The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Monorail elevator
F76 Monorail Elevator
F76 358
Part ofSavage Divide
  • Fast travel destination
  • Savage Divide location
  • Large loot scale
  • Outdoors theme

    Monorail Elevator is a location in Fallout 76.


    Easily one of the tallest landmarks in Appalachia, this massive structure was part of the monorail network spanning the region, allowing monorails to pass directly over the sandstone formations, rather than around them. The elevator was sturdily built from steel and concrete, allowing it to withstand the nuclear blast that leveled the building off to its north and still stand for a quarter of a century without maintenance, when most of the network has rapidly collapsed into dust. It elevators still function too.

    Points of interest[]

    • The massive elevator sits on the edge of the Bog (technically in the Divide) and features three distinct levels connected by the elevator. At the ground level are the massive foundations, with the surrounding support buildings. At the base of the eastern span sits a fusion generator and an elevator leading to the topmost span and the ruined monorail.
    • The middle level accessible through the western elevator leads through a catwalk to a control and maintenance area on the western span, which contains mostly crafting materials to scavenge).
    • The topmost level connects to the upper monorail platform and still contains a derelict car in place. The monorail connects the two spans and contains various apparel, junk, and even a few consumable items randomly spawning. On the other span is the aforementioned elevator, connecting straight to the ground level.
    • The aforementioned crater is to the north, just off the road, and features ghouls and scorched.

    Notable loot[]

    • Fusion core: The item may spawn in the fusion generator near the eastern elevator entrance.
    • Nuka-Cola Quantum: The item may spawn in the second-story maintenance wing on the western side.
    Dynamic spawns


    Monorail Elevator appears in Fallout 76.

