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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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New Urban Apparel
New Urban Apparel
Icon section
Part ofTenpenny Tower
QuestsTenpenny Tower

New Urban Apparel is a store at Tenpenny Tower. It is run by Anthony Ling who sells mostly pre-War clothing, as well as combat armor. He carries between 200-300 caps, and can repair items (skill of 15).


Behind the counter of the store there is a safe. You can hack his computer (Locked, Average) to open his safe or just lock pick the safe (locked, hard) for 270 caps. He will leave the Tower if you steal the caps in his safe, complaining about how Tenpenny Tower is no longer safe.

The store also contains a supply trunk with his whole inventory (requires a key which must be looted off his dead body). There are some pre-War clothing in the wardrobes, as well as various pieces of pre-War clothing scattered throughout the shelves.


  • Should the tower be taken over by ghouls, Bessie Lynn will run the store.
  • Many items on the counters will spawn inside the counter. Nudging them will move them back to the top of the counter.
  • If you steal from him after you do the Tenpenny Tower quest (and side with Tenpenny) he will not care if you steal from him. This also works with Lydia Montenegro.


New Urban Apparel only appears in Fallout 3.
