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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For an overview of Mister Handys in the Fallout series of games, see Mister Handy.
Mister Handy
Mister Handy
LocationSecuritron vault
REPCONN headquarters
Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters
H&H Tools Factory
New Vegas Steel
Saturnite alloy research facility Old World BluesGametitle-FNV OWB
X-8 research center Old World BluesGametitle-FNV OWB
VariantsMister Handy
Crazed Mister Handy
Maintenance robot
Mobile facial recognition scanner
(Broken) bottling robot
Broken custodial robot
Broken personal assistant
Damaged Mister Handy Cut contentIcon cut

The Mister Handy is a variant of robot found in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281.


The following section is transcluded from Mister Handy. To modify, please edit the source page.

The first Mister Handy was introduced to the robotics market in 2037 by General Atomics International, as a general purpose construction and maintenance unit. Used widely on both the American and Mexican markets (especially after the Mexico City earthquake of 2042), it was a rugged, reliable design. So reliable, in fact, that it only received one major hardware update in 2039, to eliminate a bug causing interference in the operation of the multiple arms. The Calpower 238B nuclear power unit and self-maintenance modes were key to its success, ensuring each robot's longevity. To minimize maintenance overhead, each Mr. Handy was designed to perform its own nuclear fuel replacement and radiation cleansing, as well as carry out maintenance and repairs on other units (it was not possible for it to carry it out on itself).[1]

However, as rugged and reliable as the original Mr. Handy was, it was still a design rooted in the technology of the 2030s, with a compact computer brain that was incapable of learning or executing complex tasks without extensive programming. By the 2070s, it was an automaton surrounded by more advanced designs utilizing cutting edge neural networks. In order to maintain their market share, General Atomics entered into a joint venture with RobCo Industries, combining its talent with General Atomics' experience in robotics.[2][3] The resulting model was a sleek, elegant design capable of self-programming and initiative, more than making up for halving the number of arms to just three. Despite its sophistication, it was also cost-effective, making it the perfect domestic servant robot.[4][5][6] The success of this model resulted in the development of several additional models, including dedicated medical and military versions.[7]



A Mister Handy's chassis is a light blue metal sphere with an undermounted jet used for locomotion. Three mechanical eyestalks jut from their main chassis which are responsible for sight. They come equipped with a buzzsaw and flamethrower weapon they use in the case of house defense.

Gameplay attributes[]

Mister Handies are generally a nuisance to players, but at low levels they can prove to be worthy adversaries. Like all robots, Mister Handies have a combat inhibitor that, when disabled, makes the robot frenzy, attacking anything close to it. Mister Handies are often found in pre-War factories or research facilities.


Mister Handy[]

Mister Handy

Regular Mister Handy robots are not as common in Fallout: New Vegas as in Fallout 3. Only two appear in the game, one in the Securitron vault and one in the X-8 research center. There's also a broken, unique version of the Mister Handy in the storage building of Black Mountain, called Rhonda, which can be repaired.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Mister Handy
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
AttackIcon attack
Melee (9 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Buzzsaw (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Flamer (2 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resist. 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resist. 100%

Crazed Mister Handy[]

Mister Handy

The crazed Mister Handy is a variant of the Mister Handy found in numerous places such as Hell's Motel, H&H Tools Factory, New Vegas Steel, and the Saturnite alloy research facility. It will attack the player as soon as they make contact. This is most likely due to the fact that their combat inhibitor is ripped out or malfunctioned for some unknown reason.

In Hell's Motel, it is assumed that a crazed Mister Handy caused Doctor Rotson's death, who is presumed to be the hotel's owner. In New Vegas Steel, the crazed Mister Handys may have been participants in the factory automation test, which has been running for a steady 204 years. As a result, the Steel Mills still continue to function. This type of Mister Handy is the hardest one to sneak up and deactivate, and once detected, they will keep looking for the player even though their status is hidden.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Crazed Mister Handy
xx00a10c Old World BluesGametitle-FNV OWB
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (9 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Buzzsaw (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Flamer (2 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resist. 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resist. 100%

Maintenance robot[]

Maintenance robot

Maintenance robots are light green-painted, smaller versions of Mister Handy found in REPCONN headquarters. Attacking one and failing to destroy it within 3 seconds will trigger an alarm, summoning sentry bots. The maintenance robots may engage in conversation between themselves, or the Mobile facial scanners. This occurs when the player is hidden, or the player is authorized to access all floors.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Maintenance robot
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (9 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Buzzsaw (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Flamer (2 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resist. 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resist. 100%

