This is a lore summary, presenting intradiegetic or in-universe information about the subject. For game characteristics and similar data, consult the table on the right.
Powered combat infantry armor, commonly referred to as power armor, is an unique combat technology developed before the Great War by the United States defense contractors. It represents the pinnacle of personal defensive technology, combining excellent protection from small arms with the ability to carry heavy weapons into combat with ease.
With the resource crisis severely limiting the ability of the United States military to deploy combat vehicles, especially tanks and other types of armor, it began research efforts to create self-powered combat suits in August 2065. Mechanized cavalry units provided with them would retain the mobility of a soldier moving on foot while giving them the ability to use heavy weapons with ease.[1] Research proceeded rapidly. While early prototypes were unsuccessful, lessons learned in the process paved the way for future advances in military sciences, construction, and fusion.[2]
The most important achievement of this early stage of research was the development of a fusion cell. Crude, but effective, the design was unveiled to the world in the summer of 2066. It further strained Sino-American relations, after the United States refused to share its crude oil reserves with the Asian superpower. The invasion of Alaska in winter of 2066 forced the military and its contractors to cut corners and come up with a stop-gap solution. In 2067, the first West Tek production model of powered infantry combat armor designated T-45 was rushed to the frontline to defend against the Chinese attackers. Although lacking in mobility, this early model allowed soldiers to carry heavy weapons into combat,[1] becoming key to countering masses of Chinese infantry and tanks. China rushed to develop its own version, but it was years behind the United States.[2] Anticipating this move, the military invested in the development of electromagnetic weapons to counter the threat should it arise.[3] In a way, China engineered its own demise, as the deployment of the T-45 also led to the development of the West Tekpower armor frame, the basis on which all subsequent armor was manufactured.[1]
Meanwhile, West Tek continued developing a superior model, designated T-51. By 2069, it was the largest contract of the largest defense contractor of the United States government. However, the ambitious nature of the project led to many delays and it took nearly ten years to complete the development cycle.[2][4] In the meantime, the T-45d became the symbol of American might. Various modifications were developed and tested using it as basis, including the MP-47A unit, featuring an autonomous medical delivery system and rudimentary onboard AI.[5]
In 2074, American T-45 model D power armor units, mechanized cavalry, and infantry divisions invaded mainland China. However, the invasion quickly bogged down as the T-45's aging design proved insufficient to overcome the Chinese defenders. The T-51 model power armor remained in development, with various production models being tested in combat conditions at Fort Strong in Massachusetts, troubleshooting the design. Problems were still present this far into the development cycle, delaying deployment. For instance, the September 2075 iteration had the desired mobility and protection, but were far from stable and soldiers tended to tip over on hard landings. Gyroscopic stabilizers and shock absorbers were subsequently added.[6]
However, the problems were eventually ironed out and the joint efforts of West Tek and Fort Strong resulted in the first production run of T-51 power armor being sent to China in June 2076.[7][8] It outperformed the T-45d in every aspect, providing the United States with the means to overcome Chinese resistance on all fronts. Many units were sent to China, where the renewed American offensive finally sent the People's Liberation Army into retreat.[2] In January 2077, General Constantine Chase completed the Anchorage Reclamation, using winterized T-51b power armor troops as spearhead.[9] The completion of the Anchorage Reclamation also coincided with the introduction of the T-60 power armor, developed first as an upgrade of the T-45 series, then spun-off into a separate series.[10][11] The Great War and the destruction of the United States ensured that the T-51 model B (T-51b) and T-60 power armor remained the most advanced designs to see mass production.
Shortly before the Great War, the U.S. government began the development of the the next generation of power armor, designated X-01.[12] It represented a radical, new approach to designing powered armor, eschewing traditional design philosophies and was manufactured in limited amounts. Due to the threat of nuclear war, the armor was designed to be used after a nuclear apocalypse.[13] While several prototypes were fielded by Presidential bodyguards, the prototype models suffered from design flaws that prevented full production.[14] These design issues were not overcome before the start of the Great War, leaving very few units of X-01 produced, although the schematics were saved and backed up by the Enclave just prior to the bombs falling.[15] It wasn't until the 2198 that the Enclave began to develop advanced versions of power armor anew. Due to a lack of success, the research stalled until Presidential Order mandated the development of an upgrade in 2215. Five years later, the first mass produced advanced power armor was developed and mass-produced for the use of Enclave field units. Existing T-51 stock was used for training troops on Control station Enclave and logistical duties.[2]
Subsequent research and development of new power armor models was hampered by the destruction of the oil rig by the Chosen One in 2242. The efforts began anew once the fleeing Enclave arrived in the Capital Wasteland and settled into Adams Air Force Base. The result was the next-generation Hellfire power armor: Pinnacle of post-War power armor design.[16][17]
Power armor models[]
Pages 166 and 167 of The Art of Fallout 4; detailing the basic armor frame (current for 2077) and three major pre-War power armor series: T-45, T-51, and T-60.
