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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Pilgrim's Landing
Fo3 PL Pilgrims Landing
Icon ruins
Pilgrim's Landing loc
World map: Point Lookout
Map MarkerPilgrim's Landing
Point Lookout Pier
MerchantsHouse of Wares
Other ExitsHomestead Motel
Naval Recruiting Center
People's Bank of Point Lookout
QuestsThe Local Flavor
Thought Control
Gametitle-FO3 PL
Gametitle-FO3 PL

Pilgrim's Landing is a small tourist attraction inhabited by Panada, Tobar the Ferryman and Nadine. It is the closest thing to actual civilization in Point Lookout.


Pilgrims Landing served as a small tourist attraction in Point Lookout before the War, but has since been abandoned. Only Madame Panada at her House of Wares a short way north of the boardwalk remain as a sign of civilization. The main dock area spans east-west and is littered with popcorn bags and other carnival food containers.



Notable loot[]

  • Beneath the closest buoy to the ferry is some good loot inside an average locked safe and a footlocker, as well as a mini nuke.


  • Smugglers may randomly spawn here.
  • If you use the tcl command and walk through the diner walls, a Pulowski Preservation shelter is hidden inside, containing the non-player character that is the projected voice of The Brain.
  • From the name, it could be hinted as to where pilgrims landed 500 years previous.
  • It appears at one point that a number of the inaccessible shops in the area were to have interiors, based on unused cells in the GECK, but were cut early in the developement process.



Pilgrim's Landing appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.


  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 There is a common glitch where the player will randomly be informed that The Brain is unconscious whenever they go near the boardwalk, even if he is dead. This is because the brain's reference actor resides in an unopenable Pulowski Preservation shelter hidden inside the walls of the soda shop neighboring the Homestead Motel, and is possibly falling through the map and being knocked out due to fall damage. Players can also see the friendly non-player character marker for The Brain on the compass if they stand near the ferris wheel.
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 there is a common glitch that whenever near water when coming to Point Lookout, fast traveling to Riverboat Landing, fast traveling anywhere in Point Lookout, or going out of a house, cave, etc., anywhere in point lookout if you look in the water it maybe be different it will make a big square around you if you go swimming it may appear clear or a bright light but it will disappear in a few minutes so it wont be permanent.