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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
This article is within the scope of the Fallout: New Vegas locations project. This project is dedicated to standardizing Fallout: New Vegas location articles. If you want to participate, please check the project page.
New Vegas Strip
New Vegas Strip (intro)
Map MarkerNone (nearest: The Strip North Gate)
Part ofNew Vegas
Lucky 38
LVB Station
Michael Angelo's workshop
NCR Embassy
NCR Military Police HQ
The Tops
Vault 21
FactionsFree Economic Zone of New Vegas
White Glove Society
New California Republic
OwnersRobert House
Sarah Weintraub
Street vendors
QuestsBeyond the Beef
Classic Inspiration
For the Republic, Part 2
How Little We Know
Pheeble Will
Suits You, Sarah
Talent Pool
The House Always Wins
The Moon Comes Over the Tower
Wild Card
Tourist Traipse
Useless Baubles or Fancy Trinkets?
We Must Stop Meeting Like This, IV
ref id00000000

A city devoted to vice and sin - What's not to love?

— The Courier, Fallout: New Vegas

The New Vegas Strip is a settlement in the Mojave Wasteland.


Before the Great War started, Mr. House used his considerable genius and wealth to ensure that no missiles would strike the city of Las Vegas. Though a few warheads did get through in the outskirts, most of the city was spared. Despite this, the Strip itself was not re-settled, and after close to two hundred years, Mr. House immediately began searching for the mysterious Platinum Chip, and rebuilding the glory of Las Vegas. Sending out PDQ-88b Securitron scouts, Mr. House started negotiating with local tribes to exchange his considerable resource stockpiles for their help. Some of the tribes resisted, but three tribes eventually gained Mr. House's favor. They became the Omertas, Chairmen, and White Glove Society, running the Gomorrah, Tops and Ultra-Luxe casinos, respectively.[1] Because Mr. House was dedicated to restoring Las Vegas, he insisted on transforming the tribes into families with cultures that hearkened back to Vegas' glory days.[2]

In the process of rebuilding the Strip, Mr. House also effectively "bought out" the residents of Vault 21. After they evacuated, he had the Vault stripped of useful technology, most of its actual volume filled with concrete, and the entrance turned into a gift shop and small hotel.[3][4] While the families were rebuilding the casinos, the rest of the locals were hard at work erecting an enormous wall around the Strip. When NCR traders and explorers arrived on the scene, they were amazed at the Strip and returned back to California with tales of opulence and great wealth awaiting travelers.[5]

Eventually, the NCR military itself arrived were surprised to find the Strip so well-protected and heavily policed. Though they struck a deal with Mr. House to establish a base in the area (along with control of Hoover Dam), the NCR has never had control of The Strip. After the Battle of Hoover Dam, the NCR negotiated an MP (military police) presence on the Strip, but their influence remains small.[6]

Though the tribes that became The Strip's families were once hatefully opposed to each other, the demands of Mr. House have forced the families to play nice. They continue to hold long-standing grudges, but do not act openly against each other for fear of angering Mr. House.


The Strip is the heart of New Vegas. When entering through The Strip North Gate, Gomorrah is to the right and the Lucky 38 is to the left. Further down the street is a gate to another area of the strip, which leads to The Tops casino, the Ultra-Luxe, and the Camp McCarran monorail. Beyond that, through another gate, is Vault 21, Michael Angelo's workshop and the NCR Embassy.



Related quests[]

Behind the scenes[]

I didn't want The Strip to feel like another New Reno. Whether you liked New Reno or hated it, they definitely had the Tommy Gun gangster thing going on. I also felt like I already had a good semi-auto and SMG progression in the core game: 9mm to 10mm to 12.7mm. I couldn't figure out a good way to slot .45 ACP weapons like the M1911 and Thompson into that progression. *~ Realistically ~* a weapon like the M1911 would probably be between the 9mm and 10mm but that felt awkward/not right.

