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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Mister Crowley's hit list
Editor IDMS14KillList
Base ID0002abb0
Icon cut contentThe following is based on Fallout 3 cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

Mister Crowley's hit list is a paper note in Fallout 3 which was cut from the final version of the game. It can only be obtained via console commands. It was apparently written by Mister Crowley.



Ted Strayer, in Rivet City.
Vando, in the Wasteland, just outside of Adams Morgan.
Dave, deep in the Wasteland, straight north of Underworld.
Allistair Tenpenny in Tenpenny Tower. He doesn't have a key.

100 caps for a kill shot to the head. 25 caps for any other death. Bring back their security keys.

Behind the scenes[]

This note, along with Dave's Note, Dukov's note, Strayer's Note and Tara's Note, is apparently a leftover of earlier versions of You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head. According to it, Dukov either used to be called "Vando" and was renamed later on or he replaced Vando.
