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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Praetorian guard
Biography and appearance
AffiliationCaesar's Legion
RoleBodyguards to Caesar
10 of Clubs
LocationThe Fort
QuestsRender Unto Caesar
SPECIALStrength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 4
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Derived StatsCaesar's Praetorians:
Hit Points: 195 → 270
DT: 12
Lanius' Praetorians:
Hit Points: 170 → 220
DT: 12
Tag SkillsCaesar's Praetorians:
Melee Weapons: 88 → 100
Guns: 86 → 100
Unarmed: 88 → 100
Lanius' Praetorians:
Melee Weapons: 68 → 100
Guns: 66→ 100
Unarmed: 68 → 100
PerksToughness (DR: 10%)
LevelCaesar's Praetorians:
15 → 30 (Player Level x 1.10)
Lanius' Praetorians:
10 → 20 (Player Level x 1.20)
Base ID00139387Ref ID?
ActorYuri Lowenthal
Shane Johnson

Praetorians, to arms!

Praetorian guards are the elite personal bodyguards of Caesar. A group of them also serve as the bodyguards of Caesar's Legate, Lanius. Praetorians focus exclusively on unarmed combat in battle, and can see through disguises. The leader of the Praetorian Guard is Lucius, the third most powerful man in Caesar's Legion.


Their name refers to the ancient Roman Praetorians, bodyguards of a general's tent (praetorium) and, in later centuries, of the emperors.

Caesar explains that his Praetorians are hand-picked from amongst the ranks of those Legionaries who have served for long enough and have killed enough men to qualify as centurions. Those invited to join the Praetorians must pick a current member of the Praetorian guard whom they believe is the weakest, and challenge them to an unarmed duel to the death. If the invitee wins, he takes on the position.[1]

Personifying Caesar's martial philosophy, the Praetorians fight using only unarmed combat. Lucius explains that weapons or firearms may break or jam, but a true warrior can always rely on his innate skills. Regardless, Praetorians still wear ballistic fists to give their punches devastating impact beyond what a normal human blow can inflict.[2]

They can be found guarding Caesar's tent, and the Weather monitoring station at Fortification Hill. Several of them also fight alongside Legate Lanius in the final showdown. At least one Praetorian will fight along with an assassination team to kill the player if you are disliked by the Legion.

A single Praetorian represents the 10 of Clubs card in the Fallout: New Vegas Collector's Edition Caravan Deck.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character has no special interactions.


Icon armored vault suit
Legion praetorian armor Sun glasses
Assault carbine icon
Ballistic fist
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Various foods
Healing powder
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • Praetorian Guard have a version of the Toughness perk, which grants them 10% damage resistance in addition to the 12 damage threshold from their armor. It is very unusual for human non-player characters in the Gamebryo Engine Fallout games (Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas) to have perks.
  • Praetorians are 30% faster than a normal non-player character.
  • Despite what Lucius says, the Praetorian that tries to assassinate you will use a firearm (usually an assault carbine) to kill you, unlike the ballistic fists that Praetorians are supposed to use.
  • The image on the card of the Fallout: New Vegas Collector's Edition Caravan deck looks exactly like a centurion rather than a Praetorian guard.


Praetorian guards appear only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

In Latin, praetor is the word for leader, or commanding officer.



  1. Caesar's dialogue: "Are your bodyguards special in any way?" (The Courier)
    "My Praetorians embody the martial ideals of my Legion. Each one of them has done enough conquering and killing to deserve the rank of {Ken-TOO-ree-on}Centurion."
    "Instead, I invited them to join my guard. So the invitee chooses whichever current guard he thinks is weakest - and challenges him."
    "The fight is to the death. It keeps them from getting complacent."
  2. Lucius' [[|dialogue]]: ""