A young man with a scraggly beard, tattered clothing, and an insane yet somehow trusting gleam in his eye, Manson is a person of below average intelligence. He has lived in Broken Hills since he was a small child, but due to his exposure to Franc's and Jacob's hate mongering (and the alleged Manson genes he carries), Marcus' teachings of cooperation and equality failed to take root. Manson is convinced the mutants are planning to murder humans and is working against that. That landed him an extended stint in the town jail.
By talking to Manson while he is incarcerated and choosing the response "Perhaps you ought to realize that the only blinders you have are the ones you allow other people to put on you, and that preaching the politics of hatred only makes you look more stupid.", the player will earn 300 experience points for preaching open mindedness to Manson (though there is no measurable effect).