The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon info
The following article contains the transcript of a text file containing localized strings used by the game's characters, items, scripts, or interface.

# ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±
# Text labels and messages used in PIPBOY.C
# (These MUST match "text message" enumeration on the top of PIPBOY.C)
# ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±

# Special holiday dates
{100}{}{Happy New Year's Day!} # New years
{101}{}{Happy Valentine's Day!} # April fools
{102}{}{Happy All Fool's Day!} # April fools
{103}{}{Happy Ship Day!} # Shipping day!
{104}{}{Happy Independence Day!} # Independence day
{105}{}{Happy Halloween!} # Halloween
{106}{}{Happy Thanksgiving Day!} # Thanksgiving
{107}{}{Merry Christmas!} # X-mas

# System messages
{203}{}{No current tasks.}
{204}{}{CLUES} # clues gone
{215}{}{You can not rest at this location!}

# Alarm clock
{300}{}{ALARM CLOCK}
{301}{}{Hit Points}
{302}{}{Rest for ten minutes}
{303}{}{Rest for thirty minutes}
{304}{}{Rest for an hour}
{305}{}{Rest for two hours}
{306}{}{Rest for three hours}
{307}{}{Rest for four hours}
{308}{}{Rest for five hours}
{309}{}{Rest for six hours}
{310}{}{Rest until morning (0600)}
{311}{}{Rest until noon (1200)}
{312}{}{Rest until evening (1800)}
{313}{}{Rest until midnight (0000)}
{314}{}{Rest until healed}

# Holodisk titles
{400}{}{FEV Experiment Tape}
{401}{}{Security Tape}
{402}{}{Ancient Brotherhood Tape}
{403}{}{Alpha Experiment Tape}
{404}{}{Delta Experiment Tape}
{405}{}{Vree's Experiment Tape}
{406}{}{Brotherhood Code}
{407}{}{Mutant Transmissions}
{408}{}{Brotherhood Tape}
{409}{}{Sophia Tape}
{410}{}{Maxson Log}
{411}{}{Richard Grey Audio Diary}
{412}{}{Captain Maxson's Diary}
{413}{}{FEV Research}
{414}{}{Power Armor Specs}
{415}{}{West Tech Records}
{416}{}{Vault Locations v34.129}
{417}{}{Regulator Transmission}

# Movie archive titles
# Order must match the list (see gmovie.h)
{500}{}{InterPlay Logo} # Not show in Pipboy
{501}{}{MacPlay Logo} # MacPlay version ,Not show in Pipboy
{502}{}{Intro} # Not show in Pipboy
{503}{}{Vat Destruction}
{504}{}{Cathedral Destruction}
{505}{}{Overseer Briefing}
{506}{}{Vault 13 Water Deprivation} # Death
{507}{}{Vault 13 Invasion} # Death
{508}{}{Leaving Vault} # Man end
{509}{}{Leaving Vault} # Woman end
{510}{}{Dipped in the Vats} # Death
{511}{}{Vault 13 Water}
{512}{}{Vault 13 Water Running Low}
{513}{}{Rae Kills the Master}

# Things for the Mac version to speak
{601}{}{Clues} # Clues gone
{604}{}{Alarm Clock}
{605}{}{Doo da doo da dum dee dee doodly doo dum dum dum doo da doo da doo da doo da doo da doo da doo}
{606}{}{Welcome to the Rob Co Pipboy 2000.}
{607}{}{So long.}
{608}{}{Wake up.}

# Status thread text
# Format:
# 0 City name
# 1 ... 9 thread/quest name
{700}{}{Vault 13}
{701}{}{Calm rebel faction.}
{702}{}{Destroy the Mutant leader.}
{703}{}{Destroy the source of the Mutants.}
{704}{}{Find the Water Chip.}
{705}{}{Find the Water Thief.}
{710}{}{Buried Vault}
{720}{}{Shady Sands}
{721}{}{Cure Jarvis of Radscorpion Poison.}
{722}{}{Make Poison Antidote.}
{723}{}{Rescue Tandi from the Raiders.}
{724}{}{Stop the Radscorpions.}
{731}{}{Help Saul.}
{732}{}{Kill Killian.}
{733}{}{Rescue Sinthia.}
{734}{}{Save Trish.}
{735}{}{Stop Gizmo.}
{736}{}{Bust the Skulz gang.}
{751}{}{Destroy the Super Mutants at the Watershed.}
{752}{}{Fix the Necropolis water pump.}
{761}{}{Destroy Deathclaw.}
{762}{}{Dispose of Jain.}
{763}{}{Dispose of merchant.}
{764}{}{Find the missing caravans.}
{765}{}{Steal necklace from the Merchants.}
{771}{}{Become an Initiate.}
{772}{}{Rescue Initiate from the Hub.}
{780}{}{Military Base}
{791}{}{Disarm Traps for the Facility.}
{792}{}{Turn on power for the Glow.}
{801}{}{Become a Blade.}
{802}{}{Deliver Locket for Romero.}
{803}{}{Deliver package from the Gun Runners.}
{804}{}{Find Children spy in the Followers.}
{805}{}{Fix hydroponic farms in Adytum.}
{806}{}{Rescue Jason Zimmerman.}
{807}{}{Stop the Gangs from attacking Adytum.}

