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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Medical district
Medical District
Icon ruins
Medical District loc
Map MarkerMedical District
BuildingsVilla Clinic
QuestsFind Collar 12: Christine
Cell NameNVDLC01ChristineArea
ref idxx0094fc
MD loc map
Gametitle-FNV DM
Gametitle-FNV DM

The medical district is a district within the Sierra Madre Villa in 2281.


The medical district is an area in the western portion of the Villa. It contains numerous traps and ghost people. When entering, there is an arch you must pass through. The arch has graffiti on it that warns you about an active speaker on the other side of the arch. The speaker is mounted near the ceiling on the left. After the arch is an open area with the neon sign of the Villa clinic in plain view through a gate obstructed by rubble.

The only way to proceed is through a corridor to the east. At the end of the corridor is a courtyard with nothing of real interest. Proceeding through another hallway to the north. More graffiti warning about another speaker is painted at the entrance to the hallway. After proceeding through the hall, the speaker is behind the player, high up on the wall over a balcony.

From here, the path forks. Going straight leads into a gift shop with a staircase leading upstairs to a living area. The wall has been blown out connecting to a bedroom. The bedroom leads to a balcony with an ammunition box on the left branch and door on the right. The door leads through a room to another balcony with some stray boxes of .357 Magnum rounds at the end. Going left at the fork leads to the actual clinic with a storefront on the right.

The storefront has stairs that lead upstairs to a living area with a blown out wall. The opening connects to the next room with a thin path of shingles over the entrance to the clinic. The room it leads to has an electric hot plate in it and a stairwell leading up to the roof. After getting to the roof, one of Dean's secret stashes is on the shingles behind the player, tucked into the corner. To the right on the roof is another blown out section of a wall. Through there is the remains of a shop. Through the door is an open area that leads to a door to the second floor of the clinic.

Notable loot[]

  • 6 of Diamonds, on the second floor of a building northeast of the Villa Clinic. On the second shelf of a bookshelf. This room is directly east of the King of Clubs.
  • King of Clubs - This card is directly west of the 6 of Diamonds on a round table next to the room's entrance. There is also an electric hot plate in the same room.
  • 9 of Diamonds, on the path to the Villa Clinic. It is in the house that you open up after dealing with the second speaker on a porch. The card is underneath a ruined book but it sticks out just enough. Note that sometimes, moving the book can makes the card disappear, rendering it lost forever.
  • 7 of Clubs, inside of the giftshop northwest of the Villa Clinic's exit. The card is on a chair in the northeast corner, directly in front of a Sierra Madre poster.
  • Two ammunition boxes in the southeast corner of the second courtyard you enter, east of the first courtyard with the first speaker.
  • Lover's mark stash - on the west side of the medical district.

Related quests[]



The medical district appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Dead Money.
