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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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This is a lore summary, presenting intradiegetic or in-universe information about the subject. For game characteristics and similar data, consult the table on the right.
Game-specific articles
FO: New VegasNCR trooper armor
NCR bandoleer armor
NCR mantle armor
NCR Military Police armor
NCR trooper fatigues

NCR trooper armor is the standard battle uniform of the New California Republic Army troopers in 2281. Although the NCR uses a variety of other types of body armor, the trooper armor is mass produced and issued to almost every soldier in the Republic.


The standard uniform of the New California Republic Army is designed for ease of maintenance, production, and durability. Manufactured from inexpensive, rugged fabrics, it's the most recognizable element of the Republic's military might. Fatigues are the basis of the uniform, consisting of a tunic and pants. The tunic is roughly thigh-length with full length sleeves, and closed with five front buttons. For storage, two storage pockets are sewn onto the upper arms, with two frontal pockets just below the belt loops. The utility belt fits straight in, typically worn with a water canteen and two universal carry pouches. The tunic comes with a pair of leather, fingerless gloves. The trousers are a simple cut, with additional padding around the thighs and knees to provide protection in rough terrain. They are usually worn tucked into a pair of heavy-duty, cross-laced combat boots. Both the pant legs and the tunic sleeves are worn with cloth wraps, to seal them off and prevent sand from seeping in. Fatigues are usually worn in garrisons or by military policemen. In the latter case, they are also marked with a black band with MP emblazoned in white, capital letters. All fatigues come with a facewrap that can be pulled up to protect against the elements.[1]

Protection is provided by a two-piece ballistic vest protecting the upper torso, mounted using leather straps and combined with a pair of reinforced shoulder protectors. Troopers are also issued steel combat helmets as standard, together with a pair of desert googles. Officers frequently forgo the usual helmet in favor of a green beret bearing the Bear-and-Star. Armors are also frequently enhanced with a bandoleer for extra carrying capacity or a mantle (most commonly to distinguish officers).[2] The bulk and weight of the body armor has earned it little favor with the troopers, although many recruits long for a suit. Equipment shortages resulted in new recruits not being issued body armor.[3] The Army has tried to compensate by calling for bids on a new contract for body armor, but it was still in the bidding stages in 2281, with particularly fierce competition between Crimson Caravan and Far Go Traders[4]


NCR trooper armor[]

FNV NCR Trooper Armor 1

The standard issue armor, usually worn with a trooper helmet.

NCR facewrap armor[]

FNV NCR Trooper Armor Facewrap

Armor worn with the facewrap pulled up, for use with the goggles helmet to protect in dust storms.

NCR bandoleer armor[]

FNV NCR Trooper Armor Bandoleer

Armor modified by adding a bandoleer for enhanced carrying capacity.

NCR mantle armor[]

FNV NCR Trooper Armor Mantle

An officer variant of the armor, worn with a faded camouflage mantle on the left shoulder.

NCR Military Police armor[]

FNV NCR Trooper Armor MP

Standard fatigues bearing the distinctive markings of NCR military policemen.

NCR trooper fatigues[]

FNV NCR Trooper Armor Fatigues

Standard trooper fatigues.


The armor is usually worn together with the following headgear:

Behind the scenes[]

  • The NCR armor in general was inspired by uniforms worn by Commonwealth units during World War II.[5]



  1. The appearance of NCR trooper fatigues in Fallout: New Vegas.
  2. The appearance of the various armor in Fallout: New Vegas.
  3. The Courier: "How did you end up selling weapons?"
    Arms merchant: "Going home didn't feel right, not with those savages camped on the other side of the river, sharpening their knives. And I still get to see my old platoon when they pass through here... make sure the new C.O. is treating them right, and sneak them extra ammo. Anyway, I was always complaining about the standard issue gear. The new kids don't even get body armor, can you believe that?"
    (Arms merchant's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Give them a deal on the price, you'll have the upper hand in future, more important negotiations."
    Blake: "[SUCCEEDED] Well, the Far Go Traders have been trying to edge us out on the new armor contract for the troops. This could swing things in our favor. Give them a deal on the price, you'll have the upper hand in future, more important negotiations. All right, let McCarran know they should expect the first shipment in a week or so."
    (Blake's dialogue (Fallout: New Vegas))
  5. J.E. Sawyer