# Holodisk text

# *** FEV Experiment Disk ***
{1000}{}{• Log Date March 21, 2075:}
{1001}{}{Major Barnett has ordered experiments with batch}
{1002}{}{10-011 of panimmunity virion, which has been }
{1003}{}{renamed FEV, for Forced Evolutionary Virus. His}
{1004}{}{main concern is with the side effects of the }
{1005}{}{quad-helix structure rather than its main effect}
{1006}{}{of replicative stability. He believes the new }
{1007}{}{structure is the next logical step for mammalian}
{1008}{}{nuclei. Experiments with single-celled organisms}
{1009}{}{is a great success. While their basal metabolism}
{1010}{}{appears unchanged, their immunity to infection }
{1011}{}{and radiation is exceeding all earlier expectations.}
{1012}{}{Addendum: choroplasts seem unaffected by the virion.}
{1013}{}{Further experiments on plant cells have been }
{1014}{}{canceled by order of Major Barnett.}
# -
{1016}{}{• Log Date May 9, 2075}
{1017}{}{We infected several species of flatworm with FEV. }
{1018}{}{Within hours the worms had increased in size by }
{1019}{}{28%, and 39 separate viral contagions were resisted}
{1020}{}{by the population. Each sample was allowed to }
{1021}{}{continue for several generations, and the new DNA }
{1022}{}{structure was successfully passed on to worm's }
{1023}{}{progeny, although only asexual reproduction was }
{1024}{}{noticed in the samples. Experiments with insects }
{1025}{}{have had less success. Major Barnett has postponed }
{1026}{}{these experiments until further notice.}
# -
{1028}{}{• Log Date June 30, 2075}
{1029}{}{Several lab strains of white mice have been infected}
{1030}{}{successfully with FEV. Again, an increase in size }
{1031}{}{was noted within hours, and after 9 days all mice }
{1032}{}{had stabilized at 31% larger than the control group. }
{1033}{}{Dissection revealed the most increase in size in }
{1034}{}{striated muscle tissue and certain internal organs, }
{1035}{}{such as the liver, heart, and kidneys. In a }
{1036}{}{surprising finding, the infected mice were found to}
{1037}{}{run mazes in less than half of the time of the }
{1038}{}{control group. More testing will be needed to }
{1039}{}{confirm this finding as significant.}
# -
{1041}{}{• Log Date November 9, 2075}
{1042}{}{We have infected 218 rabbits with FEV. Half of }
{1043}{}{the subjects were implanted with electrodes to }
{1044}{}{monitor EEG activity before and after the }
{1045}{}{infection. Increased electrical activity in the }
{1046}{}{brain was noted in 3.2 seconds (on average) after}
{1047}{}{injection. Again, the typical size increase was }
{1048}{}{noted. However, increased aggression and posturing}
{1049}{}{(especially among males) was noted as well. }
{1050}{}{Sacrifice and profusion yielded brain tissue that}
{1051}{}{showed increased dendritic connection, especially }
{1052}{}{in the limbic system and frontal cortex.}
# -
{1054}{}{• Log Date January 12, 2076}
{1055}{}{With batch 11-011, we have improved the mitotic }
{1056}{}{cycle efficiency by 43%. We have infected 53 }
{1057}{}{raccoons with the new strain. In addition to the}
{1058}{}{now expected size increase, behavioral tests }
{1059}{}{confirmed an increase in intelligence and manual }
{1060}{}{dexterity by 19 points on the Schuler-Kapp index. }
{1061}{}{Unfortunately, several subjects escaped confinement}
{1062}{}{and had to be hunted down and dispatched. Major }
{1063}{}{Barneet ordered the remaining subjects terminated.}
{1064}{}{Two pairs were unaccounted for.}
# -
{1066}{}{• Log Date May 13, 2076}
{1067}{}{We have spliced several new gene sequences, supplied}
{1068}{}{by Major Barnett's advisory team, into FEV. With }
{1069}{}{batch 11-101a, we infected 23 dogs of both pure and }
{1070}{}{mixed breed, and all experienced nearly immediate }
{1071}{}{growth. The larger size was accompanied with }
{1072}{}{increased aggressiveness, while no significant }
{1073}{}{intelligence increase was noted. We plan to attempt}
{1074}{}{crossover of 92 allele pairs with batch 11-011. All}
{1075}{}{subjects were terminated after 14 weeks of study.}
# -
{1077}{}{• Log Date October 4, 2076}
{1078}{}{The crossover has been completed and 15 chimpanzees}
{1079}{}{were infected with batch 11-111. Growth and immunity}
{1080}{}{levels are unprecedented. Attempts to induce cancers}
{1081}{}{in the subjects through radiological and chemical }
{1082}{}{agents were not successful. Increased aggressiveness}
{1083}{}{have led to isolating the subjects. Two subjects }
{1084}{}{suffered violent epileptic seizures and died. All }
{1085}{}{remaining subjects terminated.}
# -
{1087}{}{• Log Date January 7, 2077}
{1088}{}{Major Barnett has ordered transfer of all FEV }
{1089}{}{research to the Mariposa Military Base. He }
{1090}{}{plans to continue the project experiments on }
{1091}{}{volunteer subjects. I am against this, and would }
{1092}{}{like it noted here that research on human subjects}
{1093}{}{is not recommended by myself or my staff.}

# *** Security Disk ***
{2000}{}{Security override Gamma Omicron Delta.}

# *** Ancient Brotherhood Disk ***
{3000}{}{Capt. Maxson was right. This place is death.}
{3001}{}{I'm writing this so that if we don't make it}
{3002}{}{back, someone, some day, might find out what}
{3003}{}{happened to us.}
# -
{3005}{}{We made it to West Tek Research Facility after}
{3006}{}{20 days of hell. But that was the easy part. The}
{3007}{}{radiation levels began to shoot up as soon as we}
{3008}{}{could see the giant crater. We checked our supplies}
{3009}{}{and figured with our armor and our anti-rad supplies}
{3010}{}{we'd be fine for a least a day of exploring. We }
{3011}{}{felt it was a calculated risk, but the technology }
{3012}{}{we had the potential of recovering was worth it.}
# -
{3014}{}{We climbed down the crater to the first level and }
{3015}{}{everything seemed to be according to plan. The power}
{3016}{}{was off, so we didn't need to circumvent the }
{3017}{}{security. Or so we thought. There wasn't much of }
{3018}{}{value on this level, so we pushed on.}
# -
{3020}{}{The second level was more of the same.}
# -
{3022}{}{When Jensen dropped to the third level, all hell }
{3023}{}{broke loose. The security sensors had been burned}
{3024}{}{out on the first two levels, but not on the third.}
{3025}{}{Jensen was cut to ribbons before he knew what had }
{3026}{}{happened. We'd never seen weapons cut through power}
{3027}{}{armor like that. Men started dropping right and }
{3028}{}{left, and the ones who were still alive lost it. I}
{3029}{}{tried to regroup, but only Soto and Camarillo made}
{3030}{}{it back up here to the first level with me.}
# -
{3032}{}{ The fact that I can smell Soto's burning flesh }
{3033}{}{where his arm was taken off means that my power }
{3034}{}{armor is no longer air tight, so I'm sucking up }
{3035}{}{a lot more rads than I had planned on. I'm leaking}
{3036}{}{hydraulics at an alarming rate. We need to get far}
{3037}{}{enough away from this place before my armor dies. }
# -
{3039}{}{Camarillo seemed fine physically, but he wandered}
{3040}{}{off about an hour ago, mumbling something about }
{3041}{}{Gehenna. That bastard has all the anti-rad. }
# -
{3043}{}{That leaves Soto and myself. We can't make }
{3044}{}{it far enough away from here without the }
{3045}{}{anti-rads, so I've got to try to find Camarillo}
{3046}{}{before it's too late.}
# -
{3048}{}{Sgt. D. Allen , United States Armed Forces.}

