo handles many classified projects. Because of this, REPCONN will need a large increase to security. I'll be sending over some engineers and security personnel to discreetly install some enhanced security procedures. Most of it will be pretty innocuous, however all employees will be required to wear their security badges at all times.
Please have your people start wearing their badges well in advance of our partnership becoming official. I think it will make the transition easier. None of the security measures will be activated until I arrive on site. Hopefully by then everyone will be comfortable with the new rules.
Thanks for your time,
Carl Rook
> Opening Message...
Inter-office Correspondence #3457477[]
REPCONN Inter-office Correspondence #3457477
To: Steve Reynolds, Launch Facility Project Manager
From: Piers Isley, General Manager
Can you send an e-mail out to your engineers reminding them about our security policies? I'll be sending a message next week about some increase security procedures.
> Opening Message...
Note: This wall terminal is located to next to the door to the Ruined Office and Shipping Room. It is locked Very Hard.
SoftLock Solutions, Inc
"Your Security is Our Security"
>\ Welcome, USER
Disengage Lock[]
Note: Accessing this command ... .
> Clearance granted, Unlocking...
Note: This wall terminal is located to next to the door from the Ruined Office and Shipping Room. It is unlocked.
SoftLock Solutions, Inc
"Your Security is Our Security"
>\ Welcome, USER
Disengage Lock[]
Note: Accessing this command ... .
> Clearance granted, Unlocking...