All power armor models in the United States share a common heritage and basic design. Each power armor is built around the West Tekpower armor frame with an internalized servomotor system, providing increased strength, resistance to trauma, and radiation protection. The operator controls the armor indirectly, using manipulators that steer the hands and feet, while being safely isolated from the environment. Of note is integrated hydraulic shock absorbtion system which allows the operator to jump from major heights without damage.[18][1] The safety of airborne deployments depends primarily on the model of the armor, with the survivable height for early T-60 models being about one hundred feet,[19] increased to more than three times the height in later iterations.[20]
Naturally, the enhanced strength also allows the use of hard armored plating that would otherwise be impossible for the soldier to carry with ease.[21] The basic version of each power armor is designated model A - the letter is usually omitted in this case - with subsequent revisions and upgrades distinguished using sequential letters: B, C, D, E, and F. Each represents an incremental upgrade over the preceding model. Beyond general revisions, a large number of upgrades and custom internals has been developed for the various power armor units, to increase their flexibility and performance on the battlefield.[22]
The power necessary for the unit to operate autonomously comes from a fusion power plant integrated into the chassis of the suit,[23] typically loaded on the factory floor with fuel to last a hundred years of moderate use.[24][25][1] Salvaging power armor is also difficult, as the amount of firepower necessary to accomplish this feat renders the armor useless.[26]
Although the United States military remained the principal operator of power armor, select private corporations had access to the technology. Most notably the Garrahan Mining Co., which used the West-Tek power armor technology to create a competitive powered mining suit, the Excavator power armor, in a bid to defeat its competitors and secure lucrative contracts for exploiting Appalachian natural resources.[27][28]
Below is the power armor family as of the 23rd century:
The T-45 powered combat infantry armor was one of the earliest designs pressed into service in the Sino-American War. Created in January 2067 by West Tek,[29] the T-45 was sent to the Alaskan Front to counter the Chinese offensive. The speed at which it had to be deployed, less than two years after the development of power armor began, resulted in the creation of a stop-gap model utilizing existing technologies and manufacturing techniques. However, its deployment changed the nature of modern warfare forever.[29]
Although intended to be temporary, the T-45 became the mainstay of American power armor units, especially as subsequent upgrades reduced the impact of the mobility problems that plagued the early production runs.[2]
The T-51[30] is the apex of pre-War powered combat infantry development. Developed over a decade of war by West-Tek, it incorporates many of the lessons gleaned from the T-45 power armor service history. Unlike its predecessor, the T-51 benefits from a long development cycle and uses custom-made components to create not a stop-gap model, but a weapon that provides the best possible protection through incorporating the latest passive defense features.[31][32][2][33]
Like the T-45, it is designed for a single human operator, patterned after the human silhouette. Unlike its older sibling, the exterior shell is made from a poly-laminate composite capable of absorbing over 2.5 kilojoules of energy without damage. The strength of the material is further enhanced by the organic, rounded profile of the shell, improving the chances of deflecting projectiles and explosions compared to the older steel plating present on the T-45. The shell is coated in a 10 micron silver ablative layer that allows for reflecting laser blasts and radiation emissions without damaging the composite surface directly.[33][34] The surface can be treated in a special chemical process to increase its defensive properties substantially.[35] To further enhance protection against direct contact with and contamination by radioactive, biological or chemical substances, the armor can be made air tight, allowing its operator to explore even the most contaminated areas with reasonable safety as long as the armor is not compromised.[36] The helmet is an integral part of this protection, fitted with a rubberized cowl mounted to the chest plate and providing a tight seal. As with all T-series, the vision slit is bullet-proof.[37] Compared to its predecessor, the helmet is smaller and more durable, made out of a single piece of composite, with an easily removable vision assembly. As with the T-45, the ear ports double as accessory mounting points, with a drop-down aiming ocular being standard on all T-51 suits. A forehead-mounted lamp is provided for convenience.
