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My Megaton house is a player residence in Megaton, which becomes available after you disarm the bomb during The Power of the Atom quest. Sheriff Lucas Simms or his son Harden Simms, (if the sheriff has been killed), gives you a key to the house after you disarm the atomic bomb in the center of Megaton. At this point the "Empty House" appears as My Megaton house. The house includes a main floor lounge, a very small kitchenette, an upstairs landing, and an undesignated room that Wadsworth often spends time in, along with your bedroom.
You have access to a robot butler, Wadsworth, who is able to tell you jokes, supply you with purified water (he will give up to five bottles, then you must wait one week for him to recharge), cut your hair and explain what your home improvements are used for. If the player has purchased the My First Infirmary, Wadsworth will remind you to use it if you pass by him injured. Sleeping in the bed on the second floor of the shack (or the heart-shaped bed if you bought the "Love Machine" theme from Craterside Supply), grants the player the "Well Rested" effect (+10% xp) for 12 hours from when he/she wakes. There are various places to store an infinite amount of items within the house including; two lockers, a fridge, a desk and a filing cabinet. There is a bobblehead display stand where you can place your bobbleheads.
Home improvements[]
Once you are a resident of Megaton and a proud owner of your new house, you can enhance your new home by adding various improvements, which can be purchased from Moira at Craterside Supply.
You can improve your house with a My First Infirmary, Jukebox, My First Laboratory, Nuka-Cola Machine and a workbench. All of these improvements add new functionality to your house, which ranges from being able to heal yourself instantly and for free, to simply being able to listen to music in your house without using your Pip-Boy radio.
If you talk to Moira, she can change the decor from a rundown shack to one of the following themes: Raider, Wasteland Explorer, Vault, Science, Pre-War and Love Machine. You can't sell the themes back to her but you can always buy a new one. Players looking to obtain skill books from their themes will want to buy the Science (Nikola Tesla and You), and the Love Machine (Lying, Congressional Style) themes since they are the only two that offer this extra gift. These can only be obtained once, however. Themes will displace any items you may have already placed outside of lockers, etc. for storage/decoration.
Stored items in the living room lockers may disappear.
You might want to remove any decorations placed around the house before purchasing themes, as once the theme is purchased, the items may end up underneath theme objects, rendering them unobtainable.
Cut version[]
The following is based on Fallout 3 cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources.
An unused early version of My Megaton house called Abandoned House exists and can be accessed with the use of console command coc MegatonAbandonedHouseDummyCell. It is empty except for a chair on the first floor and a bed on the second floor. This version is untextured and some players may experience crashing shortly after entry.
First floor of abandoned house dummy cell
Second floor
End of information based on Fallout 3 cut content.
Be careful when sleeping upstairs if you have the Vault Theme and Fawkes as a companion. If you go into the room far enough, Fawkes will follow you and you will become stuck. This can be solved by reloading a save, using V.A.T.S. with an unarmed weapon against Fawkes or Wadsworth to (hopefully) spawn you behind Fawkes, or by killing Fawkes, which can be difficult with Broken Steel.
If you climb onto your upstairs bed and go into the left hand side of the bed close to the wall, your character will get stuck and will force you to reload a save. Turning clipping mode off in the console (tcl) or using an unarmed V.A.T.S attack against a companion or Wadsworth can teleport you back to a safe position.
PlayStation 3Xbox 360 A Brotherhood of Steel Paladin or Crowley may randomly spawn inside the house.
Sometimes Wadsworth will get stuck in your room and you will not be able to access your bed or the file cabinet next to it (loading a previous save may work, or you can kill Wadsworth.)
Xbox 360 Items may teleport from the shack room to the left of the front door, but only if manipulated against another object.
If you turn the jukebox on at the same time as your Pip-boy radio, the sound quality may deteriorate and the game may also freeze.