J.E. Sawyer responding to a query "Why didn't the Omertas have Tommy Guns?"
  • Various models and interiors created for the Strip, including tile sets for Tops Casino, airport storage, large vehicles and props were created by Cochey Cantu[7]
Spare Us the Cutter
  • Once Mr House has died it seems it was intended for a eulogy message to be played here, but it was never implemented. See Robert House for more details.
  • Securitron dialogue is broken to a ridiculous degree. All regular action dialogue (entering combat, warning the player, etc) has not been randomised, so only the topmost out of the three responses for the many topics will ever be played - literally two thirds of their dialogue is never heard. Furthermore Strip based securitrons cannot play some crucial dialogue lines due to dialogue faction settings, so only lucky 38 securitrons can play these lines (which are to do with the strip!). There are also peculiar unused dialogue lines to warn the player about entering off limits areas and to "return to the surface"(!). Finally there are also alternate lines for the "girls gone wild" scene in the fountain that never actually play.
  • There are also some curious leftovers from early testing present in the game files. There are a number of disabled objects linked to markers that are named "streetgoof". These seem to be early ideas for what would later become the strip's scripted sequences (e.g. girls in fountain, graffiti, etc). One "goof" is a man chasing a woman around in much the way the children do in Freeside (tellingly the woman has no clothes on..). The others are stranger - one spawns some sun loungers and bottles of beer on top of the NCR Embassy, and a further one inexplicably spawns some cushions and a mattress propped up at a 45 degree angle on top of the Gomorrah casino (!?).
  • There is also a second unused brahmin that was obviously intended to be included in SS7 (brahmin loose on strip scene). It doesn't have its destination set like the other cow, however. Oddly the brahmin actually used in this sequence is identified as the second created brahmin NPC for this bit.
  • Commented out lines in gate movement scripts show originally there was more than one station vendor, and more than one Tops promoter.
  • The second Tops Promoter has DIFFERENT fully voiced dialogue (about the Lonesome Drifter and Bruce Isaac) compared to the promoter used in the game, but for some reason was never used. He also has the wrong voice type set in one of his base character traits, so he cannot say the dialogue recorded for him if that template is used. He also has further dialogue that is unfinished but shows it was also originally intended for the player to able to ask the Promoter about the Chairmen. Both Promoters have script variables to set on this matter, but only the second promoter has a dialogue topic relating to it - unfortunately it's only a placeholder one that was never finished. The second promoter also has a goodbye line that doesn't work due to checking for the wrong NPC ID - the player can tell him to "stop bugging" them and leave them alone, to which he replies he is only doing his job. This also suggests at some point both promoters would forcegreet the player much like Mister Holdout (You have to quite specifically seek them out to talk to them otherwise - why complain about being "bugged" by them?). It's likely this was changed when their dialogue was never finished properly, making them completely unresponsive/useless until the player has got at least one act for the quest talent pool.
  • The first Tops Promoter also has full dialogue about Billy Knight, but this can never play as the lines check the variable TopsP01Performer1, when every other talent related line (including the one for Hadrian!) check their relevant XXXXRecruited variable in VMSTopsTalentPoolScript. In fact this variable is set once he's talked about Hadrian - but once he's done that you still can't hear the Billy lines as Hadrian's come first so take priority. Even then these lines are botched - the way Hadrian's lines work is that you hear them once, and then the promoter won't tell you about them again (they're a say once), and he will just give you a shorter "go see him!" sayto line. Billy's main line however, is set to never stop being said, so you can never hear the short line. TopsP01Performer1 and similar variables in VFreeformTheStreet02 seem to be vestigal parts of a randomisation system for these lines (they can't just be set to random, as these NPCs are part of other dialogue factions and will just say all that stuff as well, instead of only talk to the player about the acts) that was never finished. When one line plays, it sets up conditions so that the other can play (assuming the lines had the conditions set as Billy's do in the finished game, but they do not).
  • The E3 video shows Mister Holdout running up to the player rather than calling them over once a trigger is tripped. Looking in the game code this seems to have been a genuine problem at one time - there is a trigger specifically to stop him following you into the Tops Casino, and the trigger that initially makes him talk to you actually boosts his speed stat so you can't outrun him! This sequence appears to have caused all kinds of trouble until someone worked out that just increasing the Activate distance of his AI package was enough to make his message unmissable.
  • There are also some interesting bits of stranded navmesh here. There are a couple of polygons out in the unused areas around the strip which don't mean much. What is more interesting is that there is some floating navmesh for what looks like the station platform of the monorail. Possibly this points to the contents of the monorail map originally residing here. In the final game it is its own separate world space presumably to keep performance up (otherwise the strip and its NPCs would have to be loaded as well, after all).
  • A big jet of steam shoots out of the grating near the Lucky 38 if power is diverted from the El Dorado substation to the Lucky 38. There is a second jet near Vault 21 that is not linked to the correct enable marker however, so is always disabled, possibly on purpose.
  • VStripSS1 (girls in fountain scripted scene) has lots of unused dialogue. A lot of them are simply different takes of the same dialogue, while others are unique (such as one girl asking a securitron "where is your friend sexy Vic?"). They can't all have been intended to have been said in the short sequence, so possibly they were going to be randomly assigned, which never happened. All dialogue in this scene is delivered via packages, and packages to speak all the unused dialogue lines exist e.g. VStripSS1SecDialPack02 etc. All dialogue for this scene exists in the quest vDialogueTheStrip.
  • Several of the dialogue lines used by the drunk troopers and MPs in the StripSS2 sequence are unused. Dialogue lines VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome11 and VDialogueTheStreetSS2EscortHome07 are completely unused. However, there are some MP lines that ARE used, but are tagged to markers that have been removed from the patrol route and dumped outside the level (VStripSS2Middle3MPAMarkerREF & VStripSS2EmbassyMPAMarkerREF, they're dumped behind Gomorrah). It seems that after the strip gates were added, the distance to the monorail was no longer far enough for all the waypoints to be needed.
  • There's early dialogue for a generic casino bouncer character in vDialogueTheStrip. These are just four topics: vDialogueTheStripVStreetCasinoGuardTopic000 - 4. They are fully voiced but not much use - there are two different lines for the player failing an attempt to smuggle in weapons, but not one for passing it. He also has greeting lines, including one where he gives the player back their weapons, which suggests at one stage this was not an automatic event on leaving the casino like it is in the full game and the player would have to specifically ask for their guns back (and good god would that have been annoying).
  • Walter and Ethel Phebus have unused AI packages. Walter was originally supposed to be found pacing around the area he is located in in the final game, and his wife was meant to follow behind him. Apparently this was removed by the game's last patch, to stop them from bumping into other NPCs. The station vendor also lost her sandbox package for this reason.
  • Unused maps 2EOCasHiHotelLobby01 and 2EOCasloHotelLobby01. Their area prefix (2E0) places them at the end of the strip, on the same side as Vault 21 and Michael Angelo's Workshop are located. They're clearly layouts for a casino, but none of the final game casinos use this layout at all. They're completely unfinished, and 2EOCasHiHotelLobby01 seems to have at some point repurposed for all kinds of behind the scenes stuff (the marker VTestMark, for example is used by loads of things as a general dumping ground for no longer needed NPCs). The fact there is a vault in the bottom of the casino suggests this was possibly an early iteration of Vault 21. 2EOCasLoHotelLobby01 is the same map only with different floor textures used, and nothing in it. Interestingly, both maps have a vault door at the back of them.
  • A lot of cut stuff is located in this map. In particular it houses a huge number of NPCs that were presumably going to be used as part of random encounters at Boulder City. There is a random encounter merchant at that location, and there are eight possible merchants the game could use here. However, in the final code only one of them is ever used. There are also Mojave civilians and NCR troopers stored here who were supposed to have a confrontation around Camp Golf as the civilians try and steal water from the troops only to be chased away. There are also several enemies called "vspawntest" that were an early test for "Oblivion" style chanced spawns. They work by placing several Coyotes, but also some unfinished enemies that would randomly despawn themselves. The end result would be the player could meet anything from a pair of enemies to a large group.
  • The Strip is sometimes internally referenced as "the street". This is also the case in Cass' location barks. Specifically by "The Street" the game means Las Vegas Boulevard. It seems that originally this designation would be used to separate The Strip from the casinos or possibly some other planned part of the area, but at some point the two names became interchangable. Cass' dialogue is interesting as there are lines both for the "Street" (which she even specifically refers to by name) as well as the "strip" which in the end are merged into the same trigger code to take place in the same area. It seems there was some kind of distinction between these two places at some stage of development, even if the Street was just an earlier name for the strip.