The T-51's ace in the hole is the hydraulics system integrated into the West Tekpower armor frame.[1] Powered by a back-mounted TX-28 Micro-Fusion Pack generating 60,000 watts, the HiFlo hydraulics integrated into the frame of the suit allow it to carry the bulk of the suit and allow the soldier to carry heavy weapons into combat. Due to the design of the T-51, it's much more nimble and agile than the T-45.[33] However, to achieve optimal performance, the armor has to be custom-fitted to each operator.[35] A properly fitted armor worn by a well trained operator feels like an extension of one's body.[38] Comfort is imperative to success in combat operations, aided by the power armor's ability to recycle urine into perfectly drinkable water, allowing the operator to survive for weeks in power armor.[39][40]
The T-60 series of powered combat infantry armor is an evolution of the T-45 power armor design. Originally an upgraded variant of the T-45, this stop-gap model was extensively modified and effectively reimagined, leading the United States military to reclassify it from an upgrade to a separate power armor model.[11] Entering service after the conclusion of the Battle of Anchorage, mere months before the nuclear apocalypse, the T-60 was rapidly deployed and extensively used by the U.S. Army in all theaters to supplement the more difficult to produce T-51 power armor. Deployments of military units in T-60 power armor included the domestic front, enforcing order in the nation.[41] By the Great War it was considered to be the most advanced model of power armor to see extensive use.[42]
Commissioned by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the development of the X-01 began shortly before the Great War.[43] It represented a radically new approach to designing powered armor, eschewing traditional design philosophies that defined the T series,[44] and was a high-profile research project meant to supersede previous power armor models. However, although the suit was technically functional by late 2077, it was burdened with numerous issues that precluded widespread use in the field. While the first test models were issued to Presidential bodyguards, the X-01 was never deployed in larger numbers.[45] A single suit of X-01 was provided to the Nuka-Cola Corporation, as part of Project Cobalt. While the suit served as a successful proof of concept of using a strontium-90 based plating over the armor,[46] this improvement was not adopted into the armor's schematics, before the onset of the Great War. Further development was made impossible due to the outbreak of the Great War.[43][47]
After the Great War, a select few suits were engineered further and employed by remnants of the U.S. military, like the Enclave and Brotherhood of Steel, as well as the Institute.[48] The schematics for the armor were saved by the Enclave just before the bombs fell, with the organization keeping copies in the archives of their Poseidon and Whitespring facilities. This allowed the Enclave to create a limited production run of the suits, and for work to eventually continue on the model's development.[43]
Full development was restarted by the Enclave in 2198, although it wasn't until 2215 that the research efforts began in earnest under Presidential mandate, resulting in the creation of the first model of Advanced power armor in 2220.[44] Another group to develop upon the X-01 design, after the war, is the Institute. Despite lacking access to the prototype's schematics, by 2287, the Institute had developed a modified polymerized casting mix to coat the armor, as well as other modifications that enhance the user's intelligence.[49]
Developed by the Enclave in 2220, the Advanced power armor Mark I is the first true production run of the advanced power armor family. Initially designated Mark II Powered Combat Armor,[50] the Advanced power armor Mark I is also the first model of power armor designed, produced, and deployed after the end of the Great War. This armor was developed off of the pre-war designed X-01 power armor, over coming the flaws of it's predecessor. The Advanced power armor Mark I was the standard service armor of Enclave soldiers by 2241. By 2246, the Advanced power armor Mark I was being phased out by the superior Advanced power armor Mark II. Despite this, the Mark I remained as the Enclaves' standard issue power armor until after the Sacking of Navarro. By 2277, the Mark I had been completely replaced by the Mark II among Enclave survivors who fled to the Capital Wasteland.[51] Enclave soldiers who could not escape continued to use the Mark I. Although eventually surviving Enclave were forced to hide any stockpiles of Mark I armor they could, as anyone seen wearing those suits of armor in or near NCR territories are liable to attract unwanted attention and be tried as Enclave war criminals.[52] By 2281, the only remaining users of these suits were the Enclave Remnants, and the suits took on the name of Remnants power armor. Despite advancing age and lacking maintenance, the Mark I continued to be one of the most effective models of power armor on the battlefield, and any who saw them were reminded why people once feared the sight of Enclavevertibirds in the sky.
