Nuka-World Radio is a radio station hosted in Nuka-World theme park. It is operated by RedEye, a free-spirited raider turned disk jockey.
Nuka-World Radio provides entertainment for the residents and passing traders of Nuka-World, and features guitar and vocal music performed by RedEye, interspersed with tales of RedEye's travels out in the wasteland.
Station introduction[]
- Hey, asshole! You're listening to Raider Radio.
- It's Redeye here, running Raider Radio. You love it, and you know it!
- You're all a bunch of psychopaths, and I love you for it. This is Raider Radio, and it's for you.
- Hey, this is your man Redeye, running Raider Radio. Don't like the name? I don't give a shit!
- This here is Raider Radio - don't forget, if you've got something you want everyone to hear, you're probably wrong and whatever it is sucks. But if you insist, drop us a note and we'll read it on-air.
- Well - in case you ain't heard, things have gone from bad to totally screwed!
- Listen up, all you junkies, low-lives, and all-around assholes! We've got a reason to celebrate!
- Hey, anybody listening? Got some good news for you!
- Listen up, all you Disciples, Operators, Pack... guys, and whoever the hell else is out there these days!
- Hey, hey - got an update for you louses out there.
- Who wants some good news? You? Is it you? Because I got some!
- Hey... Hey, guys. I've got a fun one for you...
- Hey, little announcement for you idiots out there:
- Hey, here's a friendly reminder: sure, nobody likes the traders. But you can't kill 'em all, or else there won't be anyone around to do all the shitty work you assholes won't do. Think about it.
- I have a note here, folks, about a missing person.... and I'm not going to bother reading it. C'mon, you all know by now that missing means dead.
- Here's an announcement from Mags Black: To the Disciple who found a red ribbon on her bunk this morning - you know what you did. As do we. God, she even writes like a... Sorry, mic is still on.
- Hey, let's get personal for a second here, assholes. Whoever dropped a frag down my favorite toilet... If I find you, you are going to die. Slowly. And Painfully.
- Nisha has asked that I pass this along: Mags - Steal from us again, and we'll redecorate Fizztop with Operator Blood. Yikes, sounds personal.
- Uhh, Nisha has the following to say to the Pack: Take one more shit on our lawn, and we'll put you down. Hoo boy! I don't write 'em, folks - I just read 'em.
- Hey, any of you hear that Nisha once - supposedly - took out an entire raider gang by herself? Looking for facts and/or proof. Come talk to me.
- I hear Dixie is looking for volunteers for target practice. I quote: Fun will be had by all. I, uhh... I'd think twice before raising my hand for that one.
- A quick note: whoever stole my whiskey bottle - joke's on you! That ain't whiskey! You go right on ahead and keep it!
- Real quick: Whoever gutted an outside trader and piked him right in front of the gates - your handiwork was impressive, but not exactly good for business. Maybe keep that shit at home?
- Got a note here for NIRA, which is... uhh, now that I read this... is this a friggin' love letter? Are you shitting me? NIRA's a robot, you idiot.
- Anonymous note has come in: Whoever's dumping bodies in the swan pond - thanks. Totally set the mood for a romantic evening, it really paid off. Damn, you all are disgusting.
- Yet another anonymous note: Dear Overboss - if you're listening to this, you're dumber than I thought. What... What is that even supposed to mean?
- General announcement: I don't know where this rumor started that my name is Russell, but... well, it's Redeye, okay? Just Redeye. Forget this Russell shit.
- Got a note here: The Pack rules! Okay, sure, and on the back is... no. Damn it, Mason, I told you - I am NOT howling. Ever.
- I have a note here from Mags to Mason: Flaming bags of shit? That the best you can do? Okay, I'm sorry, but that's funny. Stupid as hell, but funny.
- And now, a note: If someone left an ear in one of the teacups, I got it. There is no name, so... I guess if it's your ear, good luck getting it back.
- A general note: to all the assholes sending in notes saying you can do my job better than me, I'll see you all in hell.
- Uhh, the Operators would like me to announce that they are hosting a free dinner, for all gang members interested in... nope, they're trying to posion you. Don't go to that.
- Got a note here, from.... guess it's someone in The Pack. It's a drawing... of William Black, and... that's a, uhh... okay, no. I'm tearing this up.
- Hey, whoever convinced NIRA to stand over me while I was sleeping, thanks a lot. You owe me a new mattress.
