The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Marked men guard outpost
MM guard outpost
Icon settlement medium
MM guard outpost loc
Map MarkerMarked Men Guard Outpost
FactionsMarked men
Cell NameNVDLC04Road01World
NVDLC04SLBasement (basement)
ref idxx004334
xx009cab (basement)
Gametitle-FNV LR
Gametitle-FNV LR

The marked men guard outpost is a location in the Divide in 2281.


The guard outpost is a single building that acts as the reserve for the marked men in Hopeville. In the open building is a workbench and a reloading bench. The roof is accessible from a stairway inside; it grants a good view of the street coming to the outpost.

There is a basement on the eastern wall of the compound. Inside is a gruesome sight: several eviscerated body parts, internal organs placed in boxes, gore plastered onto the floor and walls, and several skeletons hanging upside down being bled. There is a Ralphie poster on the eastern wall however that brightens the mood.

Notable loot[]



The marked men guard outpost appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.