Originally available in limited qualities,[53] following its defeat the Enclave has designated the mark II as service uniform and manufactured it en masse once it gained access to Raven Rock and Adams AFB, eventually displacing the older mark I suits entirely. The mark II represents a significant upgrade over the regular mark I. It is composed entirely of lightweight ceramic composites, providing even more protection than the regular power armor.[54]
The most advanced power armor variant in the wasteland is the Hellfire powered combat infantry armor, developed basing on regular power armor designs as early as 2080. After pooling resources from concurrent, cancelled projects into the Hellfire project, Enclave researchers at Adams AFB developed the heaviest, most powerful suit of armor in the wasteland.[17]
Developed by Garrahan Mining Co., the "Excavator" class of Power Armor was intended to help human miners compete with the growing number of robotic replacements. The prototype Excavator armor never saw full production, despite being heavily advertised in Appalachia as the future of mining.[55] This was due to Garrahan Mining Co. losing a competition against Hornwright Mining Co., where miners wearing the EX-17 competed against Hornwright's mining robots, thanks to Hornwright cheating during the competition.[56] Afterwards, Hornwright Mining Co. bought out Garrahan Mining Co., including rights to the suit, and discontinued development shortly before the start of the Great War. The suit found new life in the form of use by the Responders[57] and the dwellers of Vault 76.
A peculiar variant of power armor employed by the Eastern Brotherhood of Steel, with a distinctive, horned look. It's unique to its operation in Chicago.
A more advanced version of the former, horned variant, composed of lightweight metal alloys, reinforced with ceramic castings at key points.
Behind the scenes[]
Fallout demo[]
The Fallout demo's item description makes no reference to the longevity of the T-51b power armor's fuel.[58]
Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3[]
The player must receive training to be able to equip power armor. Non-player characters do not have this restriction.
Likewise, weapons holstered on the back are positioned differently, with the barrel pointing upwards. Characters retrieve them under the arm, rather than over it. This was done to prevent clipping.
Power armor is also coded to emit sparks and sounds of hitting metal when the character is damaged.
Fallout 4[]
The Creation Club has added a suit of armor based on the Fallout 3 version of the Enclave advanced power armor, with the designation X-02. As Creation Club is not a canonical part of the series (as per the appearance of the Prey armor, among others), this designation is not included in the article.
Power armor appears in all of the Fallout games in some manner.
↑ Sole Survivor: "One good idea can make all the difference." Preston Garvey: "Sturges? Tell him." Sturges: "There's a crashed vertibird up on the roof. Old school. Pre-war. You might've seen it.Well, looks like one of its passengers left behind a seriously sweet goody. We're talking a full suit of cherry T-45 Power Armor. Military issue." The Sole Survivor: "What makes that Power Armor so special?" Sturges: "A West Tek internalized servo-system, that's what. Inside that baby, super is the new normal. You'll be stronger, tougher, resistant to rads. And...Get the suit, you can rip the minigun right off the vertibird. Do that, and those Raiders get an express ticket to Hell. You dig?" The Sole Survivor: "And I can use the minigun like a... rifle?" Sturges: "Don't see why not. It'll have a manual trigger. Just aim it at the bad guys, and do the ole' "spray and pray."Now, as for the armor... It's outta juice. Probably has been for a hundred years. It can be powered up again, but we're a bit stuck..." (Preston Garvey's and Sturges' dialogue)
↑ Bible 0: "2055 The West Tek Research Facility starts working on a new virus to kill the New Plague. Their viral research and close ties to the federal government eventually lead to them being chosen for the Pan-Immunity Virion Project twenty years later as well as Power Infantry Armor and laser research. 2065 August Increasing need for mobility in the United States mechanized cavalry leads the military to focus the efforts on creating a man-based tank - essentially, a two-legged walking armored unit: Power Armor. 2065-2067 Power Armor research grows and several prototypes are developed, many of which prove to be unworkable in the field. These prototypes pave the way for future advances in military, construction, and fusion technology. 2066 Summer Adding further insult to the Chinese-American relations, the first crude fusion cell is unveiled, one of the results of the Power Armor project. Devices designed for the fusion cell begin to be manufactured. Incorporating fusion power into the general US infrastructure begins, but the process is too slow to supply power to the regions that need it. Nearly eleven years later, few sections of the United States were supplied with fusion power. 2067 The first suit of Power Armor is deployed in Alaska. While lacking the full mobility of future versions, this Power Armor is incredibly effective against Chinese tanks and infantry. Its ability to carry heavy ordinance becomes key in various localized conflicts, and it has the power to destroy entire towns without endangering the wearer. China rushes to create its own versions, but they are many years behind the United States. 2074 Contrary to their claims of seeking only to retake Alaska from the Reds, American Power Armor units, infantry, and mechanized divisions are deployed to China, but they become bogged down on the mainland, putting a further drain on American resources and supply lines. 2076 June Power Armor prototype completed, resulting in the Power Armor players find in Fallout 1. This is the pinnacle of Power Armor technology before the Great War. Many of these units are sent to China, and they begin to carve a swath through the Chinese forces. The Chinese resources are strained to the breaking point, and the supply lines from the nations China has annexed begin to break down. 2077 January 22 The first domestic use of Power Armor within the United States for crowd and quarantine control. Units originally serving in China and the Anchorage Front Line find themselves fighting Americans at home. Food riots increase, and many civilians are killed. Several soldiers defect from the military both in Canada and the United States. They are captured, and are sent to military prisons. 2198 Enclave works on various new technologies, including Power Armor variations. None of these are much of an improvement over the conventional old school Power Armor, and some are actually worse. 2215 Under Presidential Order, Enclave scientists begin to work on an upgraded version of Power Armor. Many prototypes are developed and tested. 2220 October Enclave scientists develop a reliable version of the Mark II Power Armor. The prototype results (and accidents... and explosions... and deaths) are classified by order of the President Richardson for the sake of morale."