- Here's a note that came in: Hey Redeye, I heard you were wondering where Super Mutants came from. Maybe you should ask your mom. Real classy, jackass.
- Hey, anybody else getting a little tired of drinking Nuka-Cola? I mean, it beats dying of thirst, I guess, but uhh, my teeth ain't looking so good.
- To the Operators that sent in a tape of their own song they'd like me to play on the radio: not a friggin' chance. It killed my dog, man. Like, he literally dropped dead when he heard it.
- Hey, if you're out there, thinking about crossing the Overboss, ask Mags how that'll work out for you. Oh, that's right - you can't, cause the Overboss killed her.
- Just a thought: if any of you out there are thinking about crossing the Overboss, ask Nisha how that'll work out for you. Oh, that's right - you can't, cause she's friggin' dead. Chew on that.
- Here's some friendly advice to anyone thinking about screwing over the Overboss: chat with Mason about how that'll go. Oh, that's right - you can't, cause the Overboss wiped out his whole friggin' gang.
- If you ain't already noticed, seems like the Overboss is playin' favorites, with the Disciples at the top of the list. Good for them, I guess. Sucks to be anybody else.
- If you ain't been payin attention, the Overboss is giving a lot of territory to the Operators. Good for them, sucks for everyone else.
- Have you all noticed that the Pack are being handed a lot of territory lately? I guess the Overboss has taken a liking to 'em. Kinda surprising, since no one ever likes them.
- Well - in case you ain't heard, things have gone from bad to totally screwed!
- Hey, it's your main man RedEye here, sending out some big congratulations to our brand new Overboss!
- Hey, hey - got some news for you all.
- Ladies and gentlemen... There can be no more doubt!
- So here's a little something for you... If you haven't heard, we're taking this show on the road!
- Man, I tell you, just when I thought I couldn't love the Overboss any more...
- Okay, you know what? Screw the Disciples. Just... what a bunch of assholes.
- Ladies and Gentlemen... Savages of all ages... We. Have. Done it!
- Hey, asshole! You're listening to Raider Radio.
Taken for a Ride[]
- Hey, it's your main man RedEye here, sending out some big congratulations to our brand new Overboss! That's right - if you haven't heard, Colter is toast! He's worm-food! Not only did someone survive the Gauntlet, but (s)he took on Colter and won! I already hear people talkin' about some secret agreement between Gage and the gangs, saying whoever took down Colter would take his place. You believe that? I didn't vote for this guy/broad! How come he/she gets to be Overboss?
- I mean, Hell... If I'd known they were looking for somebody, I'd have thrown my name in that hat, you know what I'm saying? Well, whatever. I can't wait to see what our new leader has planned. At least... can't be any worse than Colter, right? Right?
An Ambitious Plan[]
- Hey, hey - got some news for you all. Word's getting around that the Overboss has been seen meeting up with the head honchos for each of the gangs. No one's told me shit yet, but doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on... That's right - we're takin' the park! The whole damn thing! Don't you shake your head at me - I'm telling you, that's what's going down. You just wait - this new Overboss is the real deal, man. Getting shit done!
A Grand Tour[]
- Ladies and gentlemen... There can be no more doubt! If you had any questions, you can now rest assured that our Overboss is a BAD. ASS. What'd (s)he do? you ask. Oh, nothing much. Just accomplished what we've all been waiting for - taking Nuka-World over. ALL OF IT. I don't know what the Overboss has planned next, but man... Get behind him/her or get the hell out of his way.
Home Sweet Home[]
- So here's a little something for you... If you haven't heard, we're taking this show on the road! Oh yeah, you heard me! Gone are the days of sitting around on our asses while everything goes to shit... The Overboss is gonna make sure the whole damn Commonwealth knows who we are! Now that Nuka-World is ours, we're branching out, taking over some of those shit-heap settlements in the Commonwealth, turning them into something better! If you haven't gotten in on this action yet, there's still time - the boss ain't done yet! Talk to your gang leaders about what YOU can do to help!
- Man, I tell you, just when I thought I couldn't love the Overboss any more... Do... Do you all even know how good we've got it right now? Boss is setting up a regular Empire out there! Those Commonwealth pukes have rolled over and now work for us, or they're six feet under. Did I tell you, or what? I did! I told you! I said This Overboss... shit's gonna get DONE and look! Just look! We are on top of the world, man. On TOP!
