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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Mass Bay Medical Center
377160 20170616185128 1
377160 20170616185156 1
Worldmap Loc Img 200
Map MarkerMass Bay Medical Center
FactionsUnited States Armed Forces (formerly)
Cell NameMassBayMedicalCenterExt (exterior)
TheaterMassBayMedicalCenter01 (center floors)
TheaterMassBayMedicalCenter02 (radiology)
ref id0000e0f5 (exterior)
00186cc2 (center floors)
001c53ef (radiology)

Massachusetts Bay Medical Center is a towering skyscraper within the Theater District of Boston, in 2287.


One of the largest hospitals in Boston, this once vibrant medical center is now a Gunners stronghold, which connects to the still intact freeway up above.[1]

Before the Gunners took up residence, however, the military took control of the facility after the nuclear detonations on October 23, 2077. They immediately went to work fortifying the location and posting sentries. They also installed two jail cell in the second floor waiting room as a precaution as Boston fell into anarchy. The staff was effectively drafted, unable to leave. Some would eventually find a way to escape, but their fates remain unknown.[2] It was around this time that a VB-01 Vertibird would also crash land into the radiology wing, its pilot's skeleton still hanging from the canopy. The hospital itself is still littered with the skeletons of patients and soldiers alike.



One of the largest and most noticeable landmarks in Boston, the medical center dwarfs nearby buildings and can be easily identified by the superhighway running through its upper floors, which were built upon the existing medical center after the fact. The ground floor contains the emergency room and access points to the wards and operating theater around the building.


The reception area is in front of the bathrooms and cafeteria (which contains a cooking station) to the east. There is also a staircase to the north, leading up to the second story. The south end of the second story is the emergency room, which has a several doctor's offices and a laboratory containing a chemistry station. There is also a staircase in the west part of the emergency room that leads to the admission area and out to Boston.

The eastern part of the second story has several patient rooms and another chemistry station. A collapsed floor leads up to the third story; through a door is a staircase up to the fourth story, containing a waiting room, an exit to Medical Center Metro, and an elevator that ascends to the radiology wing.


This wing has a large amount of rubble inside, on account of the crashed VB-01 Vertibird in the rooftop. The ground tier has an armor workbench, while the rubble in the center leads up to the second tier, containing two power armor stations. A staircase leads to the third tier, where there is an MRI machine in the back, and a collapsed floor leading up to a room containing an elevator. The elevator goes up to the roof, where there is a lift to the east which descends to the roof of the Ticker Tape Lounge.

Notable loot[]

† Note: Must kill leveled Gunner before they don the armor.


  • On the second level, in the emergency room, there is a female mannequin behind an Expert-locked door. It is smoking a cigarette and holding a lighter while standing next to a gas canister, upon a pile of ash and surrounded by charred human skeletons and the entire charred room.
  • A skeleton family awaits in the third floor waiting room. The wife is covering the husband, as if begging to spare his life while the baby in the carriage is looking on, still suckling from its bottle.


Mass Bay Medical Center appears only in Fallout 4.



  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.498: "[16.03] MASS BAY MEDICAL CENTER
    This is one of the largest hospitals in the city of Boston. Gunners have a stronghold here, with makeshift and rusting pathways up to the roof and all the way to the elevated freeway south of the fallen skybridge. Be wary of the turrets before entering this facility. The rusting green structure towers over the elevated freeway."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  2. Bonnie's holotape