The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Mount Blair trainyard
F76 Mount Blair Trainyard
F76 358
Part ofThe Ash Heap
  • Feral ghouls
  • Scorched
  • Robots
  • Mole miners
  • Technical
  • Dungeon
  • Point of Interest
  • Clearable
  • Enclave extermination site
  • Ash Heap location
  • Supports large encounters
  • Fast travel destination
  • Working Class theme
  • Large loot scale
  • TerminalsMount Blair Trainyard terminals

    Mount Blair Trainyard is a location in Fallout 76.


    Sitting at the southern edge of Mount Blair, this trainyard once served as a major loading point for coal removed from the mountaintop and only grew in importance as operations in the region scaled, especially after the introduction of the Rockhound. This also made it one of the focal points for the 2077 miner riots that focused on calling attention to the deleterious effect Hornwright Industrial Mining Company's automation had on their situation and the region in general.

    Points of interest[]

    • This is a fairly large location, with a large central train building and several auxiliary locations including a scrap yard, warehouses, signal tower, and the nearby Abandoned Mine Shaft Elaine.
    • The central building contains a power armor station and power armor spawn point in the western half, near a tinker's workbench and a bobblehead spawn point. The eastern part contains a steamer trunk, a cooking station on the roof, and a chemistry station in the main hall. Upon the roof is another bobblehead spawn location.
    • Up the stairs, in the interior huts, are the payroll and supervisor terminals, worth looking into.
    • In the west is the scrapyard for old carriages, just past the warehouse, which contains a magazine spawn point in the northwestern corner.
    • Out east, on one of the derelict trains, is another cooking station, just past the minor warehouses.
    • There are three fusion generators in the immediate area of the trainyard that spawn Fusion cores. Two are located on the ground floor of the main complex and 1 across a walkway on a nearby cliff.

    Notable loot[]

      • Northwest area; halfway down the narrow coal conveyor belt running from the Abandoned Mine Shaft Elaine area into the trainyard, just east of the long blue metal hut platform.
      • On the southern edge of the roof, at the foot of the large chimney on the western trainyard (large concrete structure) roof, between the two concrete rooftop extractor fans.
      • On the northeastern corner of the eastern trainyard roof, near the small corner chevron plate, on the exterior corner of the locked (2) roof maintenance hut.
      • On a girder holding the large L-shaped coal pipe attached to the huge bulbous white metal tower, above the coal carriages east of the yard building.
    Holotapes and Notes
    Power armor
    • Western building.
      • Vertically, between the two filing cabinets on the west wall of the office up the initial gantry steps, south side of the east concrete yard structure (with the yellow fan clamped to the south wall outside, near the flagpole).
      • Vertically, behind the tall green work cabinet with the two blue tray containers (and Mini Nuke on top of it), northwestern corner of the upstairs balcony area; in the large metal storage warehouse, west side of the trainyard.
      • On the small green chair, on the wood sheet platform, southwest corner of the roof of the east of the two large concrete yard structures.
    Dynamic spawns


    Mount Blair Trainyard appears in Fallout 76.

