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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
McDonough's dialogue
Game Information
Data FileFallout4.esm

Full dialogue table[]

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Ah yes, our newest arrival. I trust you're learning to fit in?
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I hope you enjoy your stay in Diamond City.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello As much as I love talking to the people, I'm a busy man.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Looking back, you'll find that coming here was the best decision you've ever made for yourself.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello A mayor's work is never done. Excuse me.
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'm trying to find someone. Trying to find someone? Who? Player Default: My son. Shaun. He's less than a year old. honest question, you think you can help / Puzzled 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Just looking for something. Oh. What is it you're looking for? Player Default: My son. Shaun. He's less than a year old. honest question, you think you can help / Puzzled 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: What is this place, anyway? Why, this is the safest place in all the Commonwealth, with the strongest community and highest standards of living available. Friendly 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom We have stores, doctors, schools, power, running water, and the Wall as our sacred protector. You'll learn more about the Wall soon, I'm sure. Friendly 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom But I was talking about you. Come on now, what brought you all the way out here? Player Default: I'm trying to find someone. Puzzled 08MayorIntroScene2a
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Player Default: A mayor of a great city must know everyone. Who can help me? Well, there is one private citizen. Nick Valentine. A... detective of sorts, who specializes in tracking people down. Usually for debts or whatnot. reluctant to talk about Nick, but giving in to the player's question / Nervous 08MayorIntroScene2a
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Now, I have to get going. I'm sorry Diamond City Security doesn't have time to help, but I'm sure Mister Valentine charges a reasonable fee. PiperAlias: This is ridiculous! Diamond City Security can't spare one officer to help? I want the truth, McDonough! What's the real reason security never investigates any kidnappings? 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: A mayor of a great city must know everyone. Who can help me? I'm sorry I don't have time for any more questions. I'm a busy man. Enjoy your stay in our fair city! PiperAlias: This is ridiculous! Diamond City Security can't spare one officer to help? I want the truth, McDonough! What's the real reason security never investigates any kidnappings? deflecting the player's question / Nervous 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom PiperAlias: Oh, you hear that, McDonough? What's Diamond City Security going to do to help this man, huh? This isn't the first missing person's report to come through here, and now we've got an infant who's been taken! Don't listen to her. While I am afraid that our security team can't follow every case that comes through, I'm confident you can find help here. dismissing Piper's badgering and focusing on ingrating yourself to the player / Disgust 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Diamond City has every conceivable service known to man. One of our great citizens can surely find the time to help you. Player Default: I hope so. Friendly 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Always believed in freedom of the press. Oh, I didn't mean to bring you into this argument, good sir. No no no... You look like Diamond City material. realizing the player is there for the first time, switching to your "Mayor of the People" voice / Surprised 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Welcome to the great green jewel of the Commonwealth. Safe. Happy. A fine place to come, spend your money, settle down. Friendly 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Don't let this muckraker here tell you otherwise, all right? Player Default: I'm sure your city's a great place. Irritated 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Always believed in freedom of the press. Oh, I didn't mean to bring you into this argument, miss. No no no... You look like Diamond City material. player female alt line - realizing the player is there for the first time, switching to your "Mayor of the People" voice, / Surprised 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Welcome to the great green jewel of the Commonwealth. Safe. Happy. A fine place to come, spend your money, settle down. Friendly 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Don't let this muckraker here tell you otherwise, all right? Player Default: I'm sure your city's a great place. Irritated 08MayorIntroScene2a
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo PiperAlias: Yeah. Greatest house of cards in the Commonwealth... until the wind blows. *ahem* Now, was there anything particular you came to our city for? Player Default: I'm trying to find someone. cough at the beginning, someone was speaking out of turn / Friendly 08MayorIntroScene2a
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I've had enough of this, Piper. From now on, consider you and that little sister of yours on notice. PiperAlias: Yeah, keep talkin' McDonough. That's all you're good for. threatening / Irritated 09MayorIntroScene3
Scene SceneDialogue Custom PiperAlias: Yeah, keep talkin' McDonough. That's all you're good for. Hmph. frustrated grunt / Irritated 09MayorIntroScene3
