When you enter the coastal grotto, continue down the "hallway" and speak to a ghoul named Plik. He offers you a chance to join his small hunting club, but only if you pay the steep entry fee of 1,000 caps. Pay the fee, and ask to join in the next safari. Enter the door behind Plik, and meet your colleagues for this hunting excursion, Jacob Humboldt and Rip Smithy. When you are all set to begin the hunt, flip the switch on the block in the center of the room.
You'll have to fight several waves of leveled feral ghouls, ranging from swamp ghouls to glowing ones. Jacob and Rip are hardly worthy allies, and will usually perish during the onslaught. Use anything at your disposal to live through the obscene amount of enemies, whether it be traps, sheer firepower or a combination of both. After surviving return to Plik and collect your prize.
Quest stages[]
Section needed
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If you put on the ghoul mask, the ghouls don't attack Jacob Humboldt or Rip Smithy and mines will not detonate until you take off the mask.
If you kill Plik before triggering the quest he will not have the The Dismemberer. Load the auto-save at the front door to fix this.
If you equip (reverse-pickpocket) the two fellow hunters with high level weapons and armor, they will last a little longer and actually manage to kill a few ghouls (they still cannot survive on their own without the player's help). Non-player characters actually use chems, so if you put stimpaks or Buffout on them, they will sometimes use them.
If Jacob Humboldt and/or Rip Smithy do survive, they will disappear upon exiting the safari.
The safari is repeatable every few days. Repeating the safari costs 500 caps and no reward other than the minor loot the ghouls have and the experience points.
Disarm and re-arm the bear traps (there are four) for a little experience before the safari begins. You also get experience for any ghoul deaths they might cause.
PC If ghouls stop spawning you may be stuck in the cave; you can solve this by using the "Resurrect" command in the console on the ghouls corpses and then killing them again. After doing this ghouls should start to respawn (and attack you) again.
PCPlayStation 3Xbox 360 Occasionally when you enter the area, Plik may be running up and down the cave. He will never leave, so this isn't an issue, just inconvenient.
See also[]
Cut contentSafari membership card - a cut item which did not make it into the final version of the quest.