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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3
ModifiesEffectiveness of stimpaks, Rad-X and RadAway.
Governed ByIntelligence
Initial Value2 + (Intelligence x 2) + ceil (Luck / 2)
Related PerksChem Resistant, Chemist, Cyborg, Daddy's Boy/Girl
Fallout: New Vegas
ModifiesEffectiveness of stimpaks, super stimpaks, Rad-X and RadAway.
Governed ByIntelligence
Initial Value(2 + (Intelligence x 2) + ceil (Luck / 2)
Related PerksLiving Anatomy, Chemist, Chem Resistant
Related TraitsGood Natured
Van Buren, J.E. Sawyer's Fallout RPG
Governed ByIntelligence

Medicine is a Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas skill that replaces the First Aid and Doctor skills from Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. This skill was called Medic in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 game by Black Isle Studios, and J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role-Playing Game.

Fallout 3[]

Example: A starting Intelligence of 5 and Luck of 5.

The higher a player's Medicine skill, the more hit points they will replenish when using a stimpak and the more effective they are at using any other medicinal item (such as Rad-X or RadAway).

The exact effect of the Medicine skill on such items is determined by game settings.

Where is the base effect of the associated medicinal chem, is fMagicMedicineSkillBase (1), and is fMagicMedicineSkillMult (2)

Ways to increase Medicine[]

Bobblehead Medicine

"The smart man knows a bandage only hides his wounds."


Perks that require Medicine skill[]

Perk Required Level Additional Requirements
Chemist 60 14 -
Cyborg 60 14 Science 60
Chem Resistant 60 16 -

Interactions that require Medicine skill[]

  • 30 Medicine is required to properly examine the bodies of the West family for the Blood Ties quest in Arefu- however, the higher the Medicine skill, the more information the examination will yield.
  • 40 Medicine is required to revive Timebomb in Bigtown, which is the only way to get his Lucky 8 Ball.
  • 50 Medicine is required to help a slave in The Mill inside The Pitt, although there is no reward for doing so.
  • 60 Medicine is required to revive Reilly in the Chop Shop in Underworld, which is one of two ways to revive her and start the Reilly's Rangers.
  • An average skill in Medicine will garner information from Doc Church in Megaton about Leo's Drug Habit.

Fallout: New Vegas[]

Ways to increase Medicine[]


Perks that require Medicine skill[]

Perk Requirement Level Additional Requirements
Living Anatomy 70 8 -
Chemist 60 14 -
Chem Resistant 60 16 -

Interactions that require Medicine skill[]

  • 20 Medicine to convince Dr. Richards that you have "some medical experience."
  • 30 Medicine or 30 Speech to convince Doc Mitchell to give you three stimpaks before initially leaving his house. Passing both will result in five stimpaks rather than six, and Medicine will always be the first choice (worth 3).
  • 30 Medicine to effectively examine the bodies of the thugs in G.I. Blues.
  • 30 Medicine to heal the mole rat named Snuffles in Sloan.
  • 30 Medicine to sterilize the Medical Supply Kit with alcohol during Tourist Trap. (Honest Hearts)
  • 35 Medicine to convince Dazzle that you know the right dose for her and they can safely just "split a Med-X and have some fun" for free at the Gomorrah.
  • 40 Medicine to convince Betsy to seek psychiatric help.
  • 50 Medicine to convince Joana to tell her story and trigger the quest Bye Bye Love
  • 50 Medicine to get away with killing Caesar with the autodoc during Et Tumor, Brute?
  • 55 Medicine to find out that your heart, brain and spine were removed. (Old World Blues)
  • 60 Medicine to heal three injured Boomers in Volare! (The three Boomers require 40, 50, and 60 Medicine)
  • 60 Medicine to communicate with Christine. (Dead Money)
  • 75 Medicine to heal Caesar during Et Tumor, Brute?.
  • 75 Medicine to heal all troopers in Camp Forlorn Hope without equipment.