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Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Nellis hangars
FNV Bomber Hangar
Icon military
The interior of the hangar housing the bomber
Nellis Hangars loc
Map MarkerNellis Hangars
Part ofNellis Air Force Base
Bear Necessities
Iron and Stealing
Cell NameNellisHangar1
ref id000ffcaf

Nellis Hangars is a location in the northern section of the Nellis Air Force Base.


There are two hangars, the Mess Hall & Munitions Storage to the north and Hangar to the south.

Jack can be found wandering in this area. During the midday hours, Loyal can also be found in the Hangar if he isn't in his bunker.

Notable loot[]


  • A broken missile launcher and a broken grenade rifle can be found on a workbench in the southern most corner of the mess hall & munitions storage.
  • There is a broken pre-War B-29 bomber in the middle of the hangar where you can find Loyal walking around during the day.
  • Some time after completing Volare!, upon returning to the hangar you will find the Boomers working on restoring the bomber, which has been renamed "Pearl".
  • Without a patch for the game you can find a Schematics - Rock-It Launcher in the south-east hangar. They are located on a metal shelf to the west of the south-east corner of the hanger (near the centre of the southern wall), and they must be stolen.
  • There are two nearly identical versions of the Hangar in the GECK, the only difference being the unused one does not have the B-29 Bomber. Why there are two is unknown, but it is strange that the B-29 is in the hangar before it is raised from the lake. It may possibly be because Loyal had said that they had found a B-29 in their museum, and they could use the parts from it.

Behind the scenes[]

  • David Lieu created the tileset and handled the propping and lighting in the location.[1]


Nellis Hangars appears in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • Jack may become stuck in the old hangar after completing Volare! and may not exit the hangar, thus you'll never see the nearly fully repaired B-29 in the new hangar. To fix this fast-travel to Nellis Hangars then on the console type prid ff268, then moveto player. Then while still on the console click on the door to the hangars (00104a3e) and type disable. Jack will then re-enter the new door to the new hangar (001093dc).
  • The western door to the hangar (00104a3f) can also be disabled to reveal the door to the new hangar(001093db).