↑The Courier: "What's a pulse gun?" Veronica Santangelo: "Electromagnetic weapon from before the Great War. Experimental. It never saw mass production. But they were building it as a countermeasure to power armor, which they feared the Chinese were developing. Supposedly a prototype was being housed at Nellis. Imagine what it could do to the Brotherhood. We'd be on equal footing with any idiot with a gun." (Veronica Santangelo's dialogue)
↑The Vault Dweller: "{207}{}{Base Information}" ZAX 1.2: "{211}{}{West Tech Research Facility: Founded in 2002 as a private contractor for the United States government, the company initially consisted of two divisions--the Advanced Weapons Research and the Biomedical Sciences divisions.} {241}{}{ In 2069, West Tech was the single largest contractor for the United States government; its largest contract being Powered Infantry Armor Model T-51b. } {242}{}{In light of significant advances in 2076 by the NBC on the Pan-Immunity Virion Project, the United States Defense Department, in fear of international espionage,} {243}{}{ moved a team onto the site to secure and oversee the project, now dubbed the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) project.}" (GPWRTERM.MSG)
↑Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "The T-51 series of Power Armor was the pinnacle of mechanized protection before the Great War. First introduced in the Battle of Anchorage, it is highly valued today for its increased protective capabilities."
↑Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43: "Chinese Army (Simulated) U.S. Army (Simulated) With conditions deteriorating between the United States and China, a military presence in Alaska was established to prevent a possible invasion across the Bering Strait. With increasingly scarce oil reserves, a last deep-sea deposit below the Pacific Ocean was claimed by China before allegedly being sabotaged by American special operatives. Strained relationships spiraled downward into conflict as China marched on Alaska, and the Sino-American War of 2066—2077 erupted. Under the command of General Jingwei, the Chinese Army usurped control of Alaska's oil pipeline and reserves. In response, the Americans began what came to be called "The Alaskan Reclamation Operation" (2067—2077). Under the leadership of General Constantine Chase, the U.S. Army battled fiercely to the front lines of the conflict before Chase began deploying specialized Power Armor units that began pushing the Chinese back. Future Power Armor suits were further refined as the conflict dragged on, and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline was reclaimed. With resources flowing through Canada, strained diplomatic tensions between Canada and the United States becoming problematic, and Canadian forces attacking the pipeline, the country was annexed. A combination of inclement weather, constant American bombardment and trench warfare, and U.S. Powered Armor unit attacks sweeping through mainline China, the Chinese supply lines weakened and finally broke down completely. By the beginning of 2077, the city of Anchorage was finally liberated, the Chinese eradicated, and the operation deemed a success. A commemorative memorial was erected in Washington, D.C., in honor of the soldiers who fought and perished for the greater American good. Violence between America and pockets of Canadian freedom fighters continued throughout 2077, until the Great War obliterated almost all infrastructure, commerce, and human life." (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
↑Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "The T-60 series of Power Armor saw extensive use by the United States Army after the Battle of Anchorage. In fact, soldiers in T-60 Power Armor were among those trying to retain order on October 23, 2077 - the day America fell to atomic war..."
↑ 11.011.1The Art of Fallout 4 p.13: "Our primary goal with the power armor was to make it feel less like a suit that you'd wear and more like a vehicle you'd operate. this design began as a reimagining of the T-45d, but it was different enough that we dubbed it the T-60. This way we could bring the T-45 back as its own variant. Although the look was settled on early, some details and proportions were revisited when we adapted the power armor to work as a modular system of plates that attached to a standardized endoframe. In this early version, the arms and legs needed more bulk to make room for the operator and the frame."
