Mesmetron | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Mesmetron is a prototype non-lethal weapon in Fallout 3.
Developed by Implied Hypnotics, Inc. before the War, the Mesmetron is an experimental "non-lethal subjugation device" provided to the United States military for them to assist in experimental trials.[1] It operates by sending a series of waves that the brain attempts to decode, but because the synapses are being overwhelmed by the neural static, the brain becomes confused and switches off important higher-level mental functions and voluntary motor control,[1] leaving the target extremely susceptible to suggestion.[2] Still in its testing phase, the weapon was found to have the potential to trigger two undesirable side-effects: extremely increased aggression or a "resonant brain wave feedback loop" which resulted in spontaneous cranial eruption.[1] Despite the prototypical nature of the device, several were attached to robobrains to add in interrogation processes. (Officially noting the 10-15% casualties due to spontaneous cranial eruption.)[3]
The model given to the Lone Wanderer in Paradise Falls was scavenged from an old military base by Grouse Jurley.[4][5] The Mesmetron is invaluable to slavers, making it a cakewalk to capture slaves, which are left senseless by the Mesmetron waves.[6][7][8] However, caution must be exercised when using the Mesmetron around already collared slaves, because the waves interfere with the collar's radio signals and cause it to unintentionally detonate.[9]
When used on the specified quest non-player characters, it puts them into a hypnotic stupor, allowing the player to rob and enslave them (by putting a slave collar on them) and send them to Paradise Falls. It also appears to work on many other non-player characters (aside from quest related ones), but can simply send them into a berserk frenzy in which they become hostile towards the player and every other non-player character in the area. Occasionally, victims will run several steps before their heads explode.
It uses Mesmetron power cells as ammunition. Grouse provides the player with 50 Mesmetron power cells free of charge, but will also sell you additional power cells at the fairly steep price of 200 caps for 10 power cells. This gives you the opportunity to make an additional 2500 caps every time you purchase more power cells (provided you successfully capture all 10 slaves). An additional 71 Mesmetron power cells can also be found in the St. Aubin Medical Facility in the Point Lookout add-on.
The Mesmetron can fire a total of 2475 waves, or 495 full cells, before breaking.
Using the Mesmetron[]
As previously mentioned, using the Mesmetron on an non-player character can have three different outcomes. These effects vary and are generally unreliable, so it is advised to save before using this weapon on anyone important. Due to the fact that using the Mesmetron is considered assault, it is advised to "mezz" someone while not detected. Be aware that mezzing anyone who is already wearing a slave collar will cause the collar to malfunction and explode, killing the victim. Hostile non-player characters who were mezzed can also be turned friendly by being freed by the player (high Science skill required). An analysis of the Mesmetron's effects is as follows.
Mesmerize/Stun (50% probability)[]

A raider stunned by the Mesmetron
This effect stuns the target for a few seconds, during which time the victim will stand with their head swaying from side to side and it is possible to engage them in conversation. Some characters cannot be stunned, resulting in the probability of the Frenzy effect to be raised to 80%.
While in conversation, there are three options. The first convinces the character to allow themselves to be robbed of their possessions and will open up the victim's inventory, allowing any item to be added or removed. The second slips a slave collar on the character (instantly resulting in negative Karma). The third simply tells the victim to "walk it off"; this exits the conversation and make the character resume what they were doing.
The second set of dialogue options is unlocked by slipping a collar onto the victim. The first is the "cruel" way to tell the victim that he is now a slave ("...your head will explode!"), the second option allows access to the slave's inventory, and the third option is a slightly friendlier way to inform the victim of his/her "new occupation" ("...nothing personal").
If the character is not spoken to before the stun effect wears off, he or she will become hostile to the player.
Frenzy (30% probability)[]
This alternative effect causes the victim to go into a state of frenzy, attacking anyone nearby (most likely the player), and causing all other characters to turn on them.
Spontaneous cranial eruption (20% probability)[]
This alternative effect of the Mesmetron may not be the most useful, but is definitely the most spectacular. When victims are affected by the Mesmetron in this way, they will become hostile (and either run, stand still, or attack) for just a moment before their heads literally explode. This effect will instantly grant negative Karma (if the victim was good/neutral) and make any nearby non-player characters who were not hostile to the victim become hostile to the player.
- Microwave emitter , a similar weapon designed for killing targets as opposed to stunning them, found in the St. Aubin Medical Facility at Point Lookout.
Name | Type | Dmg/shot | DPS | Att/sec | Crit mult | Crit dmg | Spread | AP cost | Ammo | Ammo cap | Weight | Item HP | Value | Effects |
Mesmetron | Stun gun | 1 | 1 | 1 | x1 | 0 | 0.0 | 65 | Mesmetron power cell | 5 | 2 | 100 | 500 | Mezz, frenzy or cranial explosion |
Microwave emitter | Lethal stun gun | 60 | 62.1 | 1 | x2.0 | 100 | 0.2 | 30 | Microfusion cell | 5 | 8 | 800 | 500 | Ignores DR |
The Mesmetron is given to you by Grouse, the Paradise Falls entrance guard, when you start the quest Strictly Business.
If you don't want to take the quest, you can obtain the Mesmetron by killing Grouse and looting his corpse. You have to kill him to obtain the Mesmetron, as it cannot be pick-pocketed. If you do this, you cannot get a slave collar and thus can't enslave non-player characters. You can still use the Mesmetron to frenzy or stun and rob non-player characters.
Related quests[]
- For each non-player character you successfully enslave, Grouse will pay you 250 caps per slave and will results in a loss of 100 Karma, regardless of how evil they are.
