Oh, Baby! is a unique, more worn and rusty version of the super sledge. It is slightly more powerful than the standard variant and has a moderately quicker rate of attack. It also has noticeably larger striking surfaces. It is one of the strongest melee weapons in the game, despite its condition when first picked up.
It's special V.A.T.S. attack is "Mauler", which does 50% damage at the cost of 43 action points and has a chance to knock enemies down (requires a Meleeskill of 50). Outside of V.A.T.S. it can be activated by running and holding down the attack button.
The weapon is in the northwestern area of the Charleston cave, accessible via tunnels from the south and east. It's lying on the ground near the northern wall, next to the nightkin's corpse.
When fully repaired, each attack you make that hits a target reduces the weapon's value by 12 caps.
Xbox 360 A bighorner body may spawn on top of the Oh, Baby! and cannot be moved. However, with C-4 or the Bloody Mess perk, it is possible to destroy the bighorner corpse.
When given to a companion, they will tend to use Oh, Baby! even when their companion wheel is set to use ranged attacks.
Oh, Baby! may not spawn.
When Mauler is used in V.A.T.S. it can make the enemy fly upwards of 40 feet in the air but any attacks that you stacked up will still hit.
If given to Lily Bowen she will hold both her vertibird blade and Oh, Baby! at the same time.