# *** Alpha Experiment Disk ***
{4000}{}{Prototype Panimmunity Virion Project}
# -
{4002}{}{In the hopes of countering the current }
{4003}{}{bacteriological and viral agents employed by the}
{4004}{}{Chinese government, we have manufactured a virus }
{4005}{}{fragment consisting of ribonucleic acid (RNA) }
{4006}{}{encased in a protein-lipid sheath. This virion }
{4007}{}{contains a specially arranged sequence of radiated}
{4008}{}{amino acids (RAA) that are capable of attaching to}
{4009}{}{non-specific binding sites on deoxyribonucleic }
{4010}{}{acid (DNA) and force a non-replicating mitosis to}
{4011}{}{occur. The resulting host cell is left with a }
{4012}{}{quadruple-helix DNA structure.}
# -
{4014}{}{Early tests are promising. The virion easily }
{4015}{}{penetrates the cell membrane and attaches directly}
{4016}{}{to the host DNA in the nucleus. Mitosis of the }
{4017}{}{structure begins almost immediately. Cytokinesis }
{4018}{}{is prevented by controlling the disposition of the}
{4019}{}{kinetochore fibers during anaphase. The entire }
{4020}{}{mitotic cycle lasts approximately 2 hours, although}
{4021}{}{phenotypical expression of the new structure may }
{4022}{}{take days or weeks to become apparent.}
# -
{4024}{}{In addition to an effective immunity to bacterial }
{4025}{}{and viral agents, the quad-helix structure is }
{4026}{}{almost entirely immune to errors introduced in }
{4027}{}{base pairing during replication due to multiplicity}
{4028}{}{of the base sequence. Radiation-exposed tissue }
{4029}{}{showed no mutation in the base sequence and protein}
{4030}{}{synthesis mechanisms in the ribosomes were unimpaired.}
# -
{4032}{}{Over 80% of the samples tissue contained quad-helix}
{4033}{}{DNA. Most affected was muscle and bone tissue, as }
{4034}{}{well as secretory cells, as these cells seem most }
{4035}{}{receptive to virion. Sensory cells are the least }
{4036}{}{affected. Surprisingly, even normally non-replicating}
{4037}{}{nerve cells and nonsomatic cell were induced to }
{4038}{}{begin mitosis. Further experiments will be necessary}
{4039}{}{to determine the results on these cells.}

# *** Delta Experiment Disk ***
{5000}{}{The Military has deemed it necessary for us to research}
{5001}{}{further in depth the effects of wave technology upon}
{5002}{}{living organisms. We have taken light and sound as the}
{5003}{}{basis of our studies. By manipulating the amplitude of}
{5004}{}{the light waves and magnifying the frequency, we have}
{5005}{}{been able to get lasers which will cut through a few}
{5006}{}{feet a steel. Unfortunately, the power to do such a}
{5007}{}{task has not been fully developed. We have other}
{5008}{}{scientists looking into this.}

# *** Vree's Experiment Disk ***
{6000}{}{• Initial Observations}
# -
{6002}{}{This is truly amazing. Some of the Knights on a patrolling}
{6003}{}{expedition came across an unusual creature. This creature}
{6004}{}{appears to be humanoid, and quite possibly was once of a}
{6005}{}{human state. However, there are many differences in the }
{6006}{}{structure of this creature than that of normal humans.}
# -
{6008}{}{In the initial investigation of this creature, it is }
{6009}{}{discovered to have a cellular structure akin to that of}
{6010}{}{humans. Before any possible decomposition can take }
{6011}{}{place, I am taking down the statistics of this subject.}
# -
{6013}{}{• Statistics of Subject A:}
# -
{6015}{}{Height: 3.2 meters}
{6016}{}{Mass: 363.21 kg}
{6017}{}{Gender: Indeterminate}
{6018}{}{Skin Colour: Predominantly gray with tints of green }
{6019}{}{under the current lighting system. Uncertain if this is}
{6020}{}{due to decay or exposure in the wastelands. Note: The }
{6021}{}{skin is extremely tough with respect to scalpels.}
{6023}{}{Mass Breakdown:}
{6024}{}{ Muscle Mass: 77.41% }
{6025}{}{ Bone Mass: 10.23%}
{6026}{}{ Fat Mass: 3.02%}
{6027}{}{ Tissue Mass: 9.34%}
{6029}{}{Cellular Structure:}
{6030}{}{ Cells undergo cellular division at an increased rate.}
{6031}{}{ Mitosis occurs at a rate 15% quicker than that of }
{6032}{}{ normal humans.}
{6033}{}{ Cellular structure appears to be highly similar to}
{6034}{}{ humans.}
{6035}{}{ Genetic structure shows a strong correlation}
{6036}{}{ between the subject and Homo Sapiens. Possible a}
{6037}{}{ mutation from the nuclear and biochemical agents}
{6038}{}{ remnant from the war.}
{6039}{}{ DNA strands appear to be very complete. All recessive}
{6040}{}{ genes for ailments appear to have been eradicated}
{6041}{}{ from the system.}
{6042}{}{ The RNA strands also appear to have been manipulated}
{6043}{}{ to allow for a greater transmission of signals.}
# -
{6045}{}{• Initial Hypothesis}
# -
{6047}{}{Based on the increased size of the neural transmitters}
{6048}{}{and synaptic receivers, I would hypothesize the}
{6049}{}{subject had acute reflexes and heightened senses. Based}
{6050}{}{on the reports the Knights gave of the area in which the}
{6051}{}{subject was discovered, barren, high radiation, extremely}
{6052}{}{high concentrations of chemical agents, it is a wonder}
{6053}{}{the subject survived as long as it did. Performing tests}
{6054}{}{to determine possible cause of death.}
# -
{6056}{}{• Results from tests conducted upon Subject A:}
# -
{6058}{}{Visual Inspection:}
{6059}{}{ Black powder burns near the area suggest possible }
{6060}{}{ bullet.}
{6061}{}{ 1.2 cm lacerations upon the calf of the right leg }
{6062}{}{ appear to have been made by teeth. Will conduct}
{6063}{}{ test for possible Rabies.}
{6064}{}{ Skin dried out and flaking. Possible exposure.}
# -
{6066}{}{Test Results:}
{6067}{}{ Radiation Count: 12 rads.}
{6068}{}{ Rabies test: Clean.}
{6069}{}{ Hydrochloric Gas: Clean}
{6070}{}{ Chlorine Level: .07%}
{6071}{}{ Sulfuric Content: .02%}
{6072}{}{ Phase Shifting Virus: Clean}
{6073}{}{ Gamma Cyclotronic Virus: Clean}
{6074}{}{ Forced Evolutionary Virus II: Severe overdose}
# -
{6076}{}{• Hypothesis}
# -
{6078}{}{Based on my observations, I would hypothesize that the }
{6079}{}{test subject has been killed in a severe fight of at }
{6080}{}{least two people and three animals the size of dogs.}
{6081}{}{What is truly astonishing is the extent of viral}
{6082}{}{infection in the subject. I had read once that some}
{6083}{}{pre-war scientists were conducting experiments with}
{6084}{}{such a virus, but all of the research notes were}
# -
{6087}{}{Research into this virus has lead to many interesting }
{6088}{}{discoveries. The test subject has gained many of its }
{6089}{}{mutations from the overdose of the virus. This would }
{6090}{}{account for the enhanced muscle and bone structure. }
{6091}{}{Additionally, the recessive genes which are commonly }
{6092}{}{found in humans have been manipulated in such a way as }
{6093}{}{to bring about the best possible combination. While}
{6094}{}{the process by which this happens is uncertain, it does}
{6095}{}{have some severe side effects. Chief among them is}
{6096}{}{sterility. The test subject would have been unable to}
{6097}{}{reproduce with any creature, whether clean or mutated.}
{6098}{}{Other side effects include an alteration of pigment of}
{6099}{}{the epidermis. The life expectancy is increased by 10%.}
{6100}{}{Intellect is decreased by this strain by 30%.}
# -
{6102}{}{• Conclusions}
# -
{6104}{}{Based on this information, I would extrapolate that we }
{6105}{}{could simply outlive these mutants. However, based on}
{6106}{}{the fact that these mutants have a super high}
{6107}{}{concentration of the virus, it stands to reason that}
{6108}{}{there could be some place which is creating them.}
{6109}{}{As to where they could be, I cannot hazard a guess.}

