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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
NCR dogtag
Holo tag
Icon holo dogtag
QuestsArizona Scavenger
Stocking Up
Base ID00123054

NCR dogtagsQuoted verbatim, error appeared in the original sourceIcon sic are a miscellaneous item in Fallout: New Vegas.


These military identity tags are carried by NCR soldiers. Generic troopers will always have their tags in their inventory, but named characters will not.



  • NCR soldiers carrying dogtags may be found fighting Fiends south of Camp McCarran, and near The Basincreek Building and Allied Technologies offices.
  • 11 dogtags can be found on the fallen soldiers in the Camp Guardian caves. A further tag may be taken from private Halford in the caves. There is no karma or NCR reputation loss for killing him.
  • A dogtag may be found on a dead NCR soldier in the hills northwest of the California Sunset Drive-in, near to the Canyon wreckage.
  • 4 dogtags can be found on the dead NCR soldiers in the Nipton Hotel, located to the west of the Nipton town hall. These 4 corpses will de-spawn if the player has entered the Nipton Hotel before.
  • Littered between Camp Forlorn Hope and Nelson are a number of fallen NCR soldiers, each of which have been booby trapped by Legion soldiers. These fallen soldiers are still considered living, and killing them will result in the usual associated penalties; however, due to the nature of the booby traps near their corpses, it is possible for the player to set off the mines, killing the dying soldiers and giving the player a lootable corpse. NCR troops may also be found skirmishing with the Legion in Nelson itself.
  • Many NCR soldiers can be found inside Camp McCarran, and on the New Vegas Strip.
  • Troops called with the NCR emergency radio carry dogtags.


  • Silent, hidden kills to NCR soldiers do not result in loss of karma or reputation. However, if the target does not die immediately, they and any nearby fellow faction members will likely become hostile toward the player.
  • The tags are weightless and count as quest items, making them impossible to remove without console commands.


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 It is sometimes possible for known corpses carrying NCR dogtags to be found alive. This is an issue with the Gamebryo engine. If the player attempts to kill the non-player character who has been found alive, it will result in the usual karma/reputation penalties as with killing any other non-player character.
  • PCIcon pc Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Skirmishes between the Legion and NCR soldiers between Camp Forlorn Hope and Nelson may not occur, forcing the player to look elsewhere for dogtags.
  • PCIcon pc Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The boobytrapped corpses littered between Camp Forlorn Hope and Nelson may not spawn.


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