↑Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "The X-01 series of Power Armor was specially engineered and employed by remnants of the U.S. military after the Great War, and offers increased protection over the older, pre-war models."
↑X-01 Mk I power armor description: "They guys who protected the President wore this. It's THAT good."
↑Whitespring Congressional Bunker terminals: "--- TRANSFERED TO USER.--- ACCESSING ARCHIVAL ANNOTATION.////////////////////////////////////////////////Beatherd,These are the schematics for the experimental suit the members of the Joint Chiefs had been asking after. It's not even close to ready for primetime yet, but it's technically functional, so please get it logged.I sent a second copy along to the rig, along with the Vertibird schematics. If anything goes wrong with your copy, you're going to have to speak with them.- Ridgely////////////////////////////////////////////////--- END ANNOTATION."
↑ 17.017.1Whitley: "All due respect sir, I think you're making a mistake. We're close to a breakthrough with the Duraframe Eyebots, I can feel it!Yes, sir.Yes sir, I understand that we need the Duraframe assets for Hellfire armor, but-No, sir. Yes, sir. I understand, sir. I'll tell the team to start disassembling the ED series prototypes right away. ED-E, you little rascal. Were you eavesdropping again? I think those videos you watch are a bad influence on you. How much of that did you hear?" ED-E: "<Sad beeping>" Whitley: "Hmm... didn't Dr. Grant say she'd upgraded your navigational systems? I think I have an idea.... How'd you like to be just like RALPHIE?" (Whitley's dialogue)
↑The Sole Survivor: "Sounds like you have a pretty full plate." Ingram: "Plate? Hell... I have a whole table's worth of duties around here.There isn't a day that goes by on this tub without five or six things breaking down.And since I'm stuck in this rig, I'm not quite as spry as I used to be... the work tends to pile up." The Sole Survivor: "You feel like telling me how you ended up that way?" Ingram: "That's a little personal, don't you think?" The Sole Survivor: "Most people in your condition would've given up. I just wanted to hear your story." Ingram: "Sure, what the hell.I was fighting with the Brotherhood in the Capital Wasteland. Worked at a staging area for the Power Armor troops.Our position was along a ridgeline overlooking the battlefield. I'd say it was a hundred foot drop, give or take." (Ingram's dialogue)
↑Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.66-67: "Power Armor is the latest development in personal body armor. This armor must be custom fitted to the user and is so heavy that it requires internal micro-motors to allow movement. Hardening is a process that increases the protection of normal Power Armor. Advanced Power Armor is a completely new, postwar design of this Cadillac of the personal protection world (tail fins optional)."
↑Constantine Chase: "How's our boys in the suits doing?" Thomas Morgan: "The T-51b units are at 95 percent readiness level. We've had a bit of trouble adapting them to the cold." Constantine Chase: "What are we looking at for losses if we pull this off?" Thomas Morgan: "I'd say about 20 percent, sir. But that number significantly decreases if we can get the tin cans in there." Constantine Chase: "Any word from Washington on my latest request?" Thomas Morgan: "Sorry sir, they said the technicians are still dragging their heels a bit on the fusion power plant issues." Constantine Chase: "Well you tell them that if they want their viable liberation contingency ready in case Operation: Anchorage fails, they need to get off their asses!" (Constantine Chase and Thomas Morgan's dialogue)
↑Fallout item description: "{300}{}{Powered Armor} {301}{}{A self-contained suit of advanced technology armor. Powered by a micro-fusion reactor, with enough fuel to last a hundred years.}" (PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout))
↑Fallout 2 item description: "{300}{}{Power Armor} {301}{}{A self-contained suit of advanced technology armor. Powered by a micro-fusion reactor, with enough fuel to last a hundred years.}" (PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2))
↑The Vault Dweller: "{136}{}{I've been wanderin' the wastes for weeks for weeks now and I've never seen armor like this before.}" Darrel: "{139}{}{The Brotherhood are the sole bearers of the Power Armor in the wastes. Only the honored, and Knights of the highest Stature are given the privilege to wear the ultimate armor.}" The Vault Dweller: "{140}{}{That still doesn't answer why I've never seen it before.}{143}{}{Heathens have tried and failed to take our Power Armor from us. They would have to kill a Brother to possess his birthright, and if it comes to that, the armor would be in such poor condition as to render it useless.}" (DARL.MSG)
↑Fallout 76 loading screen hints: "Developed by Garrahan Mining Co., the "Excavator" class of Power Armor never saw full production, despite being heavily advertised in Appalachia as the future of mining."