- Only one person at a time can be under the effect of being Mesmerized/Stunned. While one person is thus effected, any other person struck by a mesmetron attack will always frenzy or suffer a spontaneous cranial eruption.
- Enslavable targets are based on a faction list of 672 members, filled mostly with generic non-player characters. There's a shorter faction list of non-player characters who can always be mezzed, and this initially includes the four objectives of the Strictly Business quest and one generic leveled slave. Non-player characters set to essential may be immune. A list of enslavable non-player characters is located on the Strictly Profitable page.
- After a non-player character is successfully mezzed they are added to a faction list that can never be mezzed.
- To enslave someone you must have a slave collar. You can only have one collar and therefore only one person may be mezzed at a time.
- You can enslave a non-player character even if all of the slavers in Paradise Falls have been killed.
- The game will keep track of how many characters that you have "mezzed". You can access this information with your Pip-Boy.
- Generic non-player characters (such as raiders) who are enslaved and successfully sent to Paradise Falls will not respawn. Significant use of the Mesmetron in a specific area can therefore permanently clear that area of human enemies. Additionally, enslaving a generic, hostile non-player character and then subsequently removing the slave collar will cause the non-player character to become friendly to the Lone Wanderer and companions (other alliances/hostilities, e.g. Brotherhood of Steel vs. Enclave, are not affected). This change persists even if the non-player character is killed and later respawns. Affected non-player characters will attack their usual allies (e.g. other Enclave members) if those allies attack the player.
- Freshly enslaved non-player characters will often be reported by Grouse to have died once the Lone Wanderer arrives at Paradise Falls. This is caused by a condition in the Mesmetron effect script which automatically moves the slave to Paradise Falls—indirectly marking them as dead in the process—once the non-player character is no longer being actively rendered. Aside from leaving the non-player character's immediate vicinity, numerous actions have a random chance to cause an non-player character to stop being rendered, including accessing the Pip-Boy, facing away from the non-player character for a certain period, or even accessing the game menu.
- Mesmetron and Enslavement Fixes at Fallout 3 Nexus A third-party bugfix has been released which addresses this issue:
- Attempting to remove a collar from a non-player character enslaved by the Lone Wanderer (other than Susan Lancaster, Flak, Arkansas, and Red) can result in a crash to desktop, depending on the non-player character's actions immediately prior to the conversation. Crashes seem more likely to occur as the time between enslavement and collar removal increases, but are less likely if the enslaved non-player character is not on their usual route.
- Removing a collar from a non-player character who was mezzed while in combat may cause them to die once the collar is removed. This seems to happen more often (but not only) when the non-player character was stripped of their armor and/or at low health before being mezzed. The non-player character's death does not appear to be attributed to the player and will not give XP.
- "Mezzing" characters who are seated, leaning on a wall or lying down may cause them to spin rapidly in place before their heads explode.
- When you untie a captive and then use Mesmetron while he or she is getting up, the person will be stunned and not be talkable. When the stun effect passes, the person will still appear to be tied but can no longer be engaged in conversation.
Concept art by Adam Adamowicz
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- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mesmetron manual - summary page
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How do I get it on a slave?"
Grouse Jurley: "Look. I gave you that Mesmetron thing. Should be a piece of cake. Hell, if you hit them with that thing and it works, I bet they'd put it on themselves if you asked."
Grouse Jurley's dialogue) - ↑ RB-2851 terminals; Security Office Terminal, (045): Class-V Counter-Espionage Procedure
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Where did you find it?"
Grouse Jurley: "Found it in a box locked up in some old military base. I've been meaning to test it out, but Eulogy keeps me so busy, I don't got time. Besides, glancing at that manual, looks like it's a bit... unstable. Thanks for testing it out for me!"
Grouse Jurley's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How's the Mesmetron work?"
Grouse Jurley: "How the hell should I know? I found it in some old military base. It's a gun, ain't it? Point it at someone and pull the trigger. Did you even look at the manual? You like wasting my time, don't you?"
Grouse Jurley's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What's this mutually beneficial offer you mentioned?"
Grouse Jurley: "I got this Mesmetron thing. It's some kind of stun gun. I'd like you to test it out for me. Should make getting slaves easier. You take this Mezzer. Shoot it at some poor schmuck. While he's in la-la-land, you slip one of these collars over his head. Be careful with that collar. It'll explode if you tinker with it. Tell the slave to boot it over here pronto, or his head'll pop. Here's a list of special targets Eulogy wants enslaved. But feel free to put a collar on anyone you can. I'll pay you for each slave that arrives."
Grouse Jurley's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "I'll round up some slaves for you. But what's the catch?"
Grouse Jurley: "I'm glad you asked! I got this Mesmetron thing. It's some kind of stun gun. I want you to test it out for me. A little research project. You take this Mezzer. Shoot it at some poor schmuck. While he's in la-la-land, you slip one of these collars over his head. Be careful with that collar. It'll explode if you tinker with it. Tell the slave to boot it over here pronto, or his head'll pop. You got all that? I hate repeating myself. That Mesmetron came with some kind of manual. I don't have time for that bullshit, so you better know how to read."
Grouse Jurley's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "I'll get your slaves."
Grouse Jurley: "One more thing. I got this Mesmetron thing. It's some kind of stun gun. I want you to test it out for me. A little research project. You take this Mezzer. Shoot it at some poor schmuck. While he's in la-la-land, you slip one of these collars over his head. Be careful with that collar. It'll explode if you tinker with it. Tell the slave to boot it over here pronto, or his head'll pop. You got all that? I hate repeating myself. That Mesmetron came with some kind of manual. I don't have time for that bullshit, so you better know how to read."
Grouse Jurley's dialogue) - ↑ Slave collar instructions