The New Vegas Strip appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • Sometimes, when advancing in "For the Republic, Part 2", the door to The Strip is locked. One solution is to travel to The Strip by monorail from Camp McCarran (unless it is already destroyed). Another solution is to kill a gate Securitron to get a key but you'll lose reputation (and all the gate Securitrons will attack you). You can use a console command to get the key: player.additem 00119875 1, or you can open the console, click the gate, and type "unlock" into the console.



  1. The Courier: "How did you establish New Vegas?"
    Robert House: "We can discuss this in greater detail at another time. Suffice it to say that when my Securitrons detected NCR scouts at Hoover Dam, I took action. I recruited a tribal force to supplement my Securitrons and renovated the Strip just in time to welcome the NCR as it marched into the region. Instead of war, a treaty was negotiated. And the money started to pour in."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "I've never seen anything like this place."
    Robert House: "Of course you haven't. Vegas always was one of a kind. What you see down on the Strip is just a fraction of the city's former glory, and yet... more than an echo. I preserved its spirit. Or perhaps you were referring to the Lucky 38? The years haven't been kind to her, but still she manages to impress."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  3. Vault 21 Guest Terminal, Opening to a New World
  4. Vault 21 Guest Terminal, A Tribute to Mr. House
  5. The Courier: "Say you keep control of New Vegas. What happens next?"
    Robert House: New Vegas is more than a city - it's the remedy to mankind's derailment. The city's economy is a blast furnace in which can be forged the steel of a new rail line, running straight to a new horizon. What is the NCR? A society of people desperate to experience comfort, ease, luxury... A society of customers. With all that money pouring in? Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit. 100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars, to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "How do you intend to enforce your claim on the city?"
    Robert House: "To enforce, one must have force - a position of strength. Years ago, when I detected NCR scouts roaming the Mojave, I could tell from their uniforms that these were no mere tribesmen. I knew it was only a matter of time before an army appeared, to take control of the dam. And I knew my Securitrons wouldn't be enough to oppose them. And so I recruited the Three Families. Vegas belongs to me because I mustered enough strength to bring the NCR to the bargaining table."
    The Courier: "Wasn't the NCR's army big enough to defeat your Securitrons and the Three Families?"
    Robert House: "Indeed it was - and still is. But not without taking significant casualties. Would Kimball and Oliver have traded the lives of hundreds of soldiers for absolute control of Hoover Dam? Oh yes. They weren't afraid of me, they were afraid of Caesar - that attacking me would leave them vulnerable to a Legion offensive. And so they negotiated. Not out of the kindness of their hearts, as they try to make it seem. Because the calculus of power left no other choice."
    (Robert House's dialogue)