The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Mount Mabel campground
Fo3 MMabel Campground
Icon landmark
Mount Mabel Campground; Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel and Broadcast Tower KB5 in the background.
Mount Mabel Campground loc
Map MarkerMount Mabel Campground
Cell NameCampground02
ref id00001218

Mount Mabel Campground is a location in the Capital Wasteland, southwest of the Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel.


A long abandoned campground, this area would've been once the go-to place for Maryland inhabitants to relax. Now, it lies disused, inhabited only raiders and the occassional yao guai or deathclaw.

The area is peppered with abandoned first aid boxes, ammunition, and miscellaneous weapon components.


Mount Mabel Campground only appears in Fallout 3.
