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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Montgomery County reservoir
Fo3 Motgomery County Reservoir
Icon factory
Montgomery County Reservoir loc
Map MarkerMontgomery County Reservoir
Cell NameFFRaiderCamp11
ref id00001363

Montgomery County Reservoir is a large water storage facility located in Montgomery County, Maryland. Before the Great War, it was the principal source of drinking water for the northern D.C. metropolitan area. Two centuries later, it is merely a raider camp.[1]


The Reservoir provides a fast travel point in the northern parts of the map. It is divided into two areas by the road that terminates here. The western part houses four large water storage tanks with valves that heal 30 hit points and irradiate for 2 rads with each use. The abandoned barn nearby houses a total of six ammo boxes (three within, three in a shack further west), a pre-War book (non-tradeable variant), and a large grain silo that can be accessed via a ladder (with two ammunition boxes more, an R91 Assault rifle, and a first aid box). This silo is only present in Broken Steel and will house stolen Aqua Pura barrels after Take it Back! is completed.

The eastern part of the Reservoir houses the pumping station and a large watertower (+20 HP, +2 Rads).

Located in the southeast is a military checkpoint.



Montgomery County Reservoir appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.322: "Two hundred years ago, this supplied the northern D.C. area with drinking water. Little of that remains, although each of the large faucets supplies a few gulps of irradiated water for your sustenance. The area is now dotted with Raiders. There are no interior structures, just catwalks to run around and giant vats to hide behind. There's a jackknifed truck, but it contains only a light sprinkling of body parts and a Vodka bottle."