↑ 29.029.1Fallout 76 loading screen hints: "Built by defense contractor West Tek, the T-45 series of Power Armor was the first to be successfully deployed on the battlefield. Its introduction changed the nature of modern warfare."
↑The Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{What type of armor is that your wearing.}" Darrel: "{135}{}{This is Powered Combat Infantry Armor model T-51b or more commonly know as Power Armor.}" (DARL.MSG)
↑The Vault Dweller: "{207}{}{Base Information}" ZAX 1.2: "{211}{}{West Tech Research Facility:
Founded in 2002 as a private contractor for the United States government, the company initially consisted of two divisions--the Advanced Weapons Research and the Biomedical Sciences divisions.} {241}{}{ In 2069, West Tech was the single largest contractor for the United States government; its largest contract being Powered Infantry Armor Model T-51b. } {242}{}{In light of significant advances in 2076 by the NBC on the Pan-Immunity Virion Project, the United States Defense Department, in fear of international espionage,} {243}{}{ moved a team onto the site to secure and oversee the project, now dubbed the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) project.}" (GPWRTERM.MSG)
↑ armor specs: "The T-51b Powered Infantry Armor is designed with the latest passive defense features for both civilian and military disturbances. The back-mounted TX-28 MicroFusion Pack generates 60,000 Watts to power the HiFlo hydraulic systems built into the frame of the suit. Made of the latest poly-laminate composite, the T-51b shell is lightweight and capable of absorbing over 2500 Joules of kinetic impact. The 10 micron silver ablative coating can reflect laser and radiation emissions without damage to the composite subsurface."
↑The Vault Dweller: "{218}{}{Power Armor. Status: Complete}" ZAX 1.2: "{231}{}{Power Armor Specs:
The T-51b Powered Infantry Armor is designed with the latest passive defense features for both civilian and military disturbances. } {250}{}{The back-mounted TX-28 MircoFusion Pack generates 60,000 Watts to power the HiFlo hydraulic systems built into the frame of the suit. } {251}{}{Made of the latest poly-laminate composite, the T-51b shell is lightweight and capable of absorbing over 2500 Joules of kinetic impact. } {252}{}{The 10 micron silver ablative coating can reflect laser and radiation emissions without damage to the composite subsurface.}" (GPWRTERM.MSG)
↑ 35.035.1Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.66-67: "Power Armor is the latest development in personal body armor. This armor must be custom fitted to the user and is so heavy that it requires internal micro-motors to allow movement. Hardening is a process that increases the protection of normal Power Armor. Advanced Power Armor is a completely new, postwar design of this Cadillac of the personal protection world (tail fins optional)."
↑Ancient Brotherhood disk: "The fact that I can smell Soto's burning flesh where his arm was taken off means that my power armor is no longer air tight, so I'm sucking up a lot more rads than I had planned on. I'm leaking hydraulics at an alarming rate. We need to get far enough away from this place before my armor dies."
↑The Courier: "You're saying that you killed a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin?" Ricky: "What's it sound like I'm saying? If I was saying what you said I was saying, then yeah, I said it!" The Courier: "Please go on. This promises to be entertaining." Ricky: "I was walking along, minding my own, and up pops one of them Brotherhoods. He yells "Hand over that laser rifle, asshole!" So I hand it over, just to make him think I'm scared! But really I'm not! I never am! Before he knows what hit him, I draw my 11mm machinegun and BAM! BAM! Right through the eyeslit in his helmet! D.O.A.!" The Courier: "What a load of crap. The eyeslits of T-series power armor are bullet-proof!" Ricky: "Then I guess this dumb fucker's armor musta been... D-series or something! All I know is, he died up real dead when I killed him, okay?" (Ricky's dialogue)
↑The Vault Dweller: "{137}{}{It looks like it would be cumbersome to wear.}" Darrel: "{147}{}{Cumbersome? Not in the least. The sacred armor is so finely constructed to such exacting specifications that it feels like an extension of the blessed one's own body. It increases one's strength many times over and helps you resist the effects of radiation so that you may more effectively serve the brotherhood. I would feel diminished without my holy armor.}" (DARL.MSG)
↑Paladin: "{103}{}{Did you know you could survive for weeks without water in a suit of powered armor?}" (GENPALAD.MSG)
↑Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "The T-60 series of Power Armor saw extensive use by the United States Army after the Battle of Anchorage. In fact, soldiers in T-60 Power Armor were among those trying to retain order on October 23, 2077 - the day America fell to atomic war..."
↑Fallout 76 loading screen hints: "The most advanced suits of Power Armor to see extensive use were the T-60 models. By the time of the Great War, they were a common sight in all U.S. military engagements."
