Gain access to Vault 87 by going through Murder Pass. Alternatively, speak to Joseph and ask him to restore power to a computer terminal in the Great Chamber; hacking the terminal (Science of 50 required) will allow one to enter Vault 87 directly, and bypass Murder Pass.
Quest stages[]
Section needed
This section is needed but has not been written yet. You can help The Vault by writing it.
Both methods of entering Vault 87 lead you to exactly the same room. The back door allows you to save ammunition, medicine, and weapon condition, which is advisable for the next quest (but gives you less experience and loot).
If you force MacCready to hand over his fungus share by means of a Speech challenge he will still be willing to open the gate for you.
PCPlayStation 3Xbox 360 In some instances Rothchild will tell you to follow him then make no effort to move, even under duress. To fix this just reload and approach Rothchild at a different time of the day — preferably when a non-player character is talking to him and his back is turned — then begin the dialogue again. Another options are to push him until he is near the wall directly on the left of the door leading to the Mess Hall, or to drag Rothchild's body to the desired location by knocking him unconscious, or to disable then re-enable him using the console.
PCPlayStation 3 Scribe Rothchild may disappear from the Citadel, preventing the player from being briefed and advancing the quest. This can be fixed on PC by using the console command player.placeleveledactoratme 000156ea. For non-PC quest advancement you must load a previous save file and attempt to relocate Scribe Rothchild within the Citadel to receive your next objective.
PlayStation 3Xbox 360 Sometimes Scribe Rothchild will disappear after you read the Vault-Tec computer. Your quest will tell you to talk to him but the quest marker will point to a location on the world map in middle of nowhere. Loading a previous save file and restarting the quest can correct the misplaced quest marker, and direct you to Scribe Rothchild for your next objective.
Xbox 360 Talking to Rothchild when he is in the A Wing instead of the Laboratory may result in a bugged and broken quest. Making him unconscious by shooting him can sometimes fix this.