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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Meacham Recording AB30
Fo4 Holotape
Editor IDDLC04BeverageerHolotape02
Base IDxx03f8dc

The Meacham recording AB30 is a holodisk in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.


On a counter in the living quarters of the secure lab area within the Nuka-Cola bottling plant.



Bennell: So, Rex? What did Dr. Leavitt say?

Meacham: It was like we expected. She won't be joining Project Cobalt.

Bennell: Didn't you tell her how important this is to the country? I mean, if she hasn't noticed... we are at war.

Mecham: I didn't even get that far in the conversation. She still thinks all we're doing here is making soda, for gods sakes. It's a shame too, because she's the best organic chemist we have. I guess we'll just have to rely on Dr. Medford from now on.

Bennell: Wait. She's leaving? She's going to walk away from all of this?

Meacham: She's not only walking away from her job here, she's blacklisting herself from our industry entirely. When I told J.C. about our chat, he blew his top. Started ranting about how he took a chance on Dr. Leavitt, and she's throwing it back in his face. The man's connected, Kevin. He makes a few phone calls, and by November she may as well hang up her lab coat for good.

Bennell: Damn. Remind me never to get on Bradberton's bad side.