Mobile facial recognition scanner[]

Mister Handy

A smaller variant of the Mister Handy, the Mobile Facial Recognition Scanners patrol the hallways of REPCONN headquarters to keep any, and all unauthorized personnel out of restricted areas. Upon finding an unauthorized person or group, they will address the person, or the leader of the group, and request that they verify their access, or leave the premises. Failure to verify will result in an admonition to leave within 30 seconds, after which an alarm will sound, and sentry bots are summoned. The Mobile Facial Recognition Scanners can be killed or deactivated to prevent the alarm as long as the kill is not witnessed by a another maintenance robot, or Mobile Facial Recognition Scanner, and they haven't already told the Courier to leave the floor. You can find the facial database terminal on each floor, which means you'll need to authorize 3 times to avoid setting off the alarm. You can also pass with a low Intelligence speech check, in which the dialogue choice is "ICE CREAM!". The Robot will thank you and leave.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Mobile Facial Recognition Scanner
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (1 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Buzzsaw (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Flamer (2 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resist. 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resist. 100%
AbilityIcon ability
Enclave broadcast

Bottling robot[]

Mister Handy

In one of the two factory floors in Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters there's one bottling robot who appears to be friendly at first. However, when it discovers the Courier is not a Sunset Sarsaparilla employee, it will turn hostile. On the floor, several broken bottling robots can be looted for some flamer fuel. For security reasons, the Bottling robot will turn hostile towards the player if they are detected attempt to sneak past it.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Bottling robot
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (9 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Buzzsaw (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Flamer (2 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resist. 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resist. 100%
Broken bottling robot
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (9 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Buzzsaw (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Flamer (2 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resist. 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resist. 100%

Broken custodial robot[]

Mister Handy

Broken custodial robots can be found in the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters, by heading up the stairs on the factory floor. There are two broken custodial robots in the factory, found near the two shipping workers, and bottling robot, and they are the only Mister Handy robots that can be looted for some bottle caps as well as flamer fuel and scrap metal.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Broken custodial robot
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
AttackIcon attack
Melee (9 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Buzzsaw (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Flamer (2 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resist. 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resist. 100%

Broken personal assistant[]

Broken personal assistant

One unique named Mister Handy, a broken personal assistant, can be found on the same floor as the two broken bottling robots, at the end of the hallway in a room. Like the name suggest, it probably once belonged to an executive of the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters. This seems even more likely considering his inventory consists of a pencil, clipboard, shot glass, and various service-related items.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Broken personal assistant
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
AttackIcon attack
Melee (9 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Buzzsaw (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Flamer (2 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resist. 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resist. 100%

Damaged Mister Handy[]

Icon cut contentThe following is based on Fallout New Vegas cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources.
Mister Handy

The damaged Mister Handy was cut from the final version of Fallout: New Vegas.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Damaged Mister Handy Cut contentIcon cut
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (9 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Buzzsaw (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Flamer (2 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resist. 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resist. 100%
  • DeadIcon dead None
Icon cut contentEnd of information based on Fallout New Vegas cut content.

Notable Mister Handys[]


