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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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partial CB Radio backup
Editor IDFFRaiderCamp07holoObject
Base ID00029fa7

Partial CB radio backup is a holodisk in Fallout 3. Only the first part is actually used in the game, found on a holodisk at Five Axles Rest Stop in the truck with the tyres in. The other messages can be only found in the game's data files.


Partial CB Radio backup[]


Come again, come again. Any truckers on this wave?

Unused parts[]

Icon cut contentThe following is based on Fallout 3 cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

Second guy:
I read you, buddy. Y'all see those clouds? Over.

First guy:
10-4, it's the commies. Let's circle the wagons, meet us at the state line on Route Seven.

Second guy:
You got a deal -- I'll pass the word along on my way. Over and out.


  • The second participant of the conversation speaks in a southern accent.
  • The conversation is actually spoken by a Hispanic man identified in the GECK as "DONOTUSEtruckerVoiceTypeNPC".

Behind the scenes[]

This holotape was written by Joel Burgess, Lead Level Designer of Fallout 3.[1]