↑ Congressional Bunker terminals: "--- TRANSFERED TO USER.--- ACCESSING ARCHIVAL ANNOTATION.////////////////////////////////////////////////Beatherd,These are the schematics for the experimental suit the members of the Joint Chiefs had been asking after. It's not even close to ready for primetime yet, but it's technically functional, so please get it logged.I sent a second copy along to the rig, along with the Vertibird schematics. If anything goes wrong with your copy, you're going to have to speak with them.- Ridgely////////////////////////////////////////////////--- END ANNOTATION."
↑ 44.044.1Fallout Bible 0: "2055 The West Tek Research Facility starts working on a new virus to kill the New Plague. Their viral research and close ties to the federal government eventually lead to them being chosen for the Pan-Immunity Virion Project twenty years later as well as Power Infantry Armor and laser research. 2065 August Increasing need for mobility in the United States mechanized cavalry leads the military to focus the efforts on creating a man-based tank - essentially, a two-legged walking armored unit: Power Armor. 2065-2067 Power Armor research grows and several prototypes are developed, many of which prove to be unworkable in the field. These prototypes pave the way for future advances in military, construction, and fusion technology. 2066 Summer Adding further insult to the Chinese-American relations, the first crude fusion cell is unveiled, one of the results of the Power Armor project. Devices designed for the fusion cell begin to be manufactured. Incorporating fusion power into the general US infrastructure begins, but the process is too slow to supply power to the regions that need it. Nearly eleven years later, few sections of the United States were supplied with fusion power. 2067 The first suit of Power Armor is deployed in Alaska. While lacking the full mobility of future versions, this Power Armor is incredibly effective against Chinese tanks and infantry. Its ability to carry heavy ordinance becomes key in various localized conflicts, and it has the power to destroy entire towns without endangering the wearer. China rushes to create its own versions, but they are many years behind the United States. 2074 Contrary to their claims of seeking only to retake Alaska from the Reds, American Power Armor units, infantry, and mechanized divisions are deployed to China, but they become bogged down on the mainland, putting a further drain on American resources and supply lines. 2076 June Power Armor prototype completed, resulting in the Power Armor players find in Fallout 1. This is the pinnacle of Power Armor technology before the Great War. Many of these units are sent to China, and they begin to carve a swath through the Chinese forces. The Chinese resources are strained to the breaking point, and the supply lines from the nations China has annexed begin to break down. 2077 January 22 The first domestic use of Power Armor within the United States for crowd and quarantine control. Units originally serving in China and the Anchorage Front Line find themselves fighting Americans at home. Food riots increase, and many civilians are killed. Several soldiers defect from the military both in Canada and the United States. They are captured, and are sent to military prisons. 2198 Enclave works on various new technologies, including Power Armor variations. None of these are much of an improvement over the conventional old school Power Armor, and some are actually worse. 2215 Under Presidential Order, Enclave scientists begin to work on an upgraded version of Power Armor. Many prototypes are developed and tested. 2220 October Enclave scientists develop a reliable version of the Mark II Power Armor. The prototype results (and accidents... and explosions... and deaths) are classified by order of the President Richardson for the sake of morale."
↑X-01 Mk I power armor: "The guys who protected the President wore this. It's THAT good."
↑Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "The X-01 series of Power Armor was specially engineered and employed by remnants of the U.S. military after the Great War, and offers increased protection over the older, pre-war models."
↑Arch Dornan: "{123}{sgnt9}{Welcome to Camp Navarro. So, you’re the new replacement... You are out of uniform, soldier! Where is your power armor?}" The Chosen One: "{125}{}{The base didn’t issue me any. They said it would be issued here.}" The Chosen One: "{126}{}{Uh... I wasn’t issued any armor.}" Arch Dornan: "{128}{sgnt10}{Don’t have any? You expect me to believe that, maggot? The truth is you lost an expensive piece of army-issue equipment. That suit is going to come out of your pay, and you will remain in this mans army until you are five hundred and ten years old, which is the number of years it will take for you to pay for a Mark II Powered Combat Armor you have lost! Report to the armory and have a new suit issued to you, then report back to me, private! Dismissed!}" The Chosen One: "{130}{}{Yes, Sergeant!}" (Ccdrill.msg)
↑Fallout 2 item description: "{34900}{}{Adv. Power Armor MKII} {34901}{}{This powered armor appears to be composed of entirely of lightweight ceramic composites rather than the usual combination of metal and ceramic plates. It seems as though it should give even more protection than the standard Advanced Power Armor.}" (PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2))