These Mister Handy appear in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Mr. Handy design document: "The Mr. Handy series of robots was first brought to market in 2037 as a general construction and maintenance unit by General Atomics International. Primarily used in the United States and Mexico (where it was the leader in sales after the Mexico City quake of 2042), the Mr. Handy was a reliable robot. An early bug that caused interference in the operation of the multiple arms was fixed with a hardware update in 2039, with no major problems since then. A key selling feature is the nuclear power unit (a model 238B, licensed from Calpower) and self-maintenance modes. Multiple Mr. Handys are capable of keeping themselves in working condition and are also fully programmed to perform nuclear fuel replacements. Secondary programming handles radiation cleansing after refueling.
    Brain: Small brain with +3 DX booster (1 lb, .02 cf, $1,500), Complexity 3.
    Sensors: Basic sensors with One-Eye (.8 lbs, .02 cf, $4,000, -15 points).
    Communicator: Basic communicator with Disturbing Voice (.5 lbs, .01 cf, $125, 10 points).
    Arm Motors: Six arm motors ST20 extra-flexible (6 lbs, .12 cf, $6,000, .1 KW). Arm motors cost 60 points.
    Propulsion: Two 200 KW motive power ducted fans, vectored (147 lbs, 1.47 cf, $5,880) with GEV skirts.
    Accessories: Integral mechanic toolset (10 lbs, .2 cf, $200); Spotlight (2.5 lbs, .05 cf, $25).
    Power System: Routine power requirement 400.6 KW. One nuclear power unit with 200 KW output (225 lbs, 2.25 cf, $45,000, 2 year endurance). Eight rechargeable E-cells with 270,000 KWS output (20 lbs, .2 cf, $2,000). Point cost for power system is 30 points.
    Subassemblies: Head, two pods (“left pod” and “right pod”), six arms (“arm one” to “arm six”).
    Body Design: Houses nuclear power unit, rechargeable E-cells, integral mechanic toolset, and small brain.
    Head Design: Houses sensors, spotlight and communicator. Full rotation.
    Pod Design: Houses ducted fans.
    Arm Design: Houses arm motors and manipulators.
    Area: Body 16, Head 1.5, Left Pod 8, Right Pod 8, Arm 1.5 (x6), Total Surface Area 42.5.
    Structure: Normal structure (127.5 lbs, $4,250).
    Hit Points: Body 24, Head 2, Pod 12, Arm 5.
    Armor: Metal armor: Body DR 20, PD 4; Pod DR 20, PD 4; Arm DR 20, PD 4; Head DR 30, PD 4 (86.5 lbs, $1,730).
    Statistics: 907.8 lbs (.45 tonnes), 7.81 cf (3 hexes, 2.96 yards), $120,590. Body ST 12, arm ST 20 (70 points), DX 12 (20 points), IQ 6 (-30 points), HT 10/24 (70 points). Speed 6 (20 points). Legality 4. Point cost: 235 points."
  2. Museum of Technology terminals; Museum Information, Robotics Exhibits: "The Museum of Technology is proud to be the home of some of the original prototypes in the Mr. Handy, Mr. Gutsy and Protectron robotics lines.
    See the development of these metallic assistants and how they've made our lives easier.
    Play our Artificial Intelligence game where you will program a robot and watch it obey your commands in real time! After seeing what makes them tick, you'll never look at your robot the same way again.
    Exhibit sponsored by RobCo and General Atomics International."
  3. Tour guide: "Ready for the REPCONN tour, Rocketeers? Courtesy of the fine folks at RobCo, I'll be your guide today on the path of... Scientific. Discovery. In the lead-lined case behind me is a spent radioactive rod from of our old reactors. No need to stand too close, let's move along, shall we? Look here - a row of multi-colored plasma fuels! Careful, they may look safe to drink, but your stomach is the last place they should be. Why the difference in cylinder size? Refining our production methods has resulted in higher yields of fuel over time, that's why! To my right you can see a sample of some old "safety barrels" REPCONN once used to store radioactive waste. Perfectly safe. On my left is an example of a mountain of REPCONN safety barrels some legislators claim are poisoning our environment. Ridiculous. Behind me is our most recent rocket project, which we're keeping under our hats... until "launch," if you'll pardon the expression. And in front of me is a model - not actual size - of the launch dome we are using to send our rockets screeeeaming into orbit. Now these colorful fellows behind me are REPCONN's earliest... experiments in flight. Feel free to read the plaques and learn, Rocketeers! Now for the highlight of our tour! Due to a generous donation from RobCo, this next exhibit showcases the wondrous world of - robots! Around you are the incredible Eyebot, the fearsome Sentry Bot, and the always-helpful Mr. Handy. That helpfulness runs through our whole line! This is the final stop on our tour. This model of our solar system is a small example of where the partnership between RobCo and REPCONN hopes to go. See those little rockets zipping about? They are manned by robots, tirelessly looking for resources to mine on planets beyond our own. And that's it for our tour today, Rocketeers - RobCo and its tiny partner REPCONN thank you! Any further questions, please, feel free to ask."
    (Tour guide's dialogue)
  4. REPCONN headquarters placard: "The 'Hand' in Handy
    You never can have too many hands - three, why not four? That was RobCo's inspiration behind the popular (and cost-effective) Mr. Handy model, the first of the line shown here. Always a help around the household, whether with Mom in the kitchen using its titanium circular power saw or in the garage with Dad using its armor-piercing laser array, Mr. Handy is not just helpful... he's your friend, too.
    Exhibit Brought to You By Your Friends at RobCo."
  5. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "Created by General Atomics International as a domestic servant robot, Mister Handy is equipped with tools that can be used as weapons, if the need arises."
  6. Fallout 76 loading screen hints: "The pride of General Atomics International, the Mister Handy was designed as the ultimate domestic servant. If needed, however, his various attachments can be used for defense."
  7. Variants in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4.