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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Nopah cave
Nopah Cave
Icon cave
Nopah Cave loc
Map MarkerNopah Cave
Cell NameSLSulfurCave02 (exterior)
SLSulfurCave02INT (interior)
ref id000dad5c (exterior)
0015b75b (interior)
Nopahcave interiormap

Nopah cave is a small cave located in the Mojave Wasteland, east of Red Rock Canyon.


Once famed for trilobite fossils, these ancient caverns were forgotten by all but the fire geckos that roam here now.[1]


Nopah Cave is quite small. It has a narrow passage way leading to an empty chamber. The chamber branches off into other chambers, each with a moderate amount of fire geckos (typically 7 to 9). In the back of the left chamber, there is a dead super mutant master lying face down with a badly damaged Fat Man in his inventory. However, there are no mini nukes to be found in the entire cave. There are several skeletons in the cave, including one near the super mutant with a bag named "Adventurer's Pack" which contains some loot. Also seen is the severed head and chest of a man. An interesting point: when you come in the cave, immediately to the left is an empty small cavern, and on the wall (if you look straight into it) is a frowny-face :(

Notable loot[]


Nopah Cave appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • Like other areas that experience the same glitch, entering the area with companions such as Rex will sometimes make them appear in the middle of a group of enemies, thereby possibly being overwhelmed and killed. It is recommended that you save before entering.
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 It's possible for the super mutant master to respawn after 3 days (with another Fat Man and other random loot) and only have 1 health block. The geckos inside the cave will not respawn but those outside the cave will.


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.298: "[1.19] Nopah Cave
    These ancient caverns were once famed for trilobite fossils, but Fire Geckos roam here now."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)