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Quarry Junction | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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[The deathclaws] moved into the quarry after the Powder Gangers came through and made off with most of our dynamite. We shut the quarry down while we waited for the NCR to get us some more blasting sticks, but now the Deathclaws have shown up. The NCR's a no-show, and my men and I have got nothing to do but sit on our asses all day. It's damn frustrating.
”— Chomps LewisQuarry Junction is a location in the Mojave Wasteland.
The quarry is the primary source of limestone used for mixing cement and concrete used by New California Republic engineers in construction, primarily fortifications against the Legion. The materials mined here are sent to Boulder City for mixing by rail and from there to the various construction sites along the Colorado River. The workers benefit greatly from an old pre-War dragline present on site, which increases their output tremendously. Of course, it needs some percussive maintenance from time to time, but otherwise it performs flawlessy.[1] The only drawback is that workers are paid in NCR's fiat currency, rather than the Hub's bottle caps, backed by water.[2]
The recent NCRCF prison break put a damper in these plans, however, as the Powder Gangers made off with the supply of dynamite used for blasting. To make things worse, deathclaws moved into the quarry after all the noise and human activity subsided. The workers find themselves without work and without prospects for the future. They are waiting for someone to come and help, as they are in no shape to challenge deathclaws.[3] While they were waiting they constructed warning signs around the now (arguably) most dangerous area of the Mojave.[4]
The quarry area is centered around the large tower used for collecting mined limestone, with large open areas that are perfect for long range sniping and deathclaw charges. The area is enclosed by natural hills and limestone deposits that are impossible to climb. The only possible entrances are via the access road off I-15 and through the Great Khan encampment near Goodsprings cemetery.
The deathclaw nest is located to the south, surrounded by young deathclaws and deathclaw babies, protected by a deathclaw alpha male and the deathclaw mother. A small rocky ledge along the edge of the quarry near Sloan provides the perfect sniping position, as it is unreachable to computer-controlled creatures and characters.
Once the pack leaders are slain, the deathclaws will eventually leave the quarry after a few days. However, lone deathclaws may still spawn, though they will be largely replaced by bark scorpions.
Notable loot[]
- Fat Man, near a human skeleton in the southwestern pool of water.
- 2 mini nukes, 1 found just submerged a few feet into the pool of water from the Fat Man, 1 found in the deathclaw Mother deathclaw's den.
- Light machine gun in the deathclaw matriarch's den, along with some ammunition.
- 3 Deathclaw eggs in matriarch's den.
- Super stimpak in matriarch's den.
- 5.56mm rounds in matriarch's den.
Behind the scenes[]
- It seems there was originally going to be more featureshere. Firstly there is the Powder Ganger Hawkins, who it seems had quite a bit of work put into him, including all kinds of scripting and blank dialogue topics. It seems there would be a mini quest to help him escape from the Quarry where he is trapped and being menaced by a deathclaw. He seems to have been involved in the Powder Ganger attack on the town and possibly the Great Khan drug deal. In the final game he is dead and has no dialogue if revived. His AI packages show what would have happened: He would be trapped in place by a deathclaw by the crane. Once the player killed the deathclaw a flag would be set and he'd run back to the town where the player could then talk to him. It seems he'd demand some kind of money before clearing off for good.
- According to an article on NMA, Hawkins would originally be found trapped up on one of the conveyer machines. Once the deathclaw that was stalking him was killed, he would try and con the player into giving him money to return home, unless the player had found out about the earlier Powder Ganger raid (and therefore realise he was one of them). Apparently he was cut as his quest was more low level fodder yet would need end game tier abilities for the player to actually complete.
- There's an unused variable for part of 'Don't Make a Beggar of Me':
short bChompsTaggingAlong ; 1 = Player is letting Chomps tag along.
- There is also the blank dialogue topic QJMelissaAcceptableTrade ("QJMelissaNewDeal"). Together these suggest the quest was longer, and probably had some kind of negotiating for a better deal from Tyrone. It seems at one stage Chomps would come with the player, probably to see Tyrone?
- There's also early blank dialogue for Tyrone (e.g. PrimmTyroneBarter) That just seems to follow the same arc as the final dialogue. There is also a topic about buying chems that suggest he may have worked as a vendor at some point?
- There also seems to be more to the Great Khans on the ridge; there is an early version of Papa Khan who it seems would have gone up here with them (he shares their AI packages), who has unique armour. God only knows what he'd be doing here.
- There is a cut quest here involving a character called "Jack Wilson", see Boulder City.
Quarry Junction appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.
- ↑ The Courier: "What does the NCR need with the cement?"
Chomps Lewis: "It all gets shipped by rail over towards Boulder City and Hoover Dam. The NCR's probably building fortifications with it all."
The Courier: "What's a dragline?"
Chomps Lewis: "It's a big machine which moves rocks around, piles at a time. It's Pre-War tech, so you need to thump it once in awhile to keep it running. "
(Chomps Lewis' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "You don't get paid in caps?"
Chomps Lewis: "Nope. The NCR's been trying to switch over to using paper money, like in the Pre-War days. Trouble is that the exchange rates ain't exactly fair. For example, a hundred bucks in NCR money is valued at roughly half that in caps around here. Seems like a rotten deal for us, but work is work."
(Chomps Lewis' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Where'd the Deathclaws come from?"
Chomps Lewis: "They moved into the quarry after the Powder Gangers came through and made off with most of our dynamite. We shut the quarry down while we waited for the NCR to get us some more blasting sticks, but now the Deathclaws have shown up. The NCR's a no-show, and my men and I have got nothing to do but sit on our asses all day. It's damn frustrating."
The Courier: "Have you had problems with Deathclaws before?"
Chomps Lewis: "We'd see them occasionally, but they didn't seem too keen on getting too close to the quarry. Not sure if it was the noise or all the workers. I can't believe that an entire pack moved into the quarry. I thought that kind of bad luck only happened in New Vegas."
The Courier: "I could take care of your Deathclaw problem."
Chomps Lewis: "Have you even seen a Deathclaw? They're taller than a man and far, far stronger and faster. And, there's a whole pack of them out there. You'd have to be the meanest, toughest, roughest bastard in the wasteland to have any chance against them, and I don't think that's you. You'd need to take out the pack leaders - the Mother Deathclaw and the Deathclaw Alpha Male. Kill 'em, and the pack will scatter. Pretty tough job."
The Courier: "I could take care of your Deathclaw problem."
Chomps Lewis: "I don't what it is about you, but I think you could actually pull it off. Deathclaws are tough bastards, but you might be even tougher. Nobody here's any use to you in a fight against Deathclaws, but take these medical supplies. You'll probably need them. To do the job right, you've got to get rid of the pack leaders - the Mother Deathclaw and the Deathclaw Alpha Male. Should run the rest of 'em off."
(Chomps Lewis' dialogue) - ↑ Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.380-381: "[4.03] Quarry Junction
Arguably the most dangerous are of the Mojave Wasteland, and the reason the Long 95 is currently closed to all but the bravest (or most inept) wanderers. Quarry Junction is a massive, sprawling rock quarry with numerous tiers to it, and over a dozen ferocious Deathclaws, including larger entities that require all your stamina (and firepower) to defeat! The workers at Sloan [4.08] live a fearful (and unprofitable) existence with this menace still prevalent. There's a reason warning signs have been constructed as far away as the Yangtze Memorial [4.07]...."
(Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)