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Piper! Who you let you back inside? I told Sullivan to keep that gate shut! Danny Sullivan is the gate guard, and you gave him express orders to keep Piper out / Irritated 07MayorIntroScene1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom You devious, rabble-rousing slanderer! The.. the level of dishonesty in that paper of yours! I'll have that printer scrapped for parts. PiperAlias: Oooh, that a statement, Mr. McDonough? "Tyrant mayor shuts down the press?" addressing Piper and the slanderous article she recently wrote about you / Irritated 07MayorIntroScene1
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting One second, sir. busy dealing with Piper, don't have time to talk to player / Irritated
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting One second, miss. busy dealing with Piper, don't have time to talk to player / Irritated
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Again, I apologize that security can't spare any time for you, but I'm sure Mister Valentine charges reasonable rates for his services. Depressed
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Please, Mayor McDonough. This man Kellogg kidnapped my son. I need to find him. Oh, of course... I-I will do everything in my power to help you overcome this horrible personal tragedy. sympathetic, won over by the player's words / Surprised MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I remember Mister Kellogg. Didn't like him myself. Paranoid. Never talked to anyone. I doubt you'll find him. trying to convince the player the situation is hopeless / Worried MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom But I insist you take the key to his old house. It's been abandoned, though. I'm afraid this whole thing might be fruitless. Worried MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Please, Mayor McDonough. This man Kellogg kidnapped my son. I need to find him. I see... I'm sorry, but however horrible the crimes this Mister Kellogg may have committed, your word alone isn't hard evidence. Player Default: Please, Mayor McDonough. This man Kellogg kidnapped my son. I need to find him. unmoved, NOT won over by the player's words / Concerned MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Fine. Thanks for nothing. I know it's disappointing, but I have to think of all the people of Diamond City, not just the needs of one person. Concerned MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I understand. You have rules. Maybe for the right amount, you can bend them a bit? What? How dare you! I'm the mayor, for god's sakes, not some thug for hire. Player Default: Please, Mayor McDonough. This man Kellogg kidnapped my son. I need to find him. Stern MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: So that's it? You're not going to help? Security is part of what keeps Diamond City above the petty squabbles and misfortunes of the Commonwealth. I can't betray that for anything. Player Default: Please, Mayor McDonough. This man Kellogg kidnapped my son. I need to find him. Stern MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: A man named Kellogg used to live in this city. I need to search his house. I see. Well, whatever reasons you have, I take my citizens' privacy very seriously. Even after they've left. Suspicious MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I can't allow you to invade someone else's home. That's all there is to it. Player Default: Please, Mayor McDonough. This man Kellogg kidnapped my son. I need to find him. Stern MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Sorry. Never mind. I'll come back later. Oh. Very well then. Player Default: Please, Mayor McDonough. This man Kellogg kidnapped my son. I need to find him. Surprised MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Nick Valentine wanted me to see you. Did he now? Some investigation I assume? You two aren't trying to get me in hot water now, are you? Ha ha ha. Player Default: Please, Mayor McDonough. This man Kellogg kidnapped my son. I need to find him. Amused MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'm looking for a key to a house in the city. I assume the mayor's office has a copy? *chuckle* Well, we don't have EVERY key in the city. Where would we put them all? Ha ha ha. Amused MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Besides, every citizen in my city has a right to their privacy. Now, if we did have a key, only the owner can ask for it. That's my final word. Player Default: Please, Mayor McDonough. This man Kellogg kidnapped my son. I need to find him. apologetic, but firm MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I'm happy to help, but I must remind you not to get your hopes up. Mister Kellogg is long gone, and not the type of man who leaves a trail. player persuaded the mayor to hand over the key / Depressed
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I know you're new to our fair city, but the press is NOT allowed in this office. Tell PIPER to wait outside. Piper is with the player. You hate her since she's a reporter / Stern
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I will NOT speak to members of the press. PIPER can wait outside. Stern