# *** Brotherhood of Steel Honor Code ***
# *** Maxson's History ***
{7000}{}{My father was a security guard at a secret military base}
{7001}{}{in the desert of southern California. A typical MP, I}
{7002}{}{remember mostly his strength. When it came time for}
{7003}{}{the revolution, I respected his convictions. He stayed}
{7004}{}{behind, to help those who were disabled and wounded,}
{7005}{}{even the scis. He put the well being of myself and my}
{7006}{}{mother into the hands of his best friend, and ordered}
{7007}{}{us into the desert with the other rebels.}
# -
{7009}{}{We, very few, marched into the wastes. The only thought}
{7010}{}{on my mind was that I would never see my father again.}
{7011}{}{He knew that to stay behind was death. And still, he}
{7012}{}{stayed. He respected the flag, the CIC and the badge}
{7013}{}{that he wore.}
# -
{7015}{}{What an idiot.}
# -
{7017}{}{He died for the sins of others. That will never happen}
{7018}{}{again to us. We will become self-sufficient. We will}
{7019}{}{become keepers of knowledge and lore. We will survive}
{7020}{}{the end of civilization. We will take responsibility}
{7021}{}{for our actions, and we will hold accountable the}
{7022}{}{actions of others.}
# -
{7024}{}{This I pledge to you, Maxson, my son. The Brotherhood}
{7025}{}{of Steel is justly named. We are a Brotherhood. Unlike}
{7026}{}{my father, we will stand back to back with those that}
{7027}{}{share our convictions and beliefs. We are Steel. We are}
{7028}{}{hard. We have been sharpened to and edge.}
# -
{7030}{}{Always remember the fires that we were forged in.}
{7031}{}{Never forget. }
{7032}{}{The motto from a previous time, and our motto now.}

# *** Mutant disk ***
{8000}{}{Message sent: Base, this is Scavenger Team two come in.}
# -
{8003}{}{Message received: We're reading you loud an clear, go}
{8004}{}{ahead. Over.}
# -
{8006}{}{Message sent: We've collected four males, two females,}
{8007}{}{and their supplies from the caravan. They're not too }
{8008}{}{badly contaminated. Tell the Lieutenent that we're }
{8009}{}{sending them ahead, they might be able to survive the}
{8010}{}{process. We're going to wait here for a few more days}
{8011}{}{ to try and intercept another caravan. Over.}
# -
{8012}{}{Message received: Roger that. Were any casulties }
{8013}{}{accrued during the acquisition? Over.}
# -
{8015}{}{Message sent: Negative. Another clean sweep. Base, also}
{8016}{}{tell Scavenger Team one that we've run across the same}
{8017}{}{problem they had. One of our scouts did not return from}
{8018}{}{his perimeter patrol. A few of our other scouts reported}
{8019}{}{that there was something big and fast seen near our}
{8020}{}{camp last night. I'll be checking it out personally }
{8021}{}{at 0600 hours tomorrow morning. Over.}
# -
{8023}{}{Message received: Copy. We'll be awaiting your report.}
{8024}{}{If possible, try to capture it. The Master would be}
{8025}{}{very pleased. Over.}

