The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Nipton Road pit stop
FNV Nipton Road Pit Stop
Icon ruins
Nipton Road PS loc
Map MarkerNipton Road Pit Stop
Cell NameSLNiptonRoadPitStop
ref id000e1a62

The Nipton Road pit stop is a location in Fallout: New Vegas, located along Nevada State Route 164 west of Nipton and south of Ivanpah Race Track.


This area was once a mechanic garage and stop for travelers venturing to and from Nevada by way of Nipton. Now it's little more than a mass of broken brick and cracked mortar, piling up the sides of the road. The Jackals have occupied the area, setting up a campfire with a stash of healing powder near the northern ruins to attract travelers and ambush them. It also seems someone wrote a graffiti invoking the Burned Man on one of the buildings.

The Jackals are clustered in two groups, usually attacking one after the other. They may also wander away from the pit stop towards Bradley's shack, by the edge of the Mojave Drive-in. Furthermore, Jacklyn and Tomas appear when the player approaches Nipton, engaged in a gunfight over star caps. If they wait for it to end, they can pocket up to 9 Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps.

Notable loot[]

  • There are containers scattered all over the place:
    • A mine box and a locked (Easy) grenade box in the shell of the house to the north.
    • Two sacks of healing powder by the campfire.
    • A duffle bag in the house to the south, hidden behind the bush near the corners by the car wreck.
    • A briefcase under the right rear door of the Corvega.
    • A crashed plane to the south contains an ammunition box, buried in the sand by the wreckage.


  • The Libby graffiti on the billboard is not placed correctly on the billboard, floating away from the surface.



The Nipton Road pit stop appears in Fallout: New Vegas.