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Back about this key business, I assume? I'm sorry, but I can't condone unlawful searches of people's property. Player Default: Please, Mayor McDonough. This man Kellogg kidnapped my son. I need to find him. already told the player once before that you couldn't hand over keys to people's houses / Stern MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I thought I already told you. I can't give you that key. Player Default: Please, Mayor McDonough. This man Kellogg kidnapped my son. I need to find him. already told the player once before that you couldn't hand over keys to people's houses / Stern MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Thank you. I apologize for being strict, but Piper is a troublemaker, and I advise you to stay away from her machinations. Now, what's this about? Player Default: A man named Kellogg used to live in this city. I need to search his house. you told the player you wouldn't talk to him before because Piper was with him / Apologetic MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Ah, yes. I remember you. Our new arrival. I wish I was in your shoes. Getting to see our glorious city for the first time. How can I help you? Player Default: A man named Kellogg used to live in this city. I need to search his house. charming, greeting a prospective citizen / Friendly MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting What can I do for you? Don't be shy. I'm the mayor. I'm here to serve the people. Player Default: A man named Kellogg used to live in this city. I need to search his house. Friendly MQ105_012_MayorScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Everybody? Everybody! I need everyone's attention! Stern MayorWallScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I would like to address the subject that is on everyone's mind, and that is the disgusting article Piper has written... Mayor: Diamond City has stood united for over 150 years. And what keeps us united are two things. Irritated MayorWallScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mayor: I would like to address the subject that is on everyone's mind, and that is the disgusting article Piper has written... Diamond City has stood united for over 150 years. And what keeps us united are two things. Confident MayorWallScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom First, is the great green guardian behind me. The Wall. Our protector and our savior from the filth of the outside. Mayor: And second, is our faith and trust in each other. The faith and trust that has given us prosperity, security, and education for every citizen. Confident MayorWallScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mayor: First, is the great green guardian behind me. The Wall. Our protector and our savior from the filth of the outside. And second, is our faith and trust in each other. The faith and trust that has given us prosperity, security, and education for every citizen. Confident MayorWallScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom And while the paper might point their fingers at synths and other ghost stories to drive us apart, we will not betray this sacred trust. Mayor: Now I want everyone to hear these next words very carefully. Irritated MayorWallScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mayor: And while the paper might point their fingers at synths and other ghost stories to drive us apart, we will not betray this sacred trust. Now I want everyone to hear these next words very carefully. Stern MayorWallScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I. Am not. A synth. Confident MayorWallScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I am the same flesh and blood boy who grew on these streets. Who was born in a shack just down the waterfront to Martha and Patrick McDonough. Mayor: And I will not abandon my city due to the heinous allegations of the press. Confident MayorWallScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mayor: I am the same flesh and blood boy who grew on these streets. Who was born in a shack just down the waterfront to Martha and Patrick McDonough. And I will not abandon my city due to the heinous allegations of the press. Stern MayorWallScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom God bless this city. God bless the Wall! GenericNPC02: He's so full of shit... Confident MayorWallScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: He's fine. I'm glad to hear it. NPC: There's a farm out there run entirely by Ghouls, if you can believe it. They might be a problem in the future. Polite / Friendly InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: To be honest, he's a pain in the ass. Yes, well, sometimes it's the best way to get things done. NPC: There's a farm out there run entirely by Ghouls, if you can believe it. They might be a problem in the future. Polite InstR05SceneNPC
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Player Default: You know why I'm here, so let's get on with it. I like a man who gets to the point. A mayor's time is valuable, after all. NPC: There's a farm out there run entirely by Ghouls, if you can believe it. They might be a problem in the future. Appreciative and a little arrogant / Friendly InstR05SceneNPC
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Player Default: You know why I'm here, so let's get on with it. I like a woman who gets to the point. A mayor's time is valuable, after all. NPC: There's a farm out there run entirely by Ghouls, if you can believe it. They might be a problem in the future. Appreciative and a little arrogant / Friendly InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'm glad to hear it. There's a farm out there run entirely by Ghouls, if you can believe it. They might be a problem in the future. Amused, almost incredulous InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I ran on a campaign of strict "No Ghouls Allowed" politics. When you build up a scapegoat, you need them to remain distant and scary. Annoyed InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom But Ghoul settlements breed Ghoul sympathizers. Let our mutual friends know we might need to... give them a reason to be less friendly... NPC: The full details are in my report, along with some other points of interest. Annoyed InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'm glad to hear it. Hancock... *groan* He won't shut up about me. Every caravan that comes from Goodneighbor