Power Play[]
- The lead depends on which gang betrays the player
- Okay, you know what? Screw the Operators. Just... what a bunch of assholes. We're all out here, sweating and bleeding for the Boss' vision, and what - it's not enough for you?
- Okay, you know what? Screw the Pack. Just... what a bunch of assholes. We're all out here, sweating and bleeding for the Boss' vision, and what - it's not enough for you?
- Okay, you know what? Screw the Disciples. Just... what a bunch of assholes. We're all out here, sweating and bleeding for the Boss' vision, and what - it's not enough for you?
- The following sections are the same for all three
- You didn't get enough attention from daddy, so you're gonna throw a tantrum and take over the power station? Well you know what? Screw. You. The Overboss is gonna grind you into the fuckin' dirt. In fact, I hope you're already bleeding out. I mean... the Hell you think you're gonna accomplish? After everything the boss has done, you're gonna stand in his way? The rest of you out there - you know what I'm talking about. You see these assholes, you shoot 'em in the face.
- After the quest is finished
- Ladies and Gentlemen... Savages of all ages... We. Have. Done it! You know what I'm talking about. You've seen the lights. It's... It's beautiful, isn't it? Your hero and mine, the Overboss, has made our dreams a reality! Nuka-World is now officially the best place in the world, and everyone everywhere knows it! You see the Overboss, you get down on your friggin' knees and thank him. Without him/her, we'd be screwed. And then you get right back up, get out there, and tear some shit up!
Park conquest reports[]
Before any parks are conquered[]
- Hey, little announcement for you idiots out there: I know you think you're really tough, and that nothing scares you, but do yourself a favor and stick to Nuka-Town. You go to any of the other parks, and odds are you ain't coming back. Don't say I didn't warn ya.
- Hey, little announcement for you idiots out there: We got a new Overboss and all, but we're still stuck with the mess Colter left us in. Unless you wanna wind up dead, keep your asses out of parks we ain't secured. There's all kinds of weird shit out there.
All conquered[]
- Hey... Hey, guys. I've got a fun one for you... You remember when Colter said we'd take over all of Nuka-World, and then he didn't do shit to make it happen? Look how far we've come. Pretty great, isn't it?!
Dry Rock Gulch[]
- Listen up, all you junkies, low-lives, and all-around assholes! We've got a reason to celebrate! In case you haven't heard, the Overboss has cleared out Dry Rock Gulch, and it is all ours!
- By the Overboss' decree, The Disciples are now in charge out there. So if you're on their bad side, might want to think twice before heading in there to check it out.
- By the Overboss' decree, The Operators are now in charge out there. So if you're on their bad side, might want to think twice before heading in there to check it out.
- By the Overboss' decree, The Pack is now in charge out there. So if you're on their bad side, might want to think twice before heading in there to check it out.
- The following lines depend on the progress through The Grand Tour
- You rejects understand what this means? Nuka-World is ours, man! The whole friggin' park!
- But hey, after a year of accomplishing jack shit, this sure is one hell of a step in the right direction!
- Add another one to the tally, deadbeats. The Overboss is getting shit DONE!
Galactic Zone[]
- Hey, anybody listening? Got some good news for you! All those damned robots in the Galactic Zone? No longer a problem, thanks to our kick-ass Overboss! And the Overboss has decided to leave the Galactic Zone in the hands of...
- The Disciples! Let's hope they don't screw the place up in their own unique, creepy way.
- The Operators! Maybe with something to do, they won't look so damned bored all the time.
- The Pack! Means a whole new section of Nuka-World will smell like a brahmin pen, but what can you do.
- The following lines depend on the progress through The Grand Tour
- And if it's ours, do you all realize what this means? Nuka-World... It all belongs to us! All of it! Hell yeah, man!
- With the Galactic Zone under the Overboss' control, I mean... We're doing it, people! We're taking over Nuka-World!
- Add the Galactic Zone to the Overboss' conquests. Yeah!
Safari Adventure[]
- Listen up, all you Disciples, Operators, Pack... guys, and whoever the hell else is out there these days! Thanks to the hard work of our kick-ass Overboss, I am happy to report that the Safari zone is no longer a death trap! All those crazy-ass mutated animals have been taken care of!
- The Overboss has left the Disciples in charge out there.
- The Overboss has left The Operators in charge out there.
- The Overboss has left The Pack in charge out there - they're probably thrilled to have their own cages now.