# *** Military Base Disk***
{9000}{}{• Oct 10, 2077}
{9001}{}{I, Roger Maxson, Captain, serial number 072389 have}
{9002}{}{started this log because it doesn't look good for any of}
{9003}{}{us, and I'd like for people to know what really happened}
{9004}{}{here. }
# -
{9006}{}{All hell broke loose when we finally discovered what}
{9007}{}{those scientist bastards were up to. The Colonel has}
{9008}{}{locked himself in his office and seems to be having}
{9009}{}{some sort of breakdown. The men are screaming for blood.}
{9010}{}{They're looking to me for answers, and I'm not sure}
{9011}{}{what to do. Someone has to do something, though, before}
{9012}{}{this place sinks into an anarchistic bloodbath.}
# -
{9014}{}{• Oct. 12 2077}
{9015}{}{Every time we get a report from higher up things get}
{9016}{}{worse here. The war is going in a very bad direction and}
{9017}{}{this place is about to go into full mutiny, with all the}
{9018}{}{chaos it brings. I stopped one of the men from executing}
{9019}{}{a scientist today, and demanded that we interrogate}
{9020}{}{them to find out what their orders were.}
# -
{9022}{}{• Oct.13 2077 }
{9023}{}{I killed a man today. I was interrogating Chief}
{9024}{}{Scientist Anderson and he was giving me the full details}
{9025}{}{of their inhuman experiments. He said his orders came}
{9026}{}{from the government, but I didn't buy it. He started}
{9027}{}{screaming about how he was following orders, how he was}
{9028}{}{a military man, and I just shot him. I tell myself it}
{9029}{}{was to keep him from causing a full mutiny among the}
{9030}{}{men, but I'm not so sure.}
# -
{9032}{}{• Oct.15 2077}
{9033}{}{I tried again to speak to the colonel through the door, }
{9034}{}{but he seems to have completely lost touch with reality.}
{9035}{}{I broke down the door with several of the men just in }
{9036}{}{time to watch him blow his head off. Right before he }
{9037}{}{pulled the trigger he said he was sorry.}
# -
{9039}{}{• Oct. 18 2077}
{9040}{}{By killing the egghead, I seem to have confirmed my }
{9041}{}{position as leader of the men. They follow me without }
{9042}{}{question now. The interrogations invariably end up being}
{9043}{}{executions. Shellman held out the longest, but the end }
{9044}{}{result was the same. Her arguments about orders were}
{9045}{}{a bit too specific to be completely made up. I'm getting}
{9046}{}{a real bad feeling in my gut about how this is all going}
{9047}{}{to end up. I don't even lie to myself anymore about my }
{9048}{}{reasons for executing the scientists.}
# -
{9050}{}{• Oct.20 2077}
{9051}{}{I finally replied to the outside world over our radio.}
{9052}{}{I don't know why they never sent anyone here to see}
{9053}{}{what was happening when we stopped responding to their}
{9054}{}{transmissions. It doesn't make any sense. Well, they'll}
{9055}{}{come now. I declared ourselves seceded from the union.}
{9056}{}{Jefferson Davis, eat your heart out.}
# -
{9058}{}{• Oct.22 2077}
{9059}{}{What the hell is going on? We declare ourselves to be in}
{9060}{}{full desertion from the army and no longer under the}
{9061}{}{Government's command and what happens? Nothing.}
{9062}{}{Something bad is coming down.}
# -
{9064}{}{• Oct. 23 2077}
{9065}{}{I can't believe those bastards finally did it. Damn them}
{9066}{}{all to hell. They finally let the A-bombs fly. We were }
{9067}{}{right in the middle of trying to pry the real story out }
{9068}{}{of von Felden when we completely lost contact. I have a }
{9069}{}{feeling the research center was hit hard. I don't know }
{9070}{}{why, just call it a gut feeling. It seems inconceivable }
{9071}{}{that we were not targeted. I'm sure China will make up }
{9072}{}{for that oversight real soon. Luckily, we had moved our }
{9073}{}{families from outside into the facility the day before }
{9074}{}{yesterday. We do not yet know if the fallout has reached }
{9075}{}{this area.}
# -
{9077}{}{• Oct. 25 2077}
{9078}{}{Sgt. Platner volunteered to go outside today to take }
{9079}{}{specific readings on the atmosphere. It seems the }
{9080}{}{radiation has not spread this far. Since he was wearing }
{9081}{}{his power armor, there was no threat to him from }
{9082}{}{radiation, but if he had been exposed he would have had }
{9083}{}{to be exiled. We don't have adequate decontamination }
{9084}{}{facilities here.}
# -
{9086}{}{• Oct. 26 2077}
{9087}{}{I convinced the men that we should bury the scientists. }
{9088}{}{I don't know why... perhaps it was to ease my conscience.}
{9089}{}{I finally started to believe their stories when the last }
{9090}{}{one was dying. }
# -
{9092}{}{My God, what have I become? }
# -
{9094}{}{• Oct. 27 2077}
{9095}{}{We're leaving this godforsaken place today. I'm leading }
{9096}{}{the exodus to the old government bunker at Lost Hills. }
{9097}{}{I'm leaving this log behind to be buried when this place}
{9098}{}{goes in the next exchange. Who knows, maybe someone}
{9099}{}{will find it someday.....}

# *** Sophia Disk ***
{10000}{}{The Exodus from the accursed base was a trying time for}
{10001}{}{the men and their families. While there was no }
{10002}{}{radioactive fallout to contend with, they were }
{10003}{}{frequently beset by the fallout of humanity. Roving }
{10004}{}{bands of psychotic marauders attempted several attacks }
{10005}{}{on that noble group. }
# -
{10007}{}{The company itself was in no danger, for they wore the }
{10008}{}{Armor of Power. Members of their families were not so }
{10009}{}{lucky. Once the vermin found out they were easily }
{10010}{}{repelled, they began to fire on the unarmed civilians }
{10011}{}{from a distance. }
# -
{10013}{}{They took a great many casualties, yet for every member}
{10014}{}{of the Exodus that was struck down in this way, our }
{10015}{}{noble brethren took two lives from the wasteland.}
# -
{10017}{}{Finally, the forefathers came to the safety of the }
{10018}{}{bunker. Capt. Maxson, the great deliverer, decreed this}
{10019}{}{to be our new home, and all was well.}
# -
{10021}{}{In the fullness of time the bunker became our home, our}
{10022}{}{temple and our salvation from the terrors of the outside}
{10023}{}{world. We began to build and shape our fortress into }
{10024}{}{something glorious, the beauty of which the }
{10025}{}{technologically bereft world had never seen before.}
# -
{10027}{}{Yet there were those who sought still more. These }
{10028}{}{restless souls demanded we look to the southeast for }
{10029}{}{the advanced technology that was supposedly housed }
# -
{10032}{}{Capt. Maxson warned these impetuous youths that the}
{10033}{}{research facility was doubtlessly destroyed when we}
{10034}{}{were spared, but they would not hear his words. They}
{10035}{}{took their sanctified armor and headed off to find their}
{10036}{}{Holy Grail, but not before they spoke the Deliverer's}
{10037}{}{name in vain, questioning his very bravery!}
# -
{10039}{}{These men were never heard from again.}

# *** Maxson Disk ***
{11000}{}{By my orders, as active commanding officer following}
{11001}{}{the untimely death of Colonel Robert Spindel during}
{11002}{}{this time of crisis, the full base security team has}
{11003}{}{been deployed to the security bunker at Lost Hill.}
# -
{11005}{}{This directive also includes the families of the}
{11006}{}{officers and enlisted men.}
# -
{11008}{}{Unless otherwise directed, from a proper }
{11009}{}{representative of the War Department, this order }
{11010}{}{will stand as written.}
# -
{11012}{}{Operative 1: All military personnel, and their }
{11013}{}{families, are to vacate the base by 0800, 25 Oct 2077.}
{11014}{}{All personnel, travelling under command, will make }
{11015}{}{their way to Lost Hill base. No leave has been granted.}
# -
{11017}{}{Operative 2: All civilian personnel are directed to }
{11018}{}{remain at base, pending orders from their legal command}
# -
{11021}{}{Operative 3: Equipment deemed necessary to the survival}
{11022}{}{of base military personnel is to be immediately drawn }
{11023}{}{from stores. Proper authorization will follow, time }
# -
{11026}{}{Operative 4: All codes of military justice will be }
{11027}{}{harsly enforced, on military personnel and civilian }
{11028}{}{personnel in joint military operations.}
# -
{11030}{}{Operative 5: Until such time as consistant and }
{11031}{}{authorized communication can be established with the }
{11032}{}{War Department, these orders will have precendence over}
{11033}{}{any previously established orders.}
# -
{11035}{}{Captain Maxson}
{11036}{}{24 Oct 2077}