is loaded with hearsay and rumors about my... loyalties. Annoyed InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I keep telling our mutual friends that they need to step up our plan to deal with him. Reiterate the urgency, if you could. NPC: The full details are in my report, along with some other points of interest. Annoyed InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'm glad to hear it. We caught a young man painting some kind of graffiti in one of the alleys. InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom We've since cleaned it up and... dealt with the criminal, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was some sort of Railroad propaganda. Concerned InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Operating here in the city is... bold, even for them. Still, our mutual friends should know about this. NPC: The full details are in my report, along with some other points of interest. Defiant InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'm glad to hear it. I've been hearing rumors about the Minutemen coming back. Intrigued InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom As far as I'm concerned, they were nothing but dangerous vigilantes. Disdain InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Still, they're popular with the common folk, so it's something to keep an eye on. NPC: The full details are in my report, along with some other points of interest. Wary InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'm glad to hear it. Piper almost managed to get a hold of some... compromising information. I was able to keep things out of her hands, but she's... clever. Annoyed InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I've recommended time and time again that we consider her a priority! But... I understand if there are other concerns. Annoyed InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Just let our mutual friends know that it's still a problem. NPC: The full details are in my report, along with some other points of interest. InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom NPC: But Ghoul settlements breed Ghoul sympathizers. Let our mutual friends know we might need to... give them a reason to be less friendly... The full details are in my report, along with some other points of interest. InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Here it is. Make sure that nobody sees this. Better you destroy it than let it fall into the wrong hands. Player Default: You've got nothing to worry about. Stern InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom NPC: But Ghoul settlements breed Ghoul sympathizers. Let our mutual friends know we might need to... give them a reason to be less friendly... As usual, the rest is contained within this report. InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Remember, don't let anyone see this but Mister Ayo. Player Default: You've got nothing to worry about. Stern InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You've got nothing to worry about. I have every confidence in you. NPC: I'll let you see yourself out. Do travel safely. Friendly, almost patronizing InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I know how to do my job. Of course, of course. I'm sure that you do. NPC: I'll let you see yourself out. Do travel safely. Friendly, almost patronizing InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: So if this shows up in Publick Occurrences, that's bad. Got it. Very funny. NPC: I'll let you see yourself out. Do travel safely. Unamused / Irritated InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Anything else I should know? I think that's enough for now. When I have more, I'll let our mutual friends know. NPC: I'll let you see yourself out. Do travel safely. InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I have every confidence in you. I'll let you see yourself out. Do travel safely. Dismissive. InstR05SceneNPC
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: It was fine, thanks for asking. Good, good. NPC: On to the business at hand, then. Polite, friendly InstR05SceneNPCRepeat
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: As if you really care. Just give me what I came for. Very well. NPC: On to the business at hand, then. InstR05SceneNPCRepeat
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I take it your next report's ready? Quite right. NPC: On to the business at hand, then. InstR05SceneNPCRepeat
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Good, good. On to the business at hand, then. NPC: There's a farm out there run entirely by Ghouls, if you can believe it. They might be a problem in the future. DO NOT RE-RECORD: Just fixed a typo. Formal, polite, business-like. InstR05SceneNPCRepeat
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Welcome, welcome. Good to see you again. I trust you've been sent by our mutual friend, Mister Ayo? I hope he's doing well. Player Default: He's fine. Polite, friendly / Friendly InstR05SceneNPC
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Ah, the courier. I hope your journey here was uneventful? Player Default: It was fine, thanks for asking. Friendly InstR05SceneNPCRepeat
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Do travel safely, now. Friendly. / Friendly
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I hope you'll come and visit our fine city again. Friendly / Friendly
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Do give my best to our mutual friends. Friendly, but also a bit conspiratorial. You share a secret with the player. / Friendly
