The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Monongah Mine
F76 Monongah Mine 1F76 Monongah Mine 2
F76 358
F76 358
Part ofSavage Divide, Monongah
  • Dungeon
  • Mining theme
  • Large loot scale
  • Fast travel destination
  • Savage Divide location
  • Point of Interest
  • TerminalsMonongah Mine terminals

    Monongah Mine is a location in Fallout 76.


    Formerly the primary source of work and income for the town of Monongah, this coal mine was rented out by the township to Hornwright Industrial Mining Company, in return for royalty payments until the mine ran dry. While the town hopped on the chance, Hornwright had no intention of paying these royalties for long and committed a substantial number of Auto-Miners to excavate the mine's remaining coal deposits. Once the deposits ran dry - and they ran dry fast with the Auto-Miners exploiting them at full power - the corporation simply packed them up and prepared to move on, ignoring the plight of the now impoverished town.[1]

    Points of interest[]

    • The mine complex has been turned over by the raiders, but is otherwise remarkably intact. The loaded Hornwright flatbed remains parked in the center, surrounded by trailers used by the miner crews while the mine was still operational. There are no crafting stations here, however, and the mine itself is inaccessible due to a landslide over the entrance. The worker housing up the hill to the north is all boarded up and has only minor loot.

    Notable loot[]

    • There is a note which reads, "The gnomes hold the key" which is a reference to the gnomes on top of one of the trailers and the key to the safe in the Western Manufactured Trailer has the safe its to. The safe is a level 2 lock.
    Dynamic spawns


    Monongah Mine appears in Fallout 76.