- The following lines depend on the progress through The Grand Tour
- If you've been keeping score at home, you know what this means... The whole god-damned park is ours! Yeah!
- This is it, everyone - we're taking over Nuka-World! I'm telling you, the Safari Zone is just the beginning!
- The Overboss is on a roll now, right? Another zone is all ours!
Nuka-Cola bottling plant[]
- Hey, hey - got an update for you louses out there. You know how the bottling plant has been chock-full of Nukalurks for as long as we've been here? Like, I personally know at least three jackasses who got themselves killed trying to loot the place. Anyway, that ain't a problem no more! Our new Overboss has proved he/she deserves the title, and cleared out the plant. It's finally safe for us!
- At the Overboss' orders, the Disciples are now running the show out there. If you're on good terms with 'em, maybe they'll share some caps with you. If you're not on good terms, well... Your loss, man.
- At the Overboss' orders, The Operators are now running the show out there. If you're on good terms with 'em, maybe they'll share some caps with you. If you're not on good terms, well... Your loss, man.
- At the Overboss' orders, The Pack is now running the show out there. If you're on good terms with 'em, maybe they'll share some caps with you. If you're not on good terms, well... Your loss, man.
- If The Grand Tour is also completed
Kiddie Kingdom[]
- Who wants some good news? You? Is it you? Because I got some! I say Kiddie Kingdom and you immediately think what? Ghouls, right? Well, think again, halfwits! Not only did the Overboss wade in there and wipe 'em out...
- Depending on how Oswald the Outrageous was handled
- He was nice enough to take the one ghoul left with half a brain, and give him a friggin' job.
- (S)he took special care to put down the ghoul responsible for all that shit. The man is thorough!
- You believe that? The Disciples are now Kings... I guess Queens?... of the castle out there, so you lot play nice!
- He was nice enough to take the one ghoul left with half a brain, and give him a friggin' job. You believe that? The Operators are now kings of the castle out there, so you lot play nice!
- He was nice enough to take the one ghoul left with half a brain, and give him a friggin' job. You believe that? The Pack are now kings of the castle out there, so you lot play nice!
- Gang-dependent
- The Disciples are now Kings... I guess Queens?... of the castle out there, so you lot play nice!
- The Operators are now Kings... I guess Queens?... of the castle out there, so you lot play nice!
- The Pack are now Kings... I guess Queens?... of the castle out there, so you lot play nice!
If the player attacks raiders[]
- Well - in case you ain't heard, things have gone from bad to totally screwed! Our new Overboss turned on us, and has been wiping out Raiders left and right! Our new Overboss turned on us, and has been wiping out Raiders left and right! The rest of you wanna try and fight him, go right on ahead. Me? I'm getting the hell out of here! Consider this your official notice that Raider Radio is off the damn air - FOREVER!
- Well - in case you ain't heard, things have gone from bad to totally screwed! Our new Overboss turned on us, and has been wiping out Raiders left and right! Our new Overboss turned on us, and has been wiping out Raiders left and right! The rest of you wanna try and fight her, go right on ahead. Me? I'm getting the hell out of here! Consider this your official notice that Raider Radio is off the damn air - FOREVER!
Gimmie What You Got[]
- This next one, I been hearin' some shit that I ripped this off or whatever. That's bullshit, man. Ain't true. I wrote this. Swear it. A RedEye original, you could say.
- This here is a song I wrote totally by myself, without any help at all. A RedEye original, you could say. Yeah, man. Yeah! Hell yeah! You don't have to come up to me and say Man, RedEye, that was so good... man, I loved that. I already know it's good, I don't need your approval.
The Legend of Atlas[]
- Here's a little somethin' which I know you've all heard pieces of before. Only this time, you've got Redeye, the master of story-telling, to lay it on you.
Quit Raidin' My Heart[]
- This one ain't about me. It's about this friend... that I have... who is not me. I ain't gonna lie to you all - love hurts. It really does.
- I mean... that's what my friend said. When he told me the story, and then I went and wrote a song about it. Whatever.
One Last Score[]
- You all ever feel like you just can't get enough? Redeye hears you, man. He knows what it's like.
The Legend of RedEye[]
- So, I was thinking about the time I came to Nuka-World. I ever tell you deadbeats that story?
- Doesn't matter - I feel like telling it now. Shut up.
Nuka-World Radio appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.