# *** Richard Grey audio diary ***
{12000}{}{ 0000 - 0004}
{12001}{}{I'm dying. I need to get this down before the pain}
{12002}{}{overwhelms me.}
# -
{12004}{}{ 0005 - 0020}
{12005}{}{I can't believe that I was finally able to drag myself}
{12006}{}{out of that vat. The slime did not affect me, but I}
{12007}{}{nearly drowned. I don't know what happened to Harold-}
{12008}{}{he was standing right next to me when the crane}
{12009}{}{knocked me into the vat. He must have been killed or}
{12010}{}{he would have tried to help me. Francine is dead, killed}
{12011}{}{by one of those robots.}
# -
{12013}{}{ 0021 - 0027}
{12014}{}{I have no idea how much time has passed. I was able to}
{12015}{}{hack the computer to turn off the robots and record}
{12016}{}{this, but now my mind is slipping away.}
{12017}{}{There is much pain...}
# -
{12019}{}{ 0028 - 0043}
{12020}{}{The green slime that I was immersed in is the source}
{12021}{}{of all the mutations we traced to here. My skin is}
{12022}{}{to fester and peel. In other areas it is bubbling and}
{12023}{}{starting expelling a green mucus-like substance. Some}
{12024}{}{days the pain is almost tolerable.}
# -
{12026}{}{ 0044 - 0057}
{12027}{}{I can actually walk a few steps again... It seems}
{12028}{}{inconceivable that I dragged myself all the way up here}
{12029}{}{from the vat room. Strangely, I'm actually feeling}
{12030}{}{stronger, though I'm still in a lot of pain. Everything}
{12031}{}{seems to be getting smaller.}
# -
{12033}{}{ 0058 - 0096}
{12034}{}{I think I consumed one of the mutated things scurrying}
{12035}{}{around here today. Before I knew what was happening,}
{12036}{}{some sort of tendril had sprang from my stomach and}
{12037}{}{covered the poor creature. As soon as it had sucked}
{12038}{}{the rodent into my gut I could actually feel its mind.}
{12039}{}{I think. There is the very real possibility that I'm}
{12040}{}{going slowly insane and can no longer differentiate}
{12041}{}{between what is real and what is a hallucination.}
{12042}{}{Maybe I'm still slowly dying in the vat and I've}
{12043}{}{imagined all this.}
# -
{12045}{}{ 0097 - 0111}
{12046}{}{Things are becoming more clear to me every day.}
{12047}{}{This toxin has actually improved my mind. I feel that}
{12048}{}{I can understand even the most complex philosophical}
{12049}{}{questions simply and directly. It's as if all the layers}
{12050}{}{of artifice have been stripped away. I wonder what}
{12051}{}{would happen if I submerged an animal in the vats for}
{12052}{}{a prolonged period of time? Would it gain awareness?}
# -
{12054}{}{ 0112 - 0134}
{12055}{}{The strangest thing is happening to the animals.}
{12056}{}{They actually become smarter and more aware of their}
{12057}{}{surroundings. I dipped a dog and a rat at the same}
{12058}{}{time today, and they were fused together. It's not}
{12059}{}{quite two creatures anymore, but it's more than one.}
{12060}{}{Perhaps this is the future - a coming together of}
{12061}{}{different creatures in some sort of harmonious unity.}
{12062}{}{I no longer consume the different animals I create}
{12063}{}{simply for sustenance - I have become the instrument}
{12064}{}{through which unity will be achieved. I am so much}
{12065}{}{more than a human being now.}
# -
{12067}{}{ 0135 - 0139}
{12068}{}{It is time to bring others into the glory that is the}
# -
{12071}{}{ 0140 - 0153}
{12072}{}{A lost soul has finally strayed into my home. I was so}
{12073}{}{surprised I consumed him before dipping, a mistake I}
{12074}{}{shall not make again. His mind was so primitive as to}
{12075}{}{be repulsive to my refined cognitive abilities.}
# -
{12077}{}{ 0154 - 0172}
{12078}{}{I've begun to modify myself to be more pleasing to the}
{12079}{}{Unity by injecting small doses of the virus into my body.}
{12080}{}{The slime in the vats is a man-made virus called the}
{12081}{}{Forced Evolutionary Virus. This information was acquired}
{12082}{}{from my newly grown neurolink with the base computer.}
# -
{12084}{}{ 0173 - 0198}
{12085}{}{The few wanderers that have found their way here have}
{12086}{}{been a disappointment to me. They can't seem to mutate}
{12087}{}{correctly. The best I've been able to create are some}
{12088}{}{big and dumb mutants. Most can recall nothing from}
{12089}{}{before I initiated them into the wondrous Unity. I only}
{12090}{}{feed on them for fuel, now. Their minds are nothing}
{12091}{}{to me.}
# -
{12093}{}{ 0199 - 0236}
{12094}{}{Oh glorious creator!! I have succeeded in spreading the}
{12095}{}{complete joy of unification to another soul! Unlike the}
{12096}{}{others, his total radiation count was low. I believe this}
{12097}{}{is the factor we have been overlooking all this time,}
{12098}{}{as it seems the conversion is more successful in the}
{12099}{}{cases with less radiation damage. I have never known}
{12100}{}{such glory as I felt when taking his mind into our own.}
# -
{12102}{}{ 0237 - 0281}
{12103}{}{We are beginning to create an army dedicated to}
{12104}{}{unifying the wonderful diversity of life. We have trained}
{12105}{}{them to continue our work here while we search out}
{12106}{}{more populated areas to take into ourselves. We are}
{12107}{}{beginning to feel the limitations of a body that is mobile.}
{12108}{}{We must find a permanent home, with a greater store of}
{12109}{}{knowledge, and a steady supply of bio-mass.}
# -
{12111}{}{ 0282 - 0303}
{12112}{}{We have stopped increasing ourself until we can find this}
{12113}{}{new unification center. When we have arrived we will}
{12114}{}{continue to grow and feed until we have brought peace}
{12115}{}{and unity to the entire world.}

