The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Gametitle-FNV DM
Gametitle-FNV DM

The Puesta del Sol terminals are a series of terminals found in Puesta del Sol north and Puesta del Sol south in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.

Terminal (service route)[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the console, past the shelf of construction hats in the service route.


Sierra Madre Security Protocol

Special Orders[]


Those Vending Machines are something else - we got codes in today so we don't even need the demolition charges, or even more tool orders. You use these things at the Vending Machines, it unlocks construction equipment - even demolition charges and repair kits?


> Displaying log...


Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in a building in the center of Puesta del Sol north.


Sierra Madre Security Protocol

Damn Raid[]


Villa security showed up today and searched the place. Domino must've made the Chief mad, so this was payback. Had all our stashes tucked away when they arrived, didn't find much. Chief tried to be all hard with us about keeping our noses clean, ranted about "casino policy."

That Sinclair's a tight-ass. Sick of these spot-checks and stripped by the casino search programs every time I enter the Villa. What's his issue with chems? He could use some. So could that pretty bride-to-be, though she looks half-doped up with that expression of hers. Med-X from the looks of it.


> Displaying log...


Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the building just north of the northern entrance to the Service route. It is locked Very Hard.


Sierra Madre Security Protocol

Activate Hologram[]

Note: Accessing this command .


> Starting up projector...

Deactivate Hologram[]

Note: Accessing this command .


> Shutting down...

More Explosives[]


More demolition charges showed up today - checked with Mr. Yesterday, he didn't know squat about the shipment, was only interested if anyone had made a buck off it. These something Sinclair ordered, or is it another cock-up like the knives? We got more than enough explosives already - what, is high-and-mighty planning to blow up the road to this place so no one can get up here?


> Displaying log...


Note: This desk terminal is located on the art-deco desk, found in a building just north of the western exit to Salida del Sol south.


Sierra Madre Security Protocol

Survey Schedules[]


Sinclair's coming tomorrow to check on the Villa's "progress," told the boys to look sharp for the suit. Not bringing the big starlet, though, so the boys were grumbling about that.

Better watch himself, might have a nasty fall in the switching station.


> Displaying log...


Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the ... west wall.


Sierra Madre Security Protocol



Sinclair was a lot more level than I was expecting. Especially after Mr. Yesterday's cracks. He's sharper than one of those knives, too. He asked a lot of good questions about the foundations, some I couldn't even answer, didn't bother him though. He knows engineering, that's for sure. Worried he's going to see through the Villa, see it for the cardboard town it is.


> Displaying log...


Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the ... north wall.


Sierra Madre Security Protocol



We have a sweet deal here. I let Mr. Yesterday know that, know that we might need to renegotiate our arrangement and move the % around. Left records in maintenance in case things got difficult, blow this deathtrap wide open. Agreed to discuss things in the switching station so we wouldn't be overheard.


> Displaying log...


Note: This desk terminal is located on the table in the ... near the ruined cafe.


Sierra Madre Security Protocol

Activate Hologram[]

Note: Accessing this command .


> Starting up projector...

Terminal (very hard)[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the art-deco desk, found in a building's basement, southwest area of Puesta del Sol south.


Sierra Madre Security Protocol

Activate Hologram[]


> Starting up projector...

Disable Hologram[]


> Shutting down...



Domino swung by today after the foreman's accident. Wanted to know how I was handling it, if the boys and I were doing all right. Guy's a snake, laying on the fake charm, trying to be one of us - he asked if we were being paid as "befits our skills." He said if we weren't, to come see him, he'd set us up. I'm not stupid, I seen the percentages, I know someone's making a killing off the corners we're cutting - sounds like Domino and construction are arm-in-arm. Don't matter to me as long as the cash gets left in the drawer every week.


> Displaying log...

Security Station[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the art-deco desk in the ... .


Sierra Madre Security Protocol:

Activate Hologram[]

Note: Accessing this command .


> Warming up projector...

Terminal (ruined building)[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the art-deco desk outside of the kitchen in the ruined building.


Sierra Madre Security Protocol



This place is a safety inspector's wet dream. Or nightmare. Foreman ended up taking a fall in the switching station last night, broke one of his legs and his neck, but didn't die from it - he bled out before anyone found him. Bad luck - wasn't his shift, no idea what he was doing down there, but I'm surprised he fell and didn't have one of the platforms just collapse on him.


> Displaying log...

See also[]
