The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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This page is about the character. For the faction, see Point Lookout tribals.
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Point Lookout tribal
Point Lookout Tribal
Biography and appearance
AffiliationPoint Lookout tribals
LocationPoint Lookout
Dialogue FilePoint Lookout tribal's dialogue
Strength: 7
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 6
Luck: 5
Strength: 6
Perception: 7
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 6
Luck: 5
Strength: 7
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 6
Luck: 5
Derived StatsHit Points: 80 (Friendly)
Hit Points: 120 (Rank 1)
Hit Points: 95 (Rank 1 Melee)
Hit Points: 160 (Rank 2)
Hit Points: 165 (Rank 2 Melee)
Hit Points: 225 (Rank 3)
Hit Points: 230 (Rank 3 Melee)
Hit Points: 285 (Rank 4)
Hit Points: 290 (Rank 4 Melee)
Hit Points: 410 (Rank 5)
Hit Points: 415 (Rank 5 Melee)
Level7 (Friendly)
7 (Rank 1)
0 (Rank 1 Melee)
10 (Rank 2)
13 (Rank 3)
15 (Rank 4)
20 (Rank 5)
Base IDxx00f3cd (friendly)
xx00d79d xx00d755 xx00d75d xx00d765 xx00d76d
xx00d775 xx00d77d xx00d785 xx00d78d xx00d795
Ref IDxx000000
ActorBari Biern (female)

Submerge your will in the depths of the astral sea!

Point Lookout tribals are characters that inhabit Point Lookout's Ark & Dove Cathedral in 2277.


Point Lookout tribals wander the cathedral, cultivating punga and meditating. However, these normally peaceful cultists can be very brutal when told to be so. They lead the assault on the Calvert Mansion because the Transcendent One instructed them to. They are proficient with improvised melee weapons but are also capable with firearms.

Tribals are surprisingly tough opponents; even the weakest of them are on par with a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin in terms of durability and combat skill, and the highest-level tribals exceed even super mutant brutes and super mutant masters. Their tribal garb serves as mediocre, but still functional armor. In contrast, named tribals, including their leader Jackson, are standard human non-player characters, and are relatively easily killed.

Named members[]

Unnamed members[]

Although the unnamed tribals encountered at the Ark & Dove Cathedral are (initially) not hostile, their brethren met at Calvert Mansion are not as peaceful.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon severed finger
This character drops a finger when killed (Lawbringer).

Note: Tribals will only have a finger on their corpse when they are assaulting the Calvert Mansion and after attaching the Cogwave jammer to the Ferris wheel during Thought Control.


Icon armored vault suit
Tribal garb
Assault carbine icon
Knife, combat knife, axe, hunting rifle, lever-action rifle, double-barrel shotgun
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • Tribals are much more dangerous than opponents in the Capital Wasteland because they do far more damage to the player due to an object effect in the DLC causing the aforementioned weapons, when wielded by tribals or swampfolk, to do an additional 35 points of unresistible damage per hit.
  • The named tribals may sometimes attack after Calvert is killed.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Be at peace."
  • "Go past the flesh."
  • "Mind at ease."
  • "Escape to the mind."
  • "Trust in the wisdom of your higher mind!"
  • "Shh... My meditation requires utmost concentration."
  • "You will feed the Punga!"
  • "Sleep forever!"
  • "Return to dust!"
  • "Death to the unenlightened!"
  • "Impure!"
[read more...]


Point Lookout tribals appear only in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.