# *** Captain Maxson's Diary ***
{13000}{}{• Oct 10, 2077}
{13001}{}{I, Roger Maxson, Captain, serial number 072389 have}
{13002}{}{started this log because it doesn't look good for any}
{13003}{}{of us, and I'd like for people to know what really}
{13004}{}{happened here. All hell broke loose when we finally}
{13005}{}{discovered what those scientist bastards were up to.}
{13006}{}{The Colonel has locked himself in his office and seems}
{13007}{}{to be having some sort of breakdown. The men are}
{13008}{}{screaming for blood. They're looking to me for answers,}
{13009}{}{and I'm not sure what to do. Someone has to do}
{13010}{}{something, though, before this place sinks into an}
{13011}{}{anarchistic bloodbath.}
# -
{13013}{}{• Oct. 12 2077}
{13014}{}{Every time we get a report from higher up things get}
{13015}{}{worse here. The war is going in a very bad direction}
{13016}{}{and this place is about to go into full mutiny, with all}
{13017}{}{the chaos that entails. I stopped one of the men from}
{13018}{}{executing a scientist today, and demanded that we}
{13019}{}{interrogate them to find out what their orders were.}
# -
{13021}{}{• Oct.13 2077}
{13022}{}{I killed a man today. I was interrogating chief scientist}
{13023}{}{Anderson and he was giving me the full details of their}
{13024}{}{inhuman experiments. He said his orders came from the}
{13025}{}{Gov't., but I didn't buy it. He started screaming about}
{13026}{}{how he was following orders, how he was a military man,}
{13027}{}{and I just shot him. I tell myself it was to keep him from}
{13028}{}{causing a full mutiny among the men, but I'm not so sure.}
# -
{13030}{}{• Oct.15 2077}
{13031}{}{I tried again to speak to the colonel through the door,}
{13032}{}{but he seems to have completely lost touch with reality.}
{13033}{}{I broke down the door with several of the men just in}
{13034}{}{time to watch him blow his head off. Right before he}
{13035}{}{pulled the trigger he said he was sorry.}
# -
{13037}{}{• Oct. 18 2077}
{13038}{}{By killing the egghead, I seem to have confirmed my}
{13039}{}{position as leader of the men. They follow me without}
{13040}{}{question now. The interrogations invariably end up being}
{13041}{}{executions. Shellman held out the longest, but the end}
{13042}{}{result was the same. Her arguments about her orders}
{13043}{}{were a bit to specific to be completely made up. I'm}
{13044}{}{getting a real bad feeling in my gut about how this is}
{13045}{}{all going to end up. I don't even lie to myself anymore}
{13046}{}{about my reasons for executing the scientists.}
# -
{13048}{}{• Oct.20 2077}
{13049}{}{I finally replied to the outside world over our radio.}
{13050}{}{I don't know why they never sent anyone here to see}
{13051}{}{what was happening when we stopped responding to}
{13052}{}{their transmissions. It doesn't make any sense.}
{13053}{}{Well, they'll come now. I declared ourselves seceeded}
{13054}{}{from the union. They remember Jefferson Davis. What}
{13055}{}{will history say about me?}
# -
{13057}{}{• Oct.22 2077}
{13058}{}{What the hell is going on? We declare ourselves to be}
{13059}{}{in full desertion from the army and no longer under the}
{13060}{}{Government's command and what happens? Nothing.}
{13061}{}{Something bad is coming down.}
# -
{13063}{}{• Oct. 23 2077}
{13064}{}{I can't believe those bastards finally did it. Damn them}
{13065}{}{all to hell. They finally let the A-Bombs fly. We were}
{13066}{}{right in the middle of trying to pry the real story out}
{13067}{}{of von Felden when we completely lost contact. I have}
{13068}{}{a feeling the research center was hit hard. I don't know}
{13069}{}{why, just call it a gut feeling. It seems inconceivable}
{13070}{}{that we were not targeted. I'm sure China will make up}
{13071}{}{for that oversite real soon. Luckily, we had moved our}
{13072}{}{families from outside into the facility the day before}
{13073}{}{yesterday. We do not yet know if the fallout has}
{13074}{}{reached this area.}
# -
{13076}{}{• Oct. 25 2077}
{13077}{}{Sgt. Platner volunteered to go outside today to take}
{13078}{}{specific readings on the atmosphere. It seems the}
{13079}{}{radiation has not spread this far. Since he was wearing}
{13080}{}{his power armor, there was no threat to him from}
{13081}{}{radiation, but if he had been exposed he would have had}
{13082}{}{to be exiled. We don't have adequate decontamination}
{13083}{}{facilities here.}
# -
{13085}{}{• Oct. 26 2077}
{13086}{}{I convinced the men that we should bury the scientists.}
{13087}{}{I don't know why... perhaps it was to ease my conscience.}
{13088}{}{I finally started to believe their stories when the last}
{13089}{}{one was dying. My God, what have I become?}
# -
{13091}{}{• Oct. 27 2077}
{13092}{}{We're leaving this godforsaken place today. I'm leading}
{13093}{}{the exodus to the old government bunker at Lost Hills.}
{13094}{}{I'm leaving this log behind to be buried when this place}
{13095}{}{goes in the next exchange. Who knows, maybe someone}
{13096}{}{will find it someday.....}

# Computer Download of the FEV project
# Uses the global var COMPUTER_FEV

{14000}{}{FEV Summary Digest:}
{14002}{}{2073. As China became increasingly aggressive with}
{14003}{}{their use of biological weapons, the United States}
{14004}{}{government felt that a countermeasure was needed. }
{14005}{}{The Pan-Immunity Virion Project (PVP) was officially}
{14006}{}{formed September 15, 2073. }
{14008}{}{2075. It became clear that the best way to combat the}
{14009}{}{newly created biological weapons was to alter }
{14010}{}{uninfected DNA so that it was no longer susceptible }
{14011}{}{to standard viral infection.}
{14013}{}{2076. Unforseen side effects began surfacing in early}
{14014}{}{2076 with the PVP. Animal test subjects began showing}
{14015}{}{an abnormal growth rate accompanied by increased }
{14016}{}{brain activity. The U.S. government took notice of }
{14017}{}{these discoveries, and in the interests of national }
{14018}{}{security, moved a team on-site to secure and oversee }
{14019}{}{the project, which was now dubbed the FEV (Forced }
{14020}{}{Evolutionary Virus) project.}
{14022}{}{2077. FEV nears completion. Test on lab animals are at }
{14023}{}{a near 100% success rate. Size and muscle density }
{14024}{}{increase approximately 60%, and the protential }
{14025}{}{intelligence increase by 200%. Effects upon human }
{14026}{}{subjects remain unknown; although they are theoretically}
{14027}{}{promising. The military, wishing to continue further }
{14028}{}{testing, builds a large facility at the Mariposa }
{14029}{}{military installation in central California. At this }
{14030}{}{new facility, testing of the FEV virus continues on }
{14031}{}{volunteer subjects from the military.}

