The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Marked men supply outpost
MM supply outpost
Icon settlement large
MM supply outpost loc
Map MarkerMarked Men Supply Outpost
FactionsMarked men
Cell NameNVDLCID04
ref idxx000000
Gametitle-FNV LR
Gametitle-FNV LR

The marked men supply outpost is a location in the Divide in 2281.


The supply outpost is composed of three shipping trailers that have been thrown about the area; one is standing against a wall, another is flipped. After entering the outpost, if you head south, near an overturned vehicle is an active warhead. After having detonating the warhead, you gain access to a truck with many military supply crates in the back. The other trucks also have various loot and containers in them as well. Two to three marked men patrol the area, guarding their depot.

Notable loot[]

  • The warehouse stash key is located behind the truck with the warhead in front of it. It unlocks a gate to the northeast.
  • Ulysses log Y-17.21 is located behind the locked gate on the northeast side of the area, on a metal shelf immediately to the left.
  • There is a Ralphie poster for the challenge Feel Like A Kid Again behind a locked gate on the northeast side of the area.


The marked men supply outpost appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.
