The "Greasy Prospector" Improved Pork And Beans is a nutritious meal, composed of beans stewed in a tomato sauce with chunks of pork belly cured and cooked in hickory smoke (i.e. bacon) forming an integral part of the dish. The tin has a distinctive brown color with a red label wrapped around it. Like most pre-War foods, it's prepared to remain edible for hundreds of years.
Once consumed, it can restore some health, but like almost all other food items in the games, also nets a small amount of radiation.
In Rivet City in the guards quarters upstairs, a stockpile of Pork N' Beans tins can be found under a cot in a corner.
Tins of Pork N' Beans are often difficult to spot, due to the large number of similar-looking empty tin cans that can be found lying around.