Old Man Stockton
Editor Race HumanRace Editor ID OldManStockton Base ID 00039fcb Ref ID 00039fe8 Editor Factions SettlementBunkerHill WorkshopNPCFaction Actor Time Winters Special Head Gear HairMale18_Hairline MaleHeadHumanRearTEMP MaleMouthHumanoidDirtyTeethMissing MaleEyesHumanLashes MaleEyesHumanAO MaleEyesHumanWet MaleHeadHuman
Old Man Stockton is a caravan manager, Railroad operative, and resident of Bunker Hill in 2287 .
Background [ ]
An elderly caravan potentate, running three caravans out of the walls of Bunker Hill. He's one of the principal caravan masters running goods between Diamond City and Goodneighbor.
Interactions with the player character [ ]
Interactions overview [ ]
This character is involved in quests .
Quests [ ]
Inventory [ ]
Appearances [ ]
Old Man Stockton appears only in Fallout 4 .