The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, Caucasian
AffiliationPitt slaves
LocationMidea's Quarters
Dialogue FileMidea's dialogue
Base IDxx00109bRef IDxx003099
Gametitle-FO3 TP
Gametitle-FO3 TP

What about me? I was born here, I'll probably die here. I've lived my whole life under Ashur's boot heel. The only thing that keeps me alive is the thought that I might be able to turn the tables someday.

Midea is the matriarchal leader of the slaves in The Pitt in 2277.


One of the oldest slaves in The Pitt, Midea is dedicated to helping the Pitt Slaves. Despite having the fierceness to probably earn her freedom in the Arena, she chooses to stay with the slaves and see that someone is watching out for them. She concocted the kidnapping plan with Wernher shortly after he was enslaved, and she sees the baby as little more than a tool to earn the freedom of her people.[1]

Midea has been the leader of the Pitt slaves for some time, having earned an ounce of respect from Lord Ashur and the disdain of the Pitt raiders. She is determined to lead the slaves to freedom, at any cost. Even through dealings with Wernher...

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
This character starts quests.
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.


Effects of player actions[]


Icon armored vault suit
Wasteland settler outfit
Head wrap
Assault carbine icon
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • Midea's head wrap has a unique skin. It is an item which was originally cut from the base game.
  • Midea does not know what a super mutant is. When asking about the steelyard you can say "It's full of super mutants, right?", and she will reply:"What in god's name is a super mutant?"[2]


Midea appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.

Behind the scenes[]

  • After finishing the quest Free Labor (and siding with Ashur) and speaking with Midea, if you tell her that Ashur has promised to share the cure with everyone once it has been found, she will sarcastically remark: "Be obedient and subservient because someday the god-king's only child will make everything better? Who'd fall for that one?"[3] This could be a reference to Jesus Christ.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.85: "Midea
    One of the oldest slaves in The Pitt, Midea is dedicated to helping the Pitt Slaves. Despite having the fierceness to probably earn her freedom in the Arena, she chooses to stay with the slaves and see that someone is watching out for them. She concocted the kidnapping plan with Wernher shortly after he was enslaved, and she sees the baby as little more than a tool to earn the freedom of her people."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "And let me guess: the area is full of Super Mutants?"
    Midea: "What in god's name is a Super Mutant? You know what, never mind. Whatever they are, you're wrong. What it is full of are Trogs."
    (Midea's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "If it's any consolation, Ashur says the cure will be shared with everyone."
    Midea: "Oh sure, someday. Meanwhile, they keep bringing in more slaves to die. Be obedient and subservient because someday the god-king's only child will make everything better? Who'd fall for that one?"
    (Midea's dialogue)