# Computer Downlod of the Power Armor Specs
# Uses the global var COMPUTER_POWER_ARMOR

{15000}{}{The T-51b Powered Infantry Armor is designed with the}
{15001}{}{latest passive defense features for both civilian and}
{15002}{}{military disturbances. The back-mounted TX-28}
{15003}{}{MicroFusion Pack generates 60,000 Watts to power the}
{15004}{}{HiFlo hydraulic systems built into the frame of the suit.}
{15005}{}{Made of the latest poly-laminate composite, the T-51b}
{15006}{}{shell is lightweight and capable of absorbing over 2500}
{15007}{}{Joules of kinetic impact. The 10 micron silver ablative}
{15008}{}{coating can reflect laser and radiation emissions without}
{15009}{}{damage to the composite subsurface.}

# Computer Download of the Personel Records
# Uses the global var COMPUTER_RECORDS

{16000}{}{Robert Anderson}
{16001}{}{Research Assistant}
{16002}{}{Security Clearance: Blue}
{16003}{}{Stationed: Mariposa Military Base}
{16005}{}{Nick Davis}
{16006}{}{Director of NBC Division of West Tech Research}
{16007}{}{Security Clearance: Blue}
{16008}{}{Stationed: West Tech Research Facility}
{16010}{}{John Isaac}
{16011}{}{Research Assistant}
{16012}{}{Security Clearance: Red}
{16013}{}{Stationed: West Tech Research Facility}
{16015}{}{Steve Remco}
{16016}{}{Research Assistant}
{16017}{}{Security Clearance: Blue}
{16018}{}{Stationed: Mariposa Military Base}
{16020}{}{Charles Rignhold}
{16021}{}{Research Head of Laser Development}
{16022}{}{Security Clearance: Blue}
{16023}{}{Stationed: West Tech Research Facility}
{16025}{}{Michele Santose}
{16026}{}{Lab Technician}
{16027}{}{Security Clearance: Red}
{16028}{}{Stationed: West Tech Research Facility}
{16030}{}{Erin Shellman}
{16031}{}{Lab Technician}
{16032}{}{Security Clearance: Blue}
{16033}{}{Stationed: Mariposa Military Base}
{16035}{}{Leon VonFelden}
{16036}{}{Research Head of FEV}
{16037}{}{Security Clearance: Blue}
{16038}{}{Stationed: Mariposa Military Base}

# Holodisk from the Brotherhood Library
# uses the global var BROTHERHOOD_LIBRARY_DISK

{17000}{}{Vault Locations v34.129 Revision C (Western USA)}
{17002}{}{Hello, and welcome to the latest edition of the Western}
{17003}{}{United States Vault Location Pamphlet. We hope you}
{17004}{}{enjoy the pamphlet, and remember Vaults are not just}
{17005}{}{for the upwardly mobile, but for everyone.}
{17007}{}{Vault 12}
{17009}{}{Under the sprawling metropolis of Bakersfield, lies the}
{17010}{}{technological magnificence of Vault 12. Built with every}
{17011}{}{amenity in mind for the prospective Vault Dweller,}
{17012}{}{Vault 12 was given the "Pressed Vault Suit"}
{17013}{}{award for attention to preparedness. Buried far}
{17014}{}{underground, the protection that Vault Dwellers will}
{17015}{}{receive will be unprecedented. Much like all other}
{17016}{}{Vaults, Vault 12 has been fitted with the newest in}
{17017}{}{Vault Water Purification Systems. Able to take even}
{17018}{}{the waste located in the sewers of Bakersfield, this}
{17019}{}{system is able to deliver over 15,000 gallons of pure,}
{17020}{}{refreshing drinking water every day.}
{17022}{}{Vault 13}
{17024}{}{Located in a scenic mountainous region northwest of}
{17025}{}{Vault 12, this Vault offers an endless supply of pure}
{17026}{}{water to the inhabitants. The rumors that the water}
{17027}{}{table in the area could easily be contaminated in the}
{17028}{}{event of a Nuclear War have been found by the}
{17029}{}{Department of Water and Power to be completely}
{17030}{}{unfounded. In the event that the water in the area}
{17031}{}{were to become tainted, remote even though it may be,}
{17032}{}{Vault 13 has been fitted with the government approved}
{17033}{}{Vault Water Purification System. Rated to work without}
{17034}{}{significant loss of output for over 250,000 hours,}
{17035}{}{prospective Vault Dwellers should have nothing to fear.}
{17037}{}{Vault 15}
{17039}{}{Due east from Vault 13, construction on this Vault has}
{17040}{}{gone extremely smoothly. Much work was done to}
{17041}{}{reinforce the walls of the third level of this Vault, to}
{17042}{}{make all the future Vault Dwellers more secure in the}
{17043}{}{knowledge that in the event of even a major earthquake,}
{17044}{}{the regulatory computers of the Vault would continue}
{17045}{}{to function. Recent tours of the newly constructed}
{17046}{}{Vault, have had many a potential Vault Dweller walking}
{17047}{}{away with a new found awe of the improvements done to}
{17048}{}{this already impressive Vault.}

#Regulator Disk from Blades

{18000}{}{Regulator's radio transmission log:}
{18002}{}{Message sent: Regulator patrol to Regulator base come}
{18003}{}{in. Do you copy? Over.}
{18005}{}{Message received: This is Regulator base, Principle}
{18006}{}{Regulator Caleb responding. Report? Over.}
{18008}{}{Message sent: Sir, yes sir! Regulator Second Class}
{18009}{}{Cravotta reporting. We've apprehended the Zimmerman}
{18010}{}{boy trying to infiltrate our perimeter again, sir.}
{18011}{}{Orders? Over.}
{18013}{}{Message received: Shit! Again! Well that's the last time}
{18014}{}{that's going to happen. Eliminate him and make it look}
{18015}{}{like the Blades did it.}
{18016}{}{Understand? Over.}
{18018}{}{Message sent: Sir? Uh... did I copy correctly, sir?}
{18019}{}{Kill him? Over.}
{18021}{}{Message received: : That's affirmative, Regulator.}
{18022}{}{And I want it messy. Impale him on the guard posts}
{18023}{}{out front- oh, and cut out his tongue so he }
{18024}{}{can't talk while we "attempt" to save his sorry ass.}
{18027}{}{Message sent: It shall be done, sir, Over.}
{18029}{}{End transmission.}