Scene SceneDialogue Custom That's far enough! Geneva: Help me! He's crazy! you have a gun out and a hostage / Angry FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Geneva: Help me! He's crazy! I'm not just going to be discarded and tossed to the wolves. I'm the mayor, goddammit! Player Default: Mayor McDonough, I can help you, but not when you're holding a hostage. Let her go. holding a hostage at gunpoint / Angry FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Mayor McDonough, I can help you, but not when you're holding a hostage. Let her go. All... all right. She can go... MayorMcDonough: Now I'll tell you what's going to happen next. I'm walking out of this city. Unharmed. With my dignity intact. Afraid FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Mayor McDonough, I can help you, but not when you're holding a hostage. Let her go. Oh no. I'm not losing my bargaining chip. MayorMcDonough: Now I'll tell you what's going to happen next. I'm walking out of this city. Unharmed. With my dignity intact. Angry FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Player Default: Goodbye, McDonough. You'll never take me alive! MayorMcDonough: Now I'll tell you what's going to happen next. I'm walking out of this city. Unharmed. With my dignity intact. shouting, about to attack everyone / Angry FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Hell, I'd vote for him again. Cracking jokes? I'll kill her. I swear I will. MayorMcDonough: Now I'll tell you what's going to happen next. I'm walking out of this city. Unharmed. With my dignity intact. Angry FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Discarded? The Institute doesn't want you back? No. They sent some discount messenger to tell me I've outlived my usefulness. MayorMcDonough: Now I'll tell you what's going to happen next. I'm walking out of this city. Unharmed. With my dignity intact. Angry FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Discarded? The Institute doesn't want you back? No. Before the... explosion, they sent some discount messenger to tell me I've outlived my usefulness. MayorMcDonough: Now I'll tell you what's going to happen next. I'm walking out of this city. Unharmed. With my dignity intact. Angry FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom MayorMcDonough: All... all right. She can go... Now I'll tell you what's going to happen next. I'm walking out of this city. Unharmed. With my dignity intact. MayorSecurityOfficer: Not happening, McDonough! You're a dead man! Dead... synth. Whatever! Angry FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom MayorSecurityOfficer: Not happening, McDonough! You're a dead man! Dead... synth. Whatever! I'm either walking out of this city a free man, or I'm killing as many of you... disgusting, filthy savages as I can! Player Default: Fine. Get out of here and don't come back. Angry FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Piper: And if I were you, I'd run. Far. I'd say I'll miss this rust bucket of a city, but I won't. player is letting you go / Angry FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Piper: Lord knows, you've got plenty to answer for. Trial? Please. You know how these people feel about synths. I won't be stuck in a prison while they gloat! about to attack everyone / Angry FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: What are you going to do then, McDonough? I can't go back to the Institute. I can't stay here. But I'm a man of... resourcefulness. I'll make my way. Stern FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Just let me go. Hasn't there been enough bloodshed? Think about poor Mister Sullivan. Player Default: Fine. Get out of here and don't come back. threatening, you shot Danny Sullivan yourself / SinisterSmile FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonough
Scene SceneDialogue Custom MayorSecurityOfficer: Get your ass out here, McDonough! We know what you are, you lying synth bastard! Everything's fine! This is all just a... misunderstanding... MayorSecurityOfficer: Dammit! The door won't budge. shouting through a door, stalling for time / Nervous FFDiamondCity10_010_MayorOffice
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Piper: I knew it! I knew you were a synth, McDonough! Yes, Piper! Congratulations! You've won. I hope you break your foot trying to kick that door down! Piper: Dammit! It won't budge. shouting through the door, full of contempt / Angry FFDiamondCity10_011_MayorOfficePiper
Combat Combat Death Agh... short death gasp
Combat Combat Taunt I won't rot in some jail cell!
Combat Combat Taunt I'll show you what a synth can do!
Combat Combat Taunt You people are animals! That's why we took over!
Combat Combat Taunt You don't deserve a government! You savages!
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo This is my city! Mine! going into combat
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I'm leaving. Don't try to follow. player is letting you escape
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting You've won. Now let me go. player is letting you escape
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I hope Diamond City turns into Rust City. player is letting you escape
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput Stalling for time? in a standoff, guns drawn / Irritated
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput Well? Going to say something? in a standoff, guns drawn / Irritated
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Excuse me, but I'm very busy right now.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I'd love to talk, but I have matters to attend to.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Enjoy your stay in Diamond City. Now, excuse me.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I have somewhere to be. Sorry.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Far too busy to talk right now. I'm the mayor, after all.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput Feel free to speak your mind. I'm the mayor, after all.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput Well, do you have something to say?