Paulson's revolver is a .44 magnum revolver that functions more like a shotgun than a handgun, firing a group of shots at once. It also lacks a scope, making it the only non-scoped .44 magnum revolver available to the player without the use of console commands. The revolver shoots 9 pellets with one round. Outside of V.A.T.S., this gun will get devastating critical hits quite frequently. Unlike the scoped .44 magnum, this has a shield around the rear section of the cylinder. It is repaired with any (including unique) scoped .44 magnums.
Paulson's revolver can fire 178 rounds, or just short of 30 cylinders, before breaking.
Blackhawk, the strongest variant in the base game with no add-ons.
Callahan's magnumBroken Steel, named after famous gunfighter and security guard Harold Callahan, Callahan's magnum is more effective than the Blackhawk, dealing more damage with less wear and tear.
Paulson uses the revolver as his primary weapon, and it can only be obtained by taking it from him; it cannot be reverse-pickpocketed. The player-usable weapon is only added to Paulson's inventory when he is dead, at which time the player may loot the item from his corpse. This weapon is only obtainable before exiting the Mothership; once Paulson leaves, the character and his associated items are removed from the game.