The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Massacre of the Commonwealth Provisional Government
  • All representatives slaughtered except for the Institute's
  • Commonwealth Provisional Government ended before it began
  • Fear of the Institute starts to flare
Involved parties
The InstituteCommonwealth Provisional Government
NoneAll the representatives
Connected events
Broken Mask Incident

Only the Institute sent a representative of their own, a Synth. The man killed every rep at the talks. The Commonwealth Provisional Government was over before it even got off the ground.

Nick Valentine, Fallout 4

The Massacre of the Commonwealth Provisional Government was a major event in the Commonwealth, when the Institute brutally slaughtered the Commonwealth Provisional Government, killing every representative present at the talks.[1][2][3]

Interestingly, the Institute appears to have suppressed knowledge of the incident. The official records mention it as an attempt to create a stable Commonwealth government gone awry.[4]


The Massacre of the Commonwealth Provisional Government is mentioned only in Fallout 4.


  1. Nick Valentine: "The Commonwealth Provisional Government. Years back a group of settlements tried to get together and form a coalition. Every settlement with even a hint of clout sent representatives to try and hash out an agreement. Only the Institute sent a representative of their own, a Synth. The man killed every rep at the talks. The Commonwealth Provisional Government was over before it even got off the ground. I took up in town not long after. I was damn lucky they didn't just tell me to scram right then and there."
  2. Nick Valentine: "Course, when I took up there back when, people were just as scared of the Institute as they are now, maybe more. The massacre of the CPG was still pretty fresh in people's minds at that point, and folks were still losing sleep over the Broken Mask. Plenty of people assumed I was just a saboteur, moving in to melt down the reactor or poison the drinking water. But, at the time, they couldn't exactly turn me away."
  3. Publick Occurrences: "Ever since the "Broken Mask" incident of 2229, right here in Diamond City, when the first human-looking synth infiltrated and attacked a group of innocent settlers, we have lain awake in bed at night, terrified of the Institute and everything it represents."
  4. Father: "Oh, we've tried that. Surprised? The Institute once tried to help create a stabilized Commonwealth government. It ended in bickering, infighting... it was a disaster. No, we look after our own now."
Institute flag
Fo4 Institute Seal