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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Nuka-Girl rocketsuit
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Effects+1 Charisma
Ability to breathe underwater
Base IDxx000000

Nuka-Girl rocketsuit is an outfit in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka World.


This is Nuka-Girl's signature outfit featuring white slacks and a white crop top, both of which have red stripes running down them, black leather boots and gloves, a red jetpack and a space helmet. During the Halloween season of 2062, the costume was so popular that retailers simply could not keep up with the demand.[1]


In addition to increasing one's Charisma by 1 and allowing the wearer to breathe underwater, the rocketsuit provides 5 ballistic damage resistance, 45 energy resistance and 35 radiation resistance.


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  • The outfit is found on the animatronic woman in the loading bay of Nuka-Galaxy.


  1. Nuka-World loading screen hints: "In 2062, the Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit costume was released to retailers just in time for Halloween. Its popularity was so overwhelming, the stores